Run and Hide

Ana had been walking or sitting for a couple of hours. The duffel bag put a strain on her back and made it hard to walk. She was nervous about too much strain so she would walk for a bit and then sit for a bit. The colonial district was a solid ten miles from the city proper and it was now twilight and storm clouds were beginning to circle overhead. At this rate she would have to sleep in either the field across the way or in the trees on this side of the road for the night and possibly in the rain.

Maybe she should have taken the car ride but how could she take a single thing from that man. She had been there for him when he needed someone the most and he had just treated getting rid of her like he was ending an employment contract. What's the difference? Seriously?

Ana knew she was getting upset and it wasn't healthy for the baby. How was she supposed to be all right with this? She had cared for him, been there for him. Ana had loved Scott, and this was her repayment. She was pregnant and alone in this world.

Rain began to fall in huge splashing drops. This was going to be a major downpour. There was nowhere to hide Sighing heavily Ana decided she might as well keep walking. "Damn it!" She cried out but no one cared.

It wasn't until it was almost dark, and she spied a bridge ahead that the heavens let loose with a soaking rain. In a minute flat she was soaked to the bone. Ana pulled her light jacket out trying to hold it over her head. She had just reached the bridge as darkness fully set in and she dropped her arm. The jacket wasn't helping anyway. Ana could barely make out the road three feet in front of her and she had about half a charge on her phone for a flashlight. She angrily stomped her foot causing water to splash across her calves.

Then headlights lit up the night as a car pulled up beside her. A man climbed out of the back door an umbrella in hand and quickly walked over to her holding the umbrella over them both. Ana looked at the car realizing it was a stretch limousine a little fancier than the one that Scott often used.

"Can I off my assistance, Miss? It's a terrible night for a stroll." The man offered with light humor.

Ana snorted but wondered if the man was trustworthy. Not that it would matter since she was likely to catch pneumonia out here anyway. "That would be lovely, thank you." Ana didn't feel she had a choice. It was too dark to see, and she would freeze in the rain.

The man ushered the sopping wet young woman into his car and handed her a couple of bar towels from the limos bar. He turned on an overhead light so she would be able to see. Ana tried to dry herself off knowing she must look a mess.

The first thing he noticed about the woman was that she was small maybe five-foot-four-inches at most. Then he noticed her designer pant suit. Then the wedding ring set on her left hand worth several hundred thousand dollars. Then he saw the old duffel bag and running shoes, they were old and tattered. However, her soaked jacket was from a prominent designer. Who was this girl?

She had fine aristocratic features. A straight proportionate nose, high cheekbones, and a delicately curved jaw. He thought her hair might be honey-blonde when dry and her eyes were a striking blue-green that he had seen only a few times before. They were Althinian eyes. She was a strikingly beautiful woman. The question was how was she in his car in the dead of night during a downpour looking both wealthy and impoverished at the same time?

Mia took in the dark-haired man across from her. He was very tall, likely six-foot-four-inches. His hair was dark and a little shaggy as if he forgot his haircut appointment about three months ago. He had a strong five o'clock shadow on his chiseled jaw. His sleeves were rolled up to his elbows showing defined muscles in his forearms. His eyes were a bright blue under dark lashes. The man looked like a celebrity to Ana.

"Let me introduce myself. I am Dr. Nicholas Stanton." The doctor watched the woman size him up with a small frown and hoped giving his name might help.

Ana knew that name but from where. "Ana Dev... er, umm I guess it is Ana Minden again." She stumbled through the explanation with a scowl. Before sucking in a huge breath and sitting back and snapping her mouth shut.

The doctor eyed her curiously. "How did you come to be on a dark road in a rainstorm?"

"I walked from the colonial district." Ana said succinctly, like her answer wasn't strange at all.

"That was nearly five miles to where I found you." Nicholas objected.

"That is why I wore sneakers. I had been at it a while." Ana replied without inflection.

Nicholas eyed her with drawn together eyebrows. Maybe he needed to ask the right question in the right way. "Why were you walking at all?"

Ana sighed, crossing her arms over her chest. "My husband, ex-husband now I guess, decided he wanted a divorce today. I granted it and left which is why I was walking."

"Were you not granted a settlement and a driver to town? Who would be so cruel?" Nicholas asked the woman.

Ana huffed. "I was offered severance pay and a ride to any hole I wanted to crawl in." I disrespectfully declined. That is why I was walking."

"I see." The doctor chuckled. "You don't have to answer if you don't want but who is this ex-husband? Maybe I know of him."

