Chapter 46

Unknown Location

How long had it been since he last came to this hideout? This had been his beginning, this was the beginning of Uchiha Naruto. Madara had made him in this place, he had cooked him here. Not completely though, but his beginning started here. The man who called himself his superior had dragged him into this pit, told him the truth for his own good and purpose, yet didn't teach him how to deal with his emotions. The only thing that the man was concerned about was his goal, his dream. Did he care about him? Maybe a little.

It wasn't to say that Madara didn't care. He did care, it was just that nothing was going to stop him from reaching his goal, reaching the world he has dreamt of making so that he could live happily. The man had seen more than enough. His clansmen had died before his eyes, many people had died while fighting, for what exactly? You could never know. Worst of all, his beloved brother also died, he'd succumbed to the injuries he sustained while fighting the Nidaime.

Naruto released a long breath as he leaned back on the mud chair Madara's wrinkled behind used to sit on. His left elbow was pressed against the chair's armpit while the hand was placed on the left cheek, his Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan shining within the dimly lit space.

His grandfather was probably laughing at him now, saying 'I told you so.' He was not going to rest effectively with these people trying to rid get rid of him. He had truly thought they would understand reason and a show of power, but they didn't understand anything, they didn't understand a damn thing. The kages who were attempting to fight him were fools who wanted nothing more than to affirm their positions as the strongest in the Elemental Nations.

Uchiha Naruto had knocked them down a few levels and they wanted to reclaim their glory. Konoha no longer served as the strongest because he had reduced it. The Imperial Rice Kingdom of Emperor Naruto has become the strongest in the Elemental Nations. There was no country that could say anything to him. There was none.

He had been patient with them and allowed them to walk with their heads held high while he minded his own business, but they didn't do that. They couldn't leave him alone. This was why he had to do things the hard way, this is why he must make them bow before him. He no longer cared for anything, but he would make opposing nations submit before the Emperor.

Hagoromo would say he knew it would come to this. But who cared what the sage thought? This was his time and he had given the world a chance to be itself, but it couldn't. They couldn't behave without him looking over their shoulders, and now he must do what must be done to get them to behave.

Naruto cast his left eye at the passage from the side as he felt footsteps coming along the way. He closed his eyes until the person appeared before the presence of his majesty. Once the footsteps had stopped just way from him, Naruto's eyes snapped open, still that dim blood red.

''Thinking something interesting, Naruto?'' Spiral Zetsu said, looking straight into the eye of the Emperor. It was a surprise to see the man here, but he wasn't complaining about anything.

''Interesting? No, just something a troubling,'' Naruto said. ''But that is Emperor, Spiral.''

''I thought you didn't care for such things? You wouldn't even care if your subordinates just call you Naruto,'' he wouldn't tell them to call him Naruto. But such things as titles didn't matter to the man as he wasn't glory seeking, he was just content with everyone knowing who was superior.

''I do now. If I'm going to be successful in my crusade, I must start acting like the emperor,'' Naruto said, a bit bemused by the thought of having everyone kneel before him when they enter the throne room. But it was something that needed to be done, he was going to be a commander.

''Ho? The great Uchiha Naruto thinks he may not succeed,'' Spiral Zetsu said. ''I'm sure even Madara would find this amusing.''

''Yes, he would. He always believed that he was going to succeed in everything. A pity he ended up failing when his dream was staring right at him,'' Naruto said. ''Make no mistake, the emperor doesn't doubt himself. It is just a matter of words being put like that. Nothing becomes fun when you know you're always going to win. It's better to think there might be something challenging along the way.''

''Is this why you went easy on Iwagakure or why you didn't bother to revive the people Onoki killed? Reviving those people shouldn't have been a problem for you nor for Nagato in his current state...''

Naruto went silent for a few moments before getting on to the other matter he'd come here for. ''What are you plotting with Obito?''

''Ah, you caught on to that, huh?''

''Don't do anything stupid, Spiral, or I will kill you,'' Naruto simply said. ''I'd brought Obito back to this world to show him pain, but it seems that I'm losing my grudge against the sad fool as the days pile on. You shouldn't plot with him.''

Spiral Zetsu cocked his head a little, ''Kill me?''

''Yes,'' Naruto said. ''My grandfather is dead, it should stay that way, and there is nothing that can be done to make Hagoromo appear into this world.''

''You do know I'm not like black Zetsu right?''

