
Chapter 214 Impact! The difference between the inside and the outside!

In the depths of the chaotic void, the main gods guarding the Quartet all turned their attention to the sixteenth floor of the True God Trial Tower.

Just a pity.

The sixteenth floor is like a fog, making them unable to gain insight.

"You said, what exactly is on the sixteenth floor?

At this moment, the Meteor Goddess suddenly asked a question, which made all the main gods stunned.

"Isn't Iceflame kid said? It's a chaotic void royal creature with its head asleep!"

"As long as you can resist the divine power squeeze of the chaotic void royal creature, you will pass the gate."

The voice of the Lord God, a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes, and he asked strangely.

"Really? I always feel that something is not right."

"Maybe it's just my delusion."

The Meteor Goddess's eyes flickered with confusion, she shook her head, and whispered lightly.

in the sixteenth floor.

The conversation continues.

"According to what you said, the chaotic void creatures are actually not our enemies, or even our partners, right?"

At this moment, Zhuancheng seemed to have figured out something, and asked 30 while looking directly at the lizard.

"That's right."

The lizard nodded.

"Then, as you said before, in the long years, I was the first to enter the sixteenth floor, so other gods are not qualified to know this secret.

"But as far as I know, in this era, someone has cleared the sixteenth floor.

"You mean a little guy who uses the power of ice flames?"

The lizard nodded as if remembering something.

"That little guy has a good talent. From the frost and flames, he has realized his own unique path. 33

"Although it is said that it is also inheriting the favor of the predecessors, but in the end, it has also walked out of a path of its own."

Speaking of the God of Ice Flame, a faint appreciation flashed across the lizard's face again.

"However, his sixteenth floor is different from yours. 93

Lizard said again.

"Why do you say that?"

"Because, he only entered the sixteenth floor."

"The sixteenth floor he passed through was only in my illusion. 33

"And in order to reward him, so as not to undermine his self-confidence, I will take him through the gap.

"From his point of view, I just fell asleep all the time, and my whole body was unconsciously exuding a chaotic aura. He thought that as long as he had beaten the oppression of this chaotic aura, he would have passed. 9

"Therefore, in the hallucination, he just passed Xiaoxiao like this.

The lizard shrugged, a sly look on his face.

"The sixteenth floor of the table? So, what am I entering now is the sixteenth floor?"

"Zhou Cheng asked again.

"Yes, by the way, I would like to remind you that the seventeenth floor and the eighteenth floor are divided between the outside and the inside.

"So, Liston, are you ready?"

All of a sudden, the cunning lizards in his eyes were full of cunning lizards the moment before, and his eyes became serious the next moment.

"Okay! 97

"Zuancheng took a deep breath and nodded heavily.

"Okay, the test on the sixteenth floor begins!

"This test will test your heart!"

"Look me in the eyes and answer my three questions. 33

"If you answer one correct answer, you will pass the test."

"If it's wrong, all your memories of this level and your conversation with me will be rewritten by me.

After the lizard finished speaking, a pair of compound eyes began to turn continuously.

Earning Cheng's eyes were directly facing the whirlpool-like psychedelic eyes, caught in a spiritual storm.

"Who are you?"

The lizard's voice was hoarse like a ghost.

On the other hand, earning Cheng's soul seemed to have been hooked by the spirit messenger.

"Who am I... who am I,

"Yeah, who am I?

Zhuo Cheng's eyes were blurred, and he kept muttering to himself, as if he had forgotten who he was and his life experience.

Lizards are not surprised.

Then a strong aura that makes people feel inexplicable pain rhymes again.

"Are you dead or alive?

Hearing this question, Zhuan Cheng started to tremble like a lightning strike.

"Am I dead or alive? Dead... or... alive,

At this time, Zhuan Cheng seemed to be possessed, his eyes blurred and his whole body trembled.

"The last question, do you still exist?

After saying these words, Zhuan Cheng suddenly fell into peace again from madness.

And this kind of peace seems to turn a living person into a sculpture.

After the lizard said these three words, it withdrew its compound eyes that kept turning like a whirlpool.

On the other hand, Zhuan Cheng stayed where he was in astonishment.

As if everything fell into eternity.

"After passing this level, you will truly become the alien among the trillions, which is the hope of saving the first universe. 99

"If you can't make it through this level, everything is like a bubble...

The lizard murmured softly, sighed, and huddled together again.

the other side.

Zhuocheng followed the three questions, and the whole soul and spirit had come to the depths of his spiritual world.

Upside-down skyscrapers.

There is a mirror like water in the middle.

Below the mirror, is the normal erected skyscraper.

At this time, Yingcheng was standing in the middle of the mirror.

Half of the body is in an upside-down world.

-Half body in normal world.

Suddenly, the inverted world began to rain.

It's just weird that the rain fell from the ground and toward the sky.

The rain is getting heavier.

Of course, a figure with the same appearance as him began to slowly walk towards him.

"Who are you?

the man asked.

"who are you?"

Zhan Cheng asked rhetorically.

"I am Liston, the great god of destruction.

The man smiled faintly and replied.

"You are Christon? So who am I? 99

"That's right, I'm Zhuangcheng.

"Zuancheng seemed to remember his own name, and a bright smile appeared on his face.

"You are Zhuancheng? No, you are not, I am Zhuancheng.

At this time, in the sunny sky, a figure appeared in the normal world, slowly walking towards Zhuancheng.

"Are you too sincere?"

Zhuan Cheng was taken aback and asked the figure in the normal world.

"Yes, I'm Zhuocheng, who are you?

"who I am?

Under the questioning of this soul, Zhuancheng was silent and confused.

He didn't know who he was.


The mirror was suddenly shattered by an invisible breath.

At this moment, the figure of the upside-down world let out a miserable howl.

The voice of the normal world also let out a miserable howl.

The aura that shattered the mirror began to pour into Yuan Cheng's body from far away.

At this moment, the two wailing figures, together with the two different worlds, began to collapse.

"It turns out that I am me, Zhuancheng is me, Riston is me, and everything that is symbolized by everything is me.

Suddenly, Zhan Cheng burst out laughing.

In an instant, his eyes regained clarity.

Thank you, "Oh, I really didn't expect that Wu Li, who was buried in the deepest part of his body and soul, saved him.