Chapter 14: One Kill, One Potential Kill, And Hanzo's Next

Okay everyone Seeker here. So something extremely annoying happened where I wrote out my entire chapter and then closed the tabs and then tada it all disappeared 😭. So because I'm petty and lazy I'm just going to skip that part altogether. I might write it again in the future but to sum it up for you. Yumi got Hanzo as her target,? Got Yumi, Yumi cleared it with the rest of the group that none of them got each other's numbers, Yumi has told Gon (in the heat of the moment cause she didn't really care and it wasn't a secret per se) that she would do anything to make life easier for him and the rest of the group even if it meant her life. A very pissed Seeker is out.

-------------------------(Yumi POV)--------------------

After Hisoka stepped off the two-minute countdown began. The wait was annoying for sure but I was used to waiting for things. You could say I excel in it. 

'It is always funner to hit when it would hurt the most. That thought is usually enough to keep me going.'

Thinking on that before Yumi knew it the guide girl with orange hair called the next contestant up. I turned back to MY four friends and smiled.

"Don't worry this will be a breeze for all of you" Before I catch their replies I turn towards the forest darkness the tree's shadows provided greeting me. Entering I give a much more devious smile as I whisper. "I'll make sure of it"

--------(Time Skip 20 minutes later deep in forest)---------

I was jumping through the trees as quietly as possible not even causing the leaves to shake in my wake. My steps are sure and steady as I let my mind wander.

'Gon won't need my help till later. And with me not knowing Zetsu I'd be more of a burden than a help. Killua will be fine. Now with Leorio and Kurapika. I know that Gons and Killua's numbers didn't change but I didn't get a chance to ask those two if their numbers are different or not. Sh*t. I don't want them to have to face those stupid bees by themselves. But if Leorio didn't get the girl's number Wait' I stop abruptly on a tree branch before I sit down.

'Why am I thinking so cautiously?' I then grin wildly. 'If their numbers are the same then taking out the bee girl will help Leorio out it's a win. If it isn't it.' My grin only widens. 'Well Oh well. Who cares anyway!? I don't!'

And with that, Yumi dashes off in the direction she remembered the bee girl went off in.

-------(Time Skip. Don't ask me how long! No Pov)-------

Yumi was starting to get a bit worried as she tried to use every tracking technique at her disposal (Which was a lot I might add) to find this stupid girl. When she still couldn't see the girl she was about to circle back and see if she missed something before her ears picked up on something up ahead. 

Now she didn't have animal-like senses like Gon but she was good at hearing. She just assumed it carried on to this life as in her past one most of the time there was much to see in the dark basement but there was a lot to hear. So it naturally sharpened. 

Moving on once Yumi heard this she continued but this time at a slower more cautious pace. As the sun was beginning to set this should've made it harder with the limited sunlight.

But it's Yumi we're talking about here. A former serial killer. She managed just fine.

So soon she spotted the girl. It was clear she had some sort of experience with Nen as she was currently concealing her presence with Zetsu. 

That's why it was a while before Yumi even realized she was practically looking straight at the lady as almost all her other senses were telling her that nothing was there.

'Nen is cool. I'm excited to learn it and quickly start developing my ability and get stronger. For the others but also because I made it so much fun!'

With that thought Yumi rushed forward opting this time for her trusty kitchen knife over her big beautiful but showy scythe for efficiency.

She then aims for a fatal wound as she plunges her knife at her target. The girl whose bees notified her of the sudden movement dodged the knife just in time.

Yumi steps back giving herself a bit of time to assess her opponent before lunging in for another attack.

The girl begins to bring out a dagger-like object to defend herself.

'Knowing her nature it's most likely laced with poison so.' Yumi thinks.

So she jumps up about to deal a downward kick which the bee girl then prepares to defend with her dagger.

The world then turns sideways at her legs then begins to give out under her. Now completely caught off guard and very baffled her bees come out to defend her and sting Yumi.

Yumi pays them no mind as she avoids the bees and stabs the girl who is now on the ground through the chest not allowing her to raise her weapon again as her body goes limp.

The bees seeing their master gone come at Yumi with a vengeance as they begin to swarm her.

Yumi only sighs in response a longing gaze crossing her face as she watches the bees coming at her. "I wish I could gain another experience. I have felt being stung by a million bees but never super bees like you guys and not in real life. Ugh, the thought already makes me want to shiver with excitement." 

Yumi then puts away the pleasant thought and gets serious. "But you see I'm in a slight time crunch as my top priority right now is taking down a rouge ninja who isn't Saske. So I'm sorry little friends." Yumi apologizes as she gets out her knife and slightly faster than the normal eye can see slices every bee in half leaving only corpses behind.

After finishing off the group Yumi walks back over the bee girl's corpse and takes her badge before giving her an extravagant bow.

"I'll be taking my leave now your Royal Highness queen of the bees."

Yumi then looks up with a sadistic grin on her face taunting the corpse. "I'm glad to have helped you ensure that you died with your people." 

At that, she leaves as she walks away a thought crosses her mind which makes her stop.

"Oh. Wait couldn't I have just led the bees to Hanzo? I'm sure I could've tracked him while outrunning the bees?" Yumi then just shrugs it off.

"Eh? Who cares. Plus. I have to kill that ninja with my own hands. It has to be as gruesome as time will allow for daring to hurt MY Gon. Even if it hadn't happened yet. You must still bear your sins" Yumi's expression goes from chill to deadly in a quick second before turning it back around and doing a full 360.