Naruto got up from his seat and walked towards the spiral masked creature. His right hand pierced through the creature's chest in the blink of an eye. ''Arrogance will only get you so far.''

Spiral Zetsu blinked as he looked down at the hole in his chest. He was surprised that the hole wasn't filling up. More than that, it felt like something was eating him from the inside slowly, ''What the-''

Naruto removed his right hand, which was coated by a black mass. He allowed Spiral Zetsu to fall to the ground. ''Now then, I guess I better return home...''

Oddly, he felt something in him when he said 'home', but he didn't dwell on the feeling for too long. There was much to do other than throwing himself into things that would need time for him to understand. Besides, the next move wasn't about feelings or anything akin, it was about the way forward.

Royal Palace

As Naruto walked inside his dimly lit throne room, he was greeted by the eyes of Samui, who was sitting on the small crimson stairs that led up to his throne. The blonde haired had her eyes fixed on his form, expression giving away nothing, as always. He didn't say anything to her. Not until he reached her and settled down on her right, choosing not to sit on his throne just this once as he sensed he was needed to be on her level just for this moment.

''I thought you would return earlier,'' Samui said, it was already late at night, and Naruto never stayed away from home this late. He was always at home. If not, she would be by his side.

The mission had been completed some time ago as Heisuke and the others had returned much earlier when the sun was still alive. The generals could only say 'his Majesty has other matters to deal with' when they were asked about the whereabouts of the absent emperor. He was supposed to have returned with his subordinates, but he didn't. Instead, he went off to handle other matters, which Samui could only play the guessing game.

Naruto's crimson eyes looked at the empty space ahead of him. His stare was focused as though there was a puzzle his was trying to decipher with his eyes, but there was nothing but an empty void ahead of him, just a curious part.

''I had to visit the pit. I ended up staying there for some time while darkness played the staring contest with me.''

It wasn't planned that he stay in the hideout for more time than he wanted. There were just a lot of memories that he had in that place that it needed some time from his side to consider. And how has saying he has no time to join the sentimental train, but there he had been at a place that held some value to his wrecked heart. Most of the hideout had been destroyed, entrances closed, he'd just left a few things untouched, maybe in a moment of weakness.

''No need to guess who won the contest,'' Samui said. ''Solved anything?''

''There was nothing to solve, just passing through some thoughts; no self-doubt, I just had to clear my mind while revisiting the place I once saw as a home more than Konoha,'' Naruto said quietly. ''Any reason you were waiting for me here, alone?''

Samui fell silent for a few moments as she considered her thoughts. ''I've just been thinking about things, my life, your life, what I want...'' she said, staring down at the small stairs.

''Has there been anything bothering you recently?'' He wouldn't have noticed if there had been. Samui could hide her emotions very well.

''Yes... No... I don't know for sure, but I have have some questions that have plagued my mind,'' Samui said.

Naruto took his time before responding, ''Admittedly, I have failed to handle my personal life in a proper manner, and not in the way I would have liked,'' the emperor paused, shaking his head: this was not what Samui wanted, he thought mildly. ''What kind of questions? Before you answer, are you comfortable with talking here?''

Samui nodded, answering Naruto's second question. ''You know, I've always thought of living that happy life in a certain part of my life. I'm not growing younger, and as the days continue to pile on, I feel that I am losing the chance to be really doing something fun.''

She had been forced to leave her home village, and that wasn't a choice that had been easy to make before the exile. No matter what, Kumo would always be her home, she would always love the village, but with the coming events, the village may no longer accept her, no when the Yondaime Raikage has chosen to be an enemy of the man sitting on her right, not when that same man was going to fight her former village in a bloody battle.

Yugito's visits to her had now been toned down. The poor former Jinchuriki couldn't disappear for an hour without being questioned and that made her sad just knowing how it would make her feel. She no longer had friends, nothing, just Naruto and Etsu. It was fun in the beginning, but the wells were drying up.

''At this time and day, what did you see yourself doing, Samui? What kind of life did you think you would be living a few years ago?'' the Emperor asked, his tone betraying nothing, his expression neutral.

A sad smile formed on Samui's face, ''I had imagined quitting my shinobi duties, living peacefully with the man I love, and kid in my arms... Something like that. But things have dulled, I'm forced to live in the shadows, away from the light.''

''You have a wonderful daughter Samui. Don't you love me?''