"Everybody knows of him, and nobody knows him." Anna muttered and considered whether this was information she wanted anyone to know or not. "I think there are some secrets I should keep." Ana finally whispered. Ana watched out the window realizing that they were close to the city.

Ana sighed heavily because she was not looking forward to going back to a life of fighting for survival. "You can drop me anywhere when we get in the city, I appreciate the ride." She said kindly with gratitude.

Somehow it didn't feel right leaving this woman to wander the streets of New Haven alone at night. She didn't belong on the streets he could see that clearly. This was not some street urchin that begged for dollars. Nicholas would bet good money she was a ranked socialite, yet she chose to run away with nothing. Why?


Scott Devon sat at his desk in his home in the colonial district. His driver stood before him updating him on what he'd found.

"Mr. Devon, I drove all the way to the city and back. Mrs. Devon was nowhere to be found." His driver Marcus told him.

"You are telling me she just disappeared?" Scott asked crankily.

"She must have had a car pick her up. There is no way she made that walk that fast." Marcus offered.

Scott nodded thoughtfully. Ana had disappeared just like she said. He had wanted her gone from the house. Her presence was too distracting. He needed room and time to think without her present. Scott had not wanted her to go where he could not find her. This was unacceptable. Scott spoke to his assistant who was standing by the window. Find her and keep track of her. She will need help as she took nothing from me. Search for her with the last name Minden or Devon. Ana will have to give her name somewhere.

"Yes, Mr. Devon." Keith replied to the order.

Scott walked over to the bank of windows that looked out of the estate and down the road. He wanted to know where his wife was. He didn't know if he wanted a wife, but he wanted to know where Ana was right now. This was going to eat away him, not knowing where she was or if she was adequately cared for.

Why hadn't she taken what he offered her? It had been too small an offer to begin with. Scott had expected to negotiate up to a more reasonable amount, but she hadn't even wanted a ride from him let alone his severance package. Ana had taken almost nothing from the closet, she had left everything behind. As soon as he had told her about the divorce she had turned and walked out of his life with nothing. Scott couldn't understand her. He sighed, pouring himself a drink and taking a big gulp. Ana couldn't really disappear, could she?


Nicholas was pondering the issue as Ana stared out the window. He couldn't book her into a hotel because to do that would invite the press to gossip about him and this woman. That choice was bound to end in disaster. The hospital was out since there were too many eyes before he could get to his room there.

Nicholas considered his loft but there were two issues, the internal entries that had gossiping people at the desk. There was also April on his floor that he sometimes had a fling with, and she was the jealous type that might cause trouble for Ana. The only other option was his estate. There were staff on site that could care for Ana, and she would be safe from whoever she was running from.

He liked the woman already and he wanted to figure out why. Nicholas was not a man prone to liking people and that was even less likely with a woman. He simply could not send her out into this city not knowing if she would be alright. Ana was a young woman clearly of society and could not be left to fend for herself impoverished and alone.

Nicholas used his app to change the GPS coordinates for the driver. He didn't want Ana to be alerted before they arrived because he didn't want Ana to demand to be dropped off. Would he agree to let her out of the car in that scenario? Nicholas wasn't sure but he really didn't want this to turn into a round of kidnapping. That would be a first.

Twenty minutes later they pulled into a long circular driveway on a large swath of manicured land and stopped in front of a massive stone mansion.

"Where are we?" Ana asked only a hint of alarm showing in her voice.

Nicholas scrubbed a hand over his face. "Don't be alarmed. This is my estate. I couldn't very well drop you off in the city in the middle of the night with nothing. It's safe here if you are trying to hide. This can be a safe space for you. I have staff here. I promise I am not trying anything."

Ana raised both eyebrows at the doctor. "Do you live here?"

Nicholas shook his head. "I generally stay in my office at the hospital or my loft up town."

"Then why bring me here?" Ana asked with a frown.

"I didn't think you would appreciate the press if I took you to either place in the city." He said with understanding.

"Good call." Ana laughed. "I am not a squeamish person Nick. If you're going to rape and murder me, can we get on with it because I am exhausted."

Nicholas choked as he snorted a laugh. He also liked the fact that she called him Nick. No one ever dared. Who was this girl?

Nicholas walked with Ana to the front door of the house. The driver carried her bag. Nicholas opened the door and found Mrs. Burns, his housekeeper, standing in the foyer. Mrs. Burns had been with their family since Nicholas was young. She was a kind woman but did not tolerate nonsense.