"Hey but in the meantime why don't we find the money and spider enthusiasts? No, it's too early for that why don't we go find Gon and help him out a bit while he trains? Oh also take out that stupid dart guy who tried to take Gon's number in the anime. I don't have anything else better to do. I could kill Hanzo anytime anyway."

And with that through the night Yumi begins to make her way towards Gon. When she finally reaches the boy the moon is high in the sky and Gon appears to already be asleep. 

Yumi couldn't help but smile looking at the boy who just seemed to forget that we were in the middle of a manhunt as he slept so openly.

After admiring the boy for a few minutes Yumi glares into the darkness for a while knowing that someone is watching them. No, her.

She begins to open her mouth to call out to the individual before suddenly a needle is shot towards her. Dogging this Yumi gets out her knife as she runs full speed towards the direction that the needle came from soon arriving at the hiding place of a man.

This man had black skin that almost blended into the night and somehow was still wearing shades.

As he shoots again at the girl while jumping back trying to regain control and widen the space between them Yumi just charges forward dodging the needle again but this time she appears behind the sucker kicks away his weird wooden spit gun and places her knife to his throat.

"Now," she says coldly breathing down the man's neck menacingly.

"Look what we have here. A huntsman who tried to kill my wolf. Well, it looks like Little Red has to protect the wolf now right?" Her voice now laced with twisted delight hugs the knife closer to the man's throat drawing a line of blood.

The man feels like shitting his pants.

"Oh don't worry now the wound is only shallow. Nothing much" Yumi begins to almost taunt as she presses the knife further admiring the blood as it flows down his neck.

Now you might be asking. Why hasn't this man acted yet? He had more than this up his sleeve in the anime.

Well, that's simply because he's terrified. Yumi is leaking out some of her undiluted killing intent which by the way is only about two notches below Hisokas at the moment so the man felt trapped. Trapped with an incredible being a monster you might say with no way out.

His legs soon lose strength at the mental strain of it all.

"Please spare me. I'll give you my badge! I promise" the man says just above a whisper only a hint of his previous confidence remaining. This makes Yumi laugh wickedly.

"Oh! don't think you're gonna be let off the hook that easily. This little red enjoyed the wolf's company and the thought of you trying to hurt it puts a bad taste in my mouth." She then pretends to honestly be contemplating as she says her next lines.

"What should we do huntsman? I don't enjoy nor tolerate tasting bitterness for very long at all." 

This only drives the guy further off the edge as his mental fortitude shatters. "Please! Just spare me!"

"No can do," Yumi says as before the man knew it his left arm was cut off blood splattering all over Yumi's red costume and face gladly not damaging her white hat that would've been a pain to clean.

Seeing his arm flying was a surreal experience for Geretta (huntsman). So surreal that he couldn't even say or feel anything for a moment. That was before a horrible scream erupted out of his mouth full of a bit of every negative emotion out there. A scream that even surprised him with its intensity. Sadly this was just music to Yumi's ears

"You see that wasn't a good answer try again," Yumi says as if he just got a math question incorrectly and still had two arms.

"Tell me what would you want? I'll do anything!" The man says frantically as he is out of options as well as starting to feel faint from blood loss.

Yumi honestly thinks for this one weighing her options. But then she hears a rustling in the leaves nearby. She could've left but she was curious who it could be. 

Soon Gon appears rubbing his eyes as he had just woke up, the moonlight glaring across his features. When observing the scene before him he looks from the guy to Yumi with a twisted kind of calm look before he finally speaks.

"So what did he do?"

"I'm sorry for waking you up Gon." Yumi begins replying softly before turning her attention back towards the applicant, eyes turning cold again.

"This thing, I found it spying on you and it also tried to knock me out when I arrived with some tranquilizer"

"Please save me!" The man abruptly cried out. This was a mistake as Yumi just cut the other one of his arms off causing him to scream out in pain and horror once again. This only made Gon pout.

"Don't you think that's a bit too much Yumi? You can just let him go"

She looks up at Gon discarding her cold expression and gives her anime pout (otaku habit). "But one he might've hurt you and I'm supposed to protect you, two he was seriously getting on my nerves now, and three I was having fun torturing him. " (she only started addressing it as a person because Gon did).

"But he didn't hurt me yet did, he? Can't you just leave him alone? Come on let me treat his wounds"

Yumi didn't want this but let up because it was Gons will. But just because it was Gon's will doesn't mean she didn't glare at the guy before turning back to Gon with another cute anime pout to show how much she hates his idea. This makes Gon chuckle.

"Come on Yumi it's not that bad," Gon says coming over to quickly try to stop the blood carrying on of the man's arm under his forearm like a purse.

"Thank you so much," The man says softly looking at Gon like an angel as the moonlight seemed to cascade upon him like a halo above his head.

"You're Welcome," Gon says with a kind nod as he turns to me for help. We then both dragged Geretta out to the clearing where Gon had been sleeping before. 


SeekerOfLight: Let's go another chapter done did you guys miss me?!

Yumi: I didn't 

SeekerOfLight: Well you're a tsundere so you don't count. Anyway, I'm just super excited to show you all her Nen ability! Man! I have to run through this hunter exam now don't I Anyway guys you should comment! Tell me how you like the story! Your opinion on the chapters is stuff like that! Or we can just all slightly obsess over how much we all love crazy protags cause if you don't politely why are you here?! I'll definitely respond. When? No idea but I will respond. Also is it just me but why is it that every time I say or read or write Hanzo the one-eyed sharinggan obsessed ninja from Naruto pops into my head? Their names are just too similar man!