''I do love you Naruto, and my child is the best thing that has happened. I love her with all my heart, but I want more. You created an entire dimension with everything we'd want, the kind of world you only dream, but it lacks reality and other people.''

Naruto fell silent, considering a few thoughts that were popping in his mind. ''Why didn't you tell me it bothers you that you aren't able to interact with other people?'' He could have at least done something to change that, for her.

''I don't know,'' Samui said. ''You know, even now, another woman is taking care of my daughter while I sit here. I carried her for nine months, with only Yugito and you knowing about it.''

''Would you have liked it if the whole world knew?''

Samui shook her head. ''No,'' she said before adding. ''But I would have liked walking in the streets of this place, I would have enjoyed talking to someone else about it. I only had you and Yugito during the whole time,'' but now, felt like both we escaping her grasp.

Naruto looked up at the ceiling: during night, it reflected the milky way, putting in a beautiful display of stars. ''I once thought of bringing my mother from the dead, just so she could see me and live her own life as well.''

''Why didn't you do it?''

Naruto shook his head slightly, ''I don't know. Maybe I'm still thinking about it. I know it would please me having her around.'' He paused for a moment before continuing. ''I never wanted you to feel 'restricted'. I just wanted both of you to be safe.''

''We are safe, besides, as long as you still live, nothing can harm us.''

Naruto chuckled dryly, ''That is the thing, Samui: I'm afraid I might fail to do so. I may have all the power, but I just can't assure myself that I will protect you. Besides, I don't want her to see the world in its current state.''

''You're very 'human' than most people say you are Naruto. But you shouldn't be insecure.'' She believed this had something to do with his own father and the fact that he didn't want to make sacrifices. ''You've always believed in yourself, your power, what is special about this situation.''

''I don't want to lose you, nor her,'' Naruto said quietly. He then released a long sigh. ''Would it make you happy if we changed the premises around her and bring her to this place?''

Samui nodded.

''I see,'' Naruto said before taking a few more moments to think. ''We will have to set a few ground rules if we're going to change, and since I can't trust anyone with your safety, I will have to insure that upcoming war will not last long.''

''What will happen to Kumo?''

''I won't make you fight them Samui, and I will not destroy the village,'' the Emperor said, standing up. He offered Samui his hand, ''Come on, let us go to inform Yugao first. I trust her enough to believe that she will become your friend.''

Samui took Naruto's hand before she responded, ''That is if she doesn't resent me,'' she said. ''Are you forgetting something?''


''There's a woman in 'our' bed, and I believe she is waiting patiently for you to return.''

''Mei,'' Naruto said. Ah, this was going to be a long night for him. He snapped his fingers and a portal opened up, ''Go pack your things. We will now permanently live here. I will go talk to Mei about this. She is probably not going to be happy.''

''Probably?'' Samui said, shaking her head. ''She is going to be downright angry and with all the right reasons. Good luck handling it.''

Naruto's quarters

The royal palace was truly a lonely place: Naruto didn't have too many people over the place or even living here. He'd pushed others to the crystal palace. It had enough rooms to accommodate all the 'important' people within the capital as well some of the visitors he brought. It was possible for there to be just him alone in the royal palace. There have been a few moments where he sat in the throne room, all by himself with no one close by. Not even the royal guard lived in here, despite their job being to protect him.

He didn't need the protection though. There was no one in this world who could kill him. The enemies didn't know that he couldn't be killed, not even allies knew that. Aside from the fact that he didn't need people weaker than him to protect him, he was also one with the palace. There was no one who could sneak into the palace without him noticing it. That didn't mean he knew everything that occured in here.

With Samui wishing to live a normal life with Etsu, he would have to push on some changes in the royal palace and put on some security for extra measures. The palace had at least 9 quarters, excluding his own. So there was enough to put people in without having much noise to fend off or having his peace being ruined by other people.

The dimly lit passages brightened up as Naruto walked slowly, marching towards the quarters he rarely used. The double doors to his private place were closed, with Heisuke standing in front. You'd expect the man to have ordered a surbordinate to stand guard, but given his loyalty, he prefered doing the work himself as he saw someone lower than him wasn't fit enough to protect her in his absence. Not that she needed much protection anyway.

''Heika,'' Heisuke said, giving a bow of his head to the Emperor.

''Has everything been prepared?''