Nicholas walked up to the housekeeper and kissed her on the cheek. Ana smiled at that because it was so very not pretentious. Mrs. Burns saw everything and approved of the strange young lady's reaction.

"I have brought you a guest to look after. This is my friend Ana. She has had a rough time of it lately and I could think of no place, and no one person better suited to bring her spirits up." Nicholas told Mrs. Burns.

Mrs. Burns watched Ana for a moment as she looked at the intricate architectural walls of the foyer. There was no awe, just appreciation. The woman was used to luxury. So why was she here and why did Nicholas bring her here? This was supposed to be his wife's home not his mistress's.

Nicholas could clearly see where Mrs. Burns' mind was going by her quick scowl, so he pulled the housekeeper away from Ana.

"Stop that. You have absolutely no reason to dislike Ana. I have never nor do I have any plans to sleep with her. She is just a friend that needs a quiet place to be. All right? Nick told his housekeeper emphatically.

Mrs. Burns squinted her eyes at Nicholas searching for the lie but not finding it. "She's quite beautiful." The housekeeper saw.

"That is something for me to consider in the future. Right now, she needs food and sleep." Nicholas said quietly.

"What room do you want me to put her in?" Mrs. Burns asked.

Nicholas thought for a moment and then smiled softly. "The blue room I get the impression she will appreciate it." Mrs. Burns nodded, re-evaluating the girl. The blue room had been off limits for the last fifteen years. It was Nicholas's mother's favorite room.

"Ana, let's get you settled in." Nicholas said gesturing for her to follow him. Ana did and soon the four of them were standing outside a door. Nicholas looked nervous to Mrs. Burns as he opened the door and flipped on a light. Nicholas waved Ana into the room and once she was inside, they all heard the gasp.

Ana had her hand over her mouth as she spun around looking at the room. The ceilings were tall, and the walls painted blue. The lower part of the walls is green grass. There were trees and arches with flowers and a hundred different birds flying on the painted walls. Then in perfect lines was golden intricately carved trim. The room itself had a seating area fit for a princess and a large four poster bed with canopy. It appeared there was a walk-in closet and bathroom. But Ana was in awe of the beauty of this room.

"It's a bird cage." Ana said quietly, walking to the cage door. Two double doors opened onto a private balcony. "Nick this isn't a room it's an experience. This is beautiful."

Nicholas smiled a little sadly. "I thought you might appreciate it. It was my mother's favorite room, but she has been gone awhile and no one has gotten to enjoy it."

"I'm sorry about your mom. The sadness stays with us no matter how long it's been." Ana remarked and Nicholas nodded at her words.

Ana continued without thinking. "I wish I could see my family. I miss them terribly most of the time." She trailed off when she realized what she had said.

Mrs. Burns was watching the two interact. They spoke easily and Nicholas seemed comfortable around her which he never was around women. Nicholas didn't speak to women. Ana was as well-spoken as anyone from Nicholas's circle, but she still didn't know who the girl was.

"Ana who is your family?" Nicholas asked her.

Ana came to a halt in the middle of the floor as something warred inside her. She turned to face Nicholas. "My automatic go to is to make some excuse as to who they are, who I am, all the above but you have been kind to me, and I don't want to lie to you. I can't tell you who I am. So can we please just agree that you won't ask, and I won't lie to you."

"Can you tell me a couple things at least?" The doctor asked her.

"Maybe." Ana said cautiously.

Nick rubbed his chin stepping closer to Ana. "Is Ana your real name?" He wondered if she would answer.

"Ana is close enough." Ana blinked, seeing how tall Nick was.

"Will you tell me what you first name is?" The doctor asked.

Ana shook her head. "No."

Nicholas ran a hand through his hair. "I assume Minden isn't your last name."

"You're correct." Ana said, noticing that Mrs. Burns had left the room.

Nick pondered a minute before asking his next question. "How long have you been running for?"

Ana sighed and sat down on the edge of the chaise lounge chair. "Nine long years."

Nicholas gave a low whistle. "How long were you married for?"

Ana leaned back against a pillow sighing with contentment. "Two and a half years."

"How old are you, Ana?" Nick inquired.

Ana smirked but then answered him. "I am twenty-three-years-old." Nicholas frowned; she was so young. Her age meant she had been on the run and surviving since she was fourteen. How?

He was already thirty-two, which seemed much older than twenty-three to him. "I am thirty-two." Nicholas told Ana. "How old was your husband?"

