Severance Pay

Ana Devon sat in the back of her chauffeured car on the way home from her medical appointment. The doctor told her she was sixteen weeks, and he performed an ultrasound. She would have a son. She thought this worriedly, a girl would've been hers, but a boy was an heir. Ana was clearly showing now. It was only because her husband never touched her or even went near her that she had gotten away with hiding her pregnancy for so long.

Her husband, Scott had touched her exactly twice in their marriage. On their wedding night because the law required that their marriage be consummated to be legitimate and once four months ago when he had come home half drunk and spoken to her like he was someone else that actually liked her. Ana had given in to those words because they had made her hope but the next morning he was once again Scott Devon President and Owner of the Devon Alliance and grade A asshole.

Devon Alliance was the largest corporation in New Haven. New Haven was a city of some forty million people that took up most of the country of New Halton. Scott was a businessman at the top of his game he was hard as steel and twice as ruthless. The man didn't smile or laugh. He didn't joke or waste words. If Ana had to choose one word to describe the man, it would be severe.

Ana had seen him otherwise once upon a time. He had sought a wife when he was dying from cancer and as his hospice nurse, she had been an easy choice. When he had asked her, she had felt dismay because who married a dying man especially one that had the reputation for being hard and cruel. Ana ignored the voice because something about him drew her in.

They had married two and a half years ago. Scott had been soft spoken and often quiet as she cared for him but never cruel. Through the months of treatment somehow Ana had fallen for her reserved husband. The way he had gripped her hand tightly when starting a new treatment. How he would always thank her for every small task she performed for him. Then after months of treatments Scott got better against all the odds, and he regained his strength.

Ana watched as the quiet and reserved man she had married became the hard as steel Scott Devon, President of Devon Alliance. Suddenly Scott didn't want a wife anymore and certainly not a nurse that reminded him of being weak. Ana was certain he would prefer a socialite to her meek background.

As far as Scott Devon knew she was Ana Minden, an orphan that had worked her way through nursing school. A literal nobody. She would never tell him who she really was. No one could know that Ana was actually Leana Coulter, the youngest daughter of the Coulter Empire. Nine years ago, Ana had run at the age of fourteen to escape her abusive father. She left behind three elder half-brothers and an older half-sister. As long as her father lived no one could know who she was.

Ana was a fake and nobody who loved her husband despite everything, and she was sure he hated her. She wondered if it would be better to just run again rather than facing his wrath if he found out she was pregnant. He had told her that he was too young for children at only thirty years of age and that he would not consider keeping any child at all until he reached thirty-five.

Scott said before thirty-five he would demand an abortion. After they had been together this second time he had walked into her room and told her this in a commanding tone. He had ended his speech by telling her if she got pregnant, she needed to get rid of it. But Ana wanted her baby boy more than anything and had defied Scott. She was now in a tough position.

Ana was maybe one of only a handful of people that knew how to hide from people that powerful. Scott may have the largest corporation in New Haven, but her family had the largest Empire or group of corporations in New Halton. If she could hide from them, she could hide from Scott, but Ana hoped somehow, she wouldn't have to.

The car pulled up to Devon Estate. It was colonial style and reminded her of pirate movies. The driver helped her from the car. Ana walked into the house knowing instantly that Scott was home. The staff tended to sing or play music but when Scott was home the house was completely silent. The place felt like a tomb when he was home. Ana could never understand how he would want the place silent as the grave after surviving a near death experience.

"Ana, come to the study please." Scott said blandly from the cavernous room. He was being polite today, she thought. Lately he had tended toward rudeness.

Ana walked calmly to the study and stepped inside the open door. Scott sat behind his desk with a stack of papers on the otherwise tidy surface. Scott waved her over and motioned for Ana to take a seat. She did hesitantly.

Scott cleared his throat uncharacteristically. "I first want to thank you for your care of me when I needed more concern than I do now. You were integral to my recovery and because of that I am willing to offer you severance despite our prenuptial agreement."

Ana scoffed. "Severance? I am your wife not an employee."

Scott stared her down. "I fail to see the difference, Ana." That hurt and she was sure this was going to get worse. Ana closed her mouth determined to let him get this out and over with.

Scott set divorce papers in front of her. Ana was busy trying to figure out how much cash was in her wallet. Maybe a thousand dollars. She had survived on much less, but she hadn't been pregnant at the time.

"I am willing to offer you the loft property in Chessings and a five-million-dollar settlement. All you need to do is sign these papers and agree to finalize them with me in sixty days." Scott explained his terms.

Over just like that Ana thought. Just wrap it up with a bow. Ana pulled her wallet out and dropped her credit cards and debit cards on the desk. She dropped her wallet back into her bag.

Ana plucked a pen off the desk and signed in the three places specified. "Keep your money, Scott. I don't want it." Scott sat forward frowning at her.

"Ana, you have earned compensation." Scott told her continuing to frown at her.

Ana stood and left the room heading upstairs to the master closet. She grabbed her old duffle bag and opened the bottom drawer of clothes taking what fit her and took several pairs of the more expensive yoga pants and a few tees. She transferred the necessary items from her purse to the duffel bag. She switched out of her dress pumps into a pair of sneakers, not bothering to change out of her expensive slacks and blouse she had been wearing.

Ana went into the bathroom and grabbed her toiletries and came back out grabbing a light jacket from the closet. Scott stood in the doorway watching her.

"I am terribly sorry it needs to be this way, Ana. You have been good to me. I recognize that." Scott was just digging his claws into her, and she needed to leave.

"Tell me something because you owe me that much. Why are you divorcing me?" Ana asked unsure whether she wanted the answer or not.

Scott seemed startled like he hadn't expected her to question him. "I simply no longer need a wife. You are no longer useful to me."

Wow, she thought, that stung. She was no longer useful to him, so it was time to toss her out like trash. Ana wondered why he was blocking the door, but she was done. She was not going to cry in front of this heartless bastard. So, she told him the truth about what she wanted from him right now.

"Go to hell and rot there. It's where you belong." Ana said the words seriously with no expression on her face. Scott looked shocked but quickly hid it and he backed up a step which was enough for her to get past. Ana squeezed by him, rushed down the stairs, and headed straight out the front door. Scott was behind her a second later.

"Don't you want me to call for the car?" Scott asked the woman that had been his wife for the last two plus years.

"No, I want to walk." Ana replied, continuing to walk away.

Scott hurried to catch her and pulled her to a stop with a hand on each arm. "Are you planning to just wander off into the world never to be heard from again?"

"That's the plan." Ana muttered quietly.

Scott let her go. "Who are you because I don't think I know you?"

Ana scoffed resuming her walk. "Doesn't really matter now ex-husband."

Ana kept walking praying he would let her go and he did. Ana was grateful since it meant getting away with a little bit of cash she had hidden just in case. Maybe five thousand dollars but for people like Scott that was pocket change. In her situation now it might mean survival long enough to get a job. Ana looked behind her just before the house was out of sight, committing this final moment to memory.