Heisuke nodded, ''Guren is resting at 'her' palace, and the Kazekage, and his sister are within this palace. Nagato won't make it for tomorrow,'' he said. ''We have also intercepted a message from the Raikage calling a Kage meeting in seven days at the land of Iron.''

Naruto nodded, ''Nagato can do as he likes,'' he said. ''Be in the throne room with Shinji, 7am sharp. I have something to show you two,'' he didn't wait for the man's response before opening the doors into his quarters.

Heisuke did a ''Hai'' before disappearing to tell Shinji that he had been summoned by the Emperor.

Mei wasn't in any of the rooms in the space. As Samui had said, she was in 'their' bed. It wasn't like he often used the bed anyway. He didn't even have anyone to clean the place and cook for him in this place. He always ate in his core dimension along with Samui and Etsu.

''I was thinking that perhaps you were running away from me,'' Mei said. She was sitting on the large bed, back pressed against some pillows while a book was on her right hand. It seemed that she was reading while waiting for him.

''Why would I do something like that?'' Naruto asked, heading straight towards a large wardrobe, which stretched across the wall on the right side as he enter from the door. He took off his Kimono, not minding Mei, leaving him with all the dark shinobi pants, and his bandaged feet, he then put on a red long-sleeved shirt.

''I don't know. I don't understand some of the things you do,'' Mei said with a small shrug of her shoulders. ''What took you so long? I was expecting you to return far earlier. I even cooked for you.''

Naruto didn't respond, not until he sat down on the edge of the bed. ''I had some thinking to do.''

''Thinking? What were you thinking about?'' Mei asked, now closing her book.

''The Beginning of Uchiha Naruto and where I would like to see myself ending,'' he said.

His beginning? That was something that Mei had never been told. She doubted anyone else has been told about it. Everyone, except that other woman. Where was she anyway? Everytime she came here, that woman was never present. Naruto alwayssaid she was in his castle, but he never took her there just so she could see it herself. She also knew that though Naruto spent much time in this throne room, this was one place he didn't use often.

''How did you begin Naruto? I know the story of Uzumaki Naruto, but how did things change? I'm told you weren't always like this...'' When he was still going by Uzumaki Naruto and in the academy, he was said to have been an overly active person.

''I never told you, huh?''

Mei shook her head, ''You almost never tell me anything unless it is necessary,'' she frowned slightly at the thought, but didn't let it show in her voice.

Naruto silently pulled the dark blue sheet down and got into bed, lying on Mei's left side, and rested his head on both his hands, while staring at the white ceiling. ''The story of Uchiha Naruto began in Konoha, 13 years ago on the 10th of October in an alley. I was backed against the wall, eyes closed, waiting for the glaring mob before me to deliver its 'righteous' punishment. I waited and waited, but the attack never came.

When my eyes opened, I found myself staring in the crimson eyes of Uchiha Madara. Of all the people in the world, he had saved me. I was happy, thankful. The months that followed, he brought me food, books, pulled the lid that had been put by the Sandaime to keep me from the truth. After which, he took me in and made me Uchiha by blood, he taught me so many things, made me see the world for what it was and almost made me a perfect copy of himself.

Years of extensive training followed. But he couldn't live forever. He died. After dying, the prologue was replaced by the first chapter. The first chapter of my life as Uchiha Naruto.''

No details, Mei frowned at this, but she didn't voice her thoughts. ''If you still had blond hair, one would find it hard to believe that Madara was your grandfather,'' she said.

''Perhaps,'' Naruto said. ''The world is heading towards a bloody patch, and I'm going to do things that you will not like. How do you feel about it?''

Mei released a long sigh, ''I don't know, but I have to support you,'' she gave her honest response. ''what exactly are you going to do, Naruto?''

''That is for another day,'' Naruto said. ''I have something else I wish to inform you. It is rather important.''

That made the Mizukage curious. She thought everything that Naruto told her was important, but the it seemed what whatever he was going to tell her carried some weight. ''What?''

''You once questioned why I allowed Samui to be exiled from her homeland when I could have stopped the information about her connection with me from reaching A,'' Naruto started.

''Yes, and your answer was something about it being for the best.''

''She also doesn't even make public appearances, and you rarely see her. I told you she lives in my dimension, but I have never allowed you there. I didn't lie to you. She does live in a world I created for her.''

''Where are you taking this?''