"He is Thirty." Ana wondered why Nicholas cared about their ages.

"Who is your ex-husband, Ana?" Nicholas asked again.

"I don't appreciate you making me think about that bastard when I am finally sitting down and not soaking wet." Ana groaned with a self-deprecating chuckle.

Nicholas walked over a crouched down in front of her. "What if someone asks me about you and I don't know who I'm hiding you from?"

"I'm not hiding from my ex-husband though I would rather never see him again. I am hiding from my family. Plus, my ex was married to Ana Minden who as we just discussed doesn't exist. I am at peace knowing I gave the man far more than he ever gave me, so I have no guilt about deceiving him. He was a real piece of work." Ana explained her voice bitter.

"I still wish you would tell me who he was so I can look out for him." Nicholas told her taking a heavy breath. "Was he a powerful man?"

"Very powerful which is why it is better left alone." Ana answered standing up and walking to the balcony looking out over the beautiful gardens below.

Nicholas followed and came to stand beside her. "I am a very powerful man. If that is what you are worried about."

"I just want to put it behind me. I have enough obstacles in front of me without adding more. What you think of my ex is not an obstacle I need right now. I appreciate you bringing me here and letting me have this beautiful space to decompress for the night, but we barely know each other, and I am not comfortable giving you that information." Ana walked over to the table in the corner and sat in one of the chairs placing her head down on her arms on the table.

"Ana." Nicholas spoke sitting down in another of the chairs at the table. "I did not just bring you here for the night. You are welcome to stay until you feel like you want to move on. There is no rush. This is a safe space for you to heal from what you have been through."

Ana reached out and grasped Nicholas's forearm and squeezed. "Thank you, Nick. We will see how it goes." Nicholas felt like his skin was tingling where she had touched. When she removed her hand, he slowly flexed his fingers unnerved by the feeling.

Mrs. Burns came in carrying a tray of dishes for her two charges. "Here you go sugar." She told Ana handing her a tray of easy foods to eat. Then she handed a tray to Nicholas with a small smile.

The pair ate in companionable silence, only speaking rarely. Mrs. Burns gave them privacy. She had noticed Ana's one small bag and went to retrieve some items to help the young woman be more comfortable here. While she did this she wondered when the last time was that Nicholas had spent time with a woman because he wanted to and with their clothes on? Nicholas was a handsome man in his prime. Mrs. Burns knew he was no saint, but he had never brought a woman to his estate before.

Mrs. Burns delivered the toiletry items to the blue bathroom again withdrawing from the room. She heard Ana thank Nicholas for his help today and for bringing her here. She told Nicholas he was the best sort of man. From her vantage point she saw Ana give him a demure kiss on the cheek. Ana then let him know that she would like to shower and get to bed. Nicholas said goodnight to her and then left the room. Mrs. Burns walked in quickly and collected the trays before leaving Ana to her evening.

Ana found the toiletry items that Mrs. Burns had left and smiled thinking the woman was truly kind. Mia rifled through her bag finding something to wear as pajamas before getting into the shower. After she was clean, she rifled through the drawers in the bathroom cabinet until she found a hair dryer and she dried her hair. Ana got dressed cleaning up her mess before going into the bedroom and climbing into the massive canopy bed.

Life was very strange. How could she a girl hiding in poverty to stay off the radar of her rich and powerful family end up married to a powerful man only to be cast aside by that man and then get rescued by another powerful man that very day. It felt like destiny was playing with her, saying that she was not meant to hide as a penniless street person now that she was a woman.

That was good because babies need things, and she could barely afford the basics. She should have taken Scott's money. Not for herself but for her son. They would have had what he needed but it was all so insulting, and she just couldn't bear it. Needed or not she couldn't bear to be dismissed like a common whore.

These were her thoughts as Ana drifted off to sleep. Nicholas was awake in his room a door down. He wondered what her hair looked like clean. He wondered what side of the bed she slept on. The blue room had been his mother's room just as the room next door was his father's and was now his. This mansion was built a couple hundred years before modern things, married couples had adjoining rooms.

Nicholas walked over to the secret panel and opened it making sure it didn't squeak. It was blessedly silent. Nicholas glanced at a sleeping Ana, her hair splayed around her, then closed the panel unwilling to watch her while she was asleep. He had limits to how crazy he would allow himself to be. Nicholas turned over and forced himself to fall asleep. His last conscious thought was of his lips meeting Ana's which confused him because he wasn't even sure he thought of her like that. He had been right about her hair color too. A light honey-blonde.