
Chapter 213 The seventh universe! The disaster of the mother earth!


Zhan Cheng nodded.

The lizard continued to talk to himself as if he didn't hear it.

"I don't know why you encountered Chaos Void royal creatures, but did you find a strange phenomenon.

"That is the chaotic void where you are, and you can only see the creatures of the chaotic void royal family.

Zhan Cheng nodded again.

This is indeed the case. If it wasn't for the Chaos Void royal creature directly breaking into the tombs of the gods, I am afraid that he still does not know that there is the existence of the Chaos Void royal creature.

"That's because these chaotic void creatures are just kept by the gods. 39

"The purpose is to let you adapt to the battle with the chaotic void creatures as soon as possible, and to adapt to the environment in the depths of the chaotic void."

"For this, you should have some guesses."

"And these guesses are also correct, but this kind of pairing is for all gods except you, including chaotic void creatures."

"This kind of pairing is a pairing against illusions.

Hearing this, Zhan Cheng finally changed his face.

"You mean that the environment we are in now was cleaned up by the Lord Gods."

"Becoming the main god is to guard the chaotic void that has been cleaned up."

"And those places that haven't been cleaned up, followed by Chaos Void creatures, where they really live?"

At this moment, the lizard showed its scarlet tongue, licked its lips, and nodded.

"Yes, indeed it is.

"Apart from the Chaos Void royal creatures, who else can make those main gods fall?"

"Apart from those main gods, who else can make the Chaos Void royal family creatures fall?"

Nor "know, since that epoch, there has been a lie. 99

"The gods must resist the unknown disaster from the depths of the chaotic void.

"Chaos Void creatures, we must clean up the worms that break the rules and prevent disasters from happening."

"I said so much, you should understand what I mean.

The lizard suddenly laughed sarcastically.

And Zhan Cheng nodded.

According to the lizard's explanation, everything makes sense.

Chaos Void creatures hate the gods, seeing them as worms that break the rules of Chaos.

The gods thought that the brutal chaotic void creature was the disaster of the unknown, and it was because of the conflict between the law and the idea that the two fought.

As a result, the war broke out, and even the entire chaotic void was reduced to a battlefield.

As long as the gods are promoted to the main god, they must rush to the battlefield, guard the endless gods, guard the eternal continent, and guard their homeland.

The chaotic void creatures began to invade continuously, trying to restore these, in their eyes, the homeland that had been "contaminated" by the gods.

"So, who unleashed this rumor?"

"What is the real truth?"

After a long silence, Zhan Cheng asked again.

Looking at the silence of earning Cheng, the lizard nodded in appreciation.

He didn't doubt the truth of what he said, but found the key point in his words, which is enough to explain the difference between Yuancheng and other gods.

"Who unleashed this rumor?"

"Those guys in the seventh universe.

"The seventh universe?"

Earning Cheng's eyebrows suddenly wrinkled into Sichuan characters.

"Why, other gods don't understand the concept of the universe, and you Blue Star people don't understand either?"

The corner of the lizard's mouth twitched, and the curled body suddenly folded up, making an end-to-end swallowing action.


Zhuan Cheng's pupils shrank, and he couldn't help muttering to himself.

In Bluestar, ouroboros are also called tail-biting snakes, a symbol that has been handed down since ancient times.

Its image is a snake or a dragon, the real China dragon, that is devouring its own tail, forming a circle as a result.

Of course, this kind of ouroboros also sometimes forms a twist shape, which is the shape of the number "8" commonly used by Blue Star, and the name means "self-devourer"

Of course, the meaning of the Ouroboros in each region of the Blue Star is different, but there is a single point of unity.

That is perfect, circular, infinite.

Even, in the alchemy culture of the ancient Blue Star, it is also an important emblem.

And this kind of symbol precisely represents the most prominent sign of Blue Star's ancient times, which Zhuocheng has never seen in the Endless God Realm.

At this moment, seeing it suddenly made him a little surprised.

You must know that it seems that the gods in the Endless God Realm have not found the difference between the Blue Star people.

But now, this default routine was broken by the lizard in front of him.

"That's right!

The lizard smiled hoarsely, and then his eyes darkened.

"There are some secrets about Blue Star. Knowing more will not benefit you now."

"You need to know that I didn't lie to you, and I won't hurt you.

"Beyond the boundless chaotic void, there is a layer of barrier that cannot be seen or detected.

"This layer of barrier is to protect us, and it is also a bondage that imprison us.0"

"And a word that has been passed down from ancient times to the present at Blue Star, 'universe', refers to everything within this barrier. 93

"We, in fact, are just the lost ghosts of the first universe."

Hearing the shocking words of the lizard, Zhuocheng was unable to speak for a long time.

He felt that the lizard in front of him was talking nonsense, but he had an intuition that the lizard was right and didn't lie to him.

Even, if it weren't for the game of God of All People, Blue Star's exploration on another road would have faintly discovered the existence of other universes.

"You mean the space we are in is actually the first universe?

Zhan Cheng asked again.

"That's right. 93

The lizard nodded, and a pride flashed in his eyes, which made Yuan Cheng feel a strange feeling.

"However, our universe was lost countless epochs ago.

"As for the reason for the loss, I don't know, but it should be recorded in the relic log that our universe was attacked by external factors, and it was self-banned defensively.

"It is precisely because of the sudden defensive self-banning that the once brilliant First Universe completely declined."

"And those ancestors who used to soar in other universes and who could destroy the entire Endless God Realm with just a few gestures were also blocked and completely lost contact with us.

"That event, in the relic log, is called the disaster of the mother earth."

"Relic Log? The Disaster of the Mother Earth?"

Earning Cheng once again recorded the two terms 5.5 in his heart, and then looked at the lizard with burning eyes.

"So, since the first universe has banned itself, how can the people of the seventh universe come to us to spread rumors?"

"How do you know that they are guys from the seventh universe?"

The reason "is very simple. I and the guy who has been torn apart and scattered in the True God Trial Tower and the Lord God's Trial Tower, asked several other old guys and suppressed them on the top of the abandoned Lord God's Trial Tower. 39

"As for how the seventh universe came to our universe, that's because the universe we live in has loosened its self-imposed ban.

"According to the language of the relic diary, at the end of this era, when the next era reopens, the first universe will completely lift the seal."

"At that time, it will be up to us whether we will be greeted with new life or destruction.