''The reason for everything I have told you is that by the time she was exiled from Kumo, she had just discovered that she was pregnant. I hid her because I didn't want the world to know.''

''What?'' Mei's tone was flat. ''Care to repeat what you just said.''

Naruto didn't. She'd heard him clearly. ''Her name is Uzumaki Etsuko. You're the first person being told this.''

Mei was quiet for a good minute or more. ''You have a child with another woman, and you never bothered to tell me about this, not when we got married, not when we made love, not when you told me you would never lie to me. I'm your wife for fucks' sake! That isn't the kind of thing you keep from me! What am I to you Naruto?!''

She was shouting, now standing on her feet while glaring dangerously at Naruto. But the Emperor didn't react to her anger, nor did he cast his eyes towards her - he continued with his staredown with the ceiling.

''Answer me, Naruto?! How could you keep something like that from me?!''

Obviously, she was angry, and close to attacking someone. If he wasn't Uchiha Naruto, she would have sure gone on with the violence with him. Naruto held out his right hand, stared at it for a few moments before getting out of bed. He faced the Godaime Mizukage, and despite her anger, she could see that he was wearing a somewhat sad mask.

''Mei, you're someone I care for and someone I married,'' that was all he said before showing her his back. A portal opened in front of him before he spoke again, ''Come with me, I'd like for you to see her.''

''And if I don't want to?''

Naruto didn't turn around to face her as he responded, ''That will be your choice and I will respect it. I have not forced you to do anything and I will not do that now, not ever. Nevertheless, It would really mean a lot to me if you come with.'' He paused for a moment before adding, ''It may have been unfair to keep it from you, but I did what I believed was best. But of course, you may not agree with it. What is done is done, nevertheless. I want us to move on from this and forge a tomorrow as a family.''

''Family?'' Mei asked quietly. ''You already have your 'real' family behind that door. This thing between us is just a sham, nothing more than an illusion to hide your real family.''

Naruto turned to look at Mei for a moment, his mask impassive, ''Is that what you believe?'' He asked, but Mei didn't respond. ''I did keep you out. But now I'm inviting you in. It hasn't been fun for Samui either. She has been forced to live in the shadows, away from this world. She wants to live in the light, in this reality; she wants to begin a new chapter, and I'm inviting you to start this chapter with us.''

The following day

It could not be argued that the air around the Emperor was a little different from the usual. It felt more like a real Emperor, that aura of superiority and excellence. His Shakujo was also floating on his right side, while a piece of red clothing was added atop of his kimono. On his left side, Samui stood there, wearing a white kimono, and suspiciously, holding something in both her hands.

Heisuke and Shinji were alamed by this development, but just kept silent while kneeling before his Majesty.

''This is Uzumaki Etsuko, she is the only child. She will be living in the royal palace from now on, along with Samui. You're to make sure they are protected at all times.''

They didn't need to question anything, just follow the orders, ''Hai,'' Heisuke said. ''I will draft some of my most trusted men to take resident in the palace along with me. Once done, I will assign them into different positions. I will personally guard Samui and the Princess.''

''If there is such a thing, both of you have been promoted to nobles, by virtue, your families as well. While Heisuke will be in charge of protecting the royal family, the children and the wives precisely, Shinji, you will guard the palace itself as well as the Emperor. Both of you will keep your other posts. Since both of you will be living here from now on, you will move your families here as well,'' Etsu will also need children to play with as she grows.

The two simply nodded, excited, but they didn't show it.

''We'll be back in an hour so. During that time, rig the changes around palace,'' Naruto said before disappearing along with Samui.

''Well I'm not surprised by this turn of events. I have always suspected something was up,'' Shinji said after the Emperor had disappeared.

He couldn't be surprised, not when this explained a lot of things. It explained why the Emperor never actually took interest in leaving the palace, why Samui was mostly never present around the palace. Still, it went by some length for the Emperor to have hidden this from everyone. He did understand that this was just going to cause troubles if it became public.

''I had my suspicions as well,'' Heisuke said with a nod. ''Royalty and nobility huh? I have never been more honored. My wife is going to be a bother when I tell her about this...''

One more thing Shinji understood was why Heisuke was tasked with the children and wives: between the two of them, the latter was much more lively while he was often serious, more like the Emperor. ''What did he mean by wives?''

''Who knows?'' Heisuke shrugged. ''So, when is Guren due?''

Shinji sighed, ''Who knows? She doesn't tell me anything. Probably left the capital to stay away from me...'' he said. ''Do you think the Emperor knows?''

''Yeh, he does know about it. Why do you think he said you will move your 'families' when you have no one but a younger sister. After everything she has done, Guren deserves nobility.''

Out of everyone else, she has served the Emperor most. The woman was also responsible for the building of this place. Naruto may have given her everything she needed for the project, but you couldn't take away her efforts. Even the Emperor was willing to admit that she has played a vital role in the success of the Empire.

''Well, his Majesty does keep her close, and she is probably his most valuable surbordinate - he doesn't show much of it though,'' Shinji said. ''Do you think the Mizukage is aware of this?''

''Yes,'' Heisuke said. ''His Majesty didn't look his usual self yesterday,'' he added, ''We better make preparations before his Majesty returns. We also have that meeting at noon.''

Yugao's House

There have been moments that Naruto shocked her to the core, and there have been moments when she expected some things from him. Though the emperor had a certain timeline in the way he operated, and his actions were often predictable, he had his moments. This one of the moments that the Emperor has shocked, sucked the life and energy out of her system that she'd not said a word to him but taken a seat on her couch. She tried to regain the breath taken away and return her skin into a normal condition as the Emperor stood still, seemingly bemused by her reaction to his unexpected presence.

In this house, Yugao didn't buy much, and she didn't do any work - Naruto provided for her, and she wasn't about to say she didn't like the fact that the Emperor provided for her even though she did nothing. She accepted his generous offer. When she moved into the capital, he'd offered for her to live a normal life, not working. A bit of a reprieve from all the work she has been doing through the years as an Anbu of the village. Still, in all the time she lived in this house, Naruto had never stepped inside before - this was a first.

In the entrance of her living room, the Emperor was standing still, with Samui beside him, carrying what appeared to be like a baby - the baby was wrapped up in a white clothing. She didn't even need to guess or be told what this actually meant, hence her shocked reaction. Both parents looked more like nobles, but the father figure didn't seem to click well with Naruto.

''Hello, Yugao,'' Naruto greeted. He'd just appeared in the spot he stood. No need to stand outside and knock when he could help himself.

Yugao regained her bearings before clearing her throat, ''Naruto,'' she said, before looking at Samui, who was busy playing with the giggling child. The woman was smiling warmly, she seemed happy. Yugao's stomach twisted at the sight. That could've been her. ''Samui.''

The blonde looked up to her, leaving her fun time with the baby. She smiled at her, and that didn't make Yugao feel any better. Samui always did something like that when their paths crossed - she always smiled. She didn't want that smile. She hated it. Not because of anything, but because that woman has taken her place. She was just the woman Naruto used to sleep with, and now that woman was holding his blood. One didn't need to be a thinker to assume who would be favored.

Naruto's left hand sneaked behind Samui, he gently ushered her towards the seats. Once both were sitting across Yugao, the black haired Emperor spoke, ''This must be a surprise to you...''

''Not at all.''

''I see we're still on the sarcastic streak,'' Naruto said.

Yugao's eyes narrowed when Samui handed Naruto the baby. She watched curiously as to how the emperor would handle it. She wasn't surprised when a small smile graced his lips, both his hands gently took the package and he brought the giggling child towards his chest. His Sharingan disappeared, replaced by his original cerulean eyes.

''What do you want?'' Her tone was a bit harsh, much more than she would've liked, this caused her to bite her lip. But Naruto didn't take it heart - he rarely took anything down those cold barriers.

''I have a favor to ask,'' Naruto said, his eyes looking straight at her. He motioned for her to come, she did so with little hesitation. Naruto handed her the child, but she didn't want to, she was afraid she might do something. ''Her name is Etsu. Uzumaki Etsuko. Uzumaki in honor of my mother.''

Yugao bit her lower lip once more, she struggled with her emotions, but Naruto's hands didn't tire. Finally, she took the wrapped child. No matter what she was feeling inside, she couldn't keep it while staring at the young one. Even the Emperor didn't look at her with his favored Sharingan. Etsuko - her skin was slightly pale, blue eyes, and she had blonde hair, by looks, she was her mother's daughter. She seemed to be around the age of 1.

Feeling some energy leave her once more as she stared down at those innocent eyes, the melodious sounds the baby made. Reluctantly, Yugao put the child on her lap, her right hand found its way toward the baby's soft hands. That seemed to excite her, as she made more sounds that only reminded her that she couldn't been a mother had things gone differently.

''What do you want?''

It wasn't Naruto who responded, but Samui. ''I know this may not be easy for you, but Naruto says he trusts you. What I want is friendship. I don't particularly have anyone, and I'm finding this to be difficult without someone for moral support.''

Yugao chuckled mirthlessly: it could've been her making the request. It was not fair that she had to be 'forced' into this situation. It was not fair for Naruto to put her into this position, and it was his fault that their relationship fell apart. He didn't try hard enough to make her come with to this country, he didn't try.


Royal Palace

This was the first time that Temari was seeing a palace like this. Going to different places was restricted, or just Gaara didn't want to. But she'd only seen the throne room, the large indoor garden, passages, and another hall - which she assumed was for hosting guests, and the quarters they were given in this stay. The hall they were now in wasn't big as the throne room, but still big; its floor was clothed with a crimson mat, while the walls were splashed with dark blue; on the right side - when standing from the entrance - the Uzumaki Swirl was stamped in its crimson glory; the left had the Uchiha fan, and the wall opposite to the entrance had the Senju symbol; the ceiling was white and in its center, there was a map of the Elemental Nations, which was glowing a bit.

The bluish light that filled the room came from all corners, which had light bulbs that radiated like diamonds. In the middle of the room, there was a rectangular table, it wasn't wooden or metal, but it was made of reddish crystal. A couple of chairs surrounded the table, and on the side, there was a throne like chair, also made from reddish crystal. Temari didn't need to guess that the seat was for the Emperor and the Emperor only.

She guessed the room was only created for meetings. Temari went on to sit beside her brother, before speaking, ''What do you think we're going to be told anyway?''

''How things are going to move on with the war outside the country's walls,'' Gaara said before falling silent.

He simply watched as the others started to fill in their seats. They had been the first ones to arrive after being led by what he presumed to be a member of the royal guard - which was a surprise because despite them being called 'the royal guard', you didn't find them crawling around the palace. But by the looks of things, it seemed like there were changes being made around the place.

The four generals walked in along with the Godaime Mizukage, Guren and Konan. Gaara didn't need to guess to see that Mei didn't seem her usual happy self, but he didn't question about it - it wasn't his business. They exchanged a few pleasantries before the Emperor appeared himself. Unlike his indifferent self, he seemed and felt imposing as he walked in, eye closed and his Shakujo floating on his right.

A breathless silence followed suit as the Emperor took his seat, he didn't immediately open his visible eye, he waited for a few moments before he partially opened his left eye. A reddish glow radiated for a few moments before he spoke, ''Kotaro,'' his voice was of a man in power, authoritative, and commanding. This did nothing but set the tone of the meeting.

Guren had to narrow her eyes a bit at the Emperor at hearing his tone: what changed, she thought. He was acting more like the way he was when she first met him, or when he came up to her. During that time and after, he didn't ask for her opinion, and she knew even if she put her thoughts out there, they wouldn't matter because he wasn't looking for them. He was more commanding, less friendlier, and just dished out orders. You just had to follow them, no questioned asked.

Over the past, he became somewhat friendly, and actually listened to someone. Though, that didn't mean he was going to follow through with what you told to him. She had seen Sasuke completely disregard his orders, and he didn't appear to mind. Heisuke and Shinji didn't question his orders, yes, they voiced their opinions every now and then, but they never stepped out of the line. Nao did so, worse was Kotaro, who seemed to have so much in his mind.

Kotaro cleared his throat before speaking, ''We estimate that around 10 000 strong men from Iwagakure will abandon the village in the days to follow. These shinobi are likely to attack Sunagakure as soon as they settle down. They will also come to us, and are also to join in other forces from other villages.

Our allies, Rivers, Vegetables, Grass, Tea and Hills are likely to face organized hits as well. Kirigakure is unlikely to be attacked by this force as it doesn't have the naval capabilities to invade it.

Kumogakure is another matter altogether. They have the resources to go anywhere they want, it remains to be seen if the Raikage will prioritize his attacks on our allies. Given Kumo's numbers, we can expect heavy assaults from all corners, but I assume that they will not want to fight His Majesty. They are likely to retreat should His Majesty confront any of the platoon.''

''Yesterday, we tactically removed the threat of our border neighbors in the Fang country. A few of our forces occupy the country now. Strategically, occupying the Fang country gives us more ground to cover. With our forces in the Fang country, we can halt any movement through it. This means that enemies will have to go through the borders of the Fire country. Kumo only has one route through land, and that is through Bears,'' Shinji added after Kotaro.

Gaara sighed, this was going to be troublesome, but he was more than ready ready to deal with any threats that may arise from the war. They tried everything with the Mizukage to avoid the war from happening. How many meetings did he hold with Konoha, Kumo, and Iwa? The Raikage had been stubborn in all meetings while Onoki continually refuted their attempts for a non aggression treaty. In fact, the dead Kage had made a ridiculous condition to get him to even think about the matter - he had requested the Emperor's head.

''What of Konoha?'' He asked.

''Konoha is likely to stay neutral in the beginning of things. But I suspect they will send their heavy hitters as the war reaches its peak,'' Heisuke said.

Guren snorted in response, ''They can claim to have no part in the war while other nations lose their shinobi. After the war, they are going to be fresh from battles, military force not suffering from anything. Konoha has been knocked out as the strongest, but it's shinobi are still some of the finest.''

''Are you suggesting they may try to claim their position after the war, knowing that other nations are exhausted?'' Temari questioned.

''I'm not suggesting, I'm saying that is what will happen,'' Guren said. ''We must guard against something like that.''

''Konoha's participation in the war can be forced,'' Konan said. ''Iwa and Kumogakure aren't the only enemies. If they are attacked by another nation posing as us, they will be forced to fight. It may not be against us or with us, but they will be forced to fight.''

They has collected a fair number of enemies because of their activities in the past wars. Other nations would be looking to settle old scores. As it stood, there would be battles all over the land, in the fire country, wind, and lightning country. She doubted Naruto would permit battles to occur in this land. He did create huge walls to avoid such things happening.

''I have already assured both Mei and Gaara that I will not allow their villages to fall,'' Naruto spoke, keeping his tone low. ''Rice doesn't have the numbers to overwhelm the amount of enemies, but we do have the quality. Nevertheless, I will indulge this war and play my part in most battlefields.''

''Heika, you must-'' Nao wanted to say something, but a look from the Emperor told him to shut it.

''I called you here because I want you to discuss how you will fight. And I wish to inform you something I have been doing over the past two years,'' Naruto said before pausing for a second. ''In all the Elemental Nations, I have planted special trees that will be consuming chakra, from shinobi. It will cap the amount of chakra one possesses, and the number of chakra users within a village. These trees are sentimental and their possess is to manage chakra around the nations. After the war, one who abuses it, will lose their chakra and will be reduced to just civilians. One more thing, after the war, I will become the Emperor of the Elemental Nations, that is if the idea is still appealing to me. Heisuke, you will inform them of the other news,'' Naruto said before disappearing into thin air.

''Mizukage-dono, did you hear that?'' Gaara spoke before Heisuke could. Mei didn't look at Gaara. ''Mizukage.'' He called again.


''Did you hear what I just said?'' Mei merely nodded, causing Gaara to shake his head.

''What his Majesty meant is that he will become Emperor if that is what is needed to stabilize the nations after the war,'' Heisuke said. ''The other matter he wants me to inform you is that there is a first Princess, Etsu, born to Samui.''

The revelation was greeted with silence.

''I'm sorry what?'' Temari was more shocked than anyone. It was hard to believe. That man couldn't possibly be a father. What sort of a father would he be, if he was always like that?

''His Majesty is a father, I believe that is the implication of his words,'' Kotaro said, not smiling the least. ''When were you informed of this?''

''This morning, actually,'' Shinji said.

Surprisingly, Gaara spoke something that would've normally come out from the mouth of Mei, ''Well, I believe this is something to celebrate.''

Nao nodded, ''I agree with the Kazekage, but we must first finish the business at hand,'' he said. ''Is it just me, or is His Majesty going to end up eradicating shinobi?''


Naruto's Kimono spread its wings out as he slowly descended down the center of Konoha in broad daylight. He'd not taken the time to see Samui before coming to this village after leaving the people in the royal palace. He'd just flown into space. The Emperor finally landed. There was no sound that was made by his landing, not even a little. Unlike last time when he appeared in the village by literally crashing down the village, he had taken a gentle step this time.

It didn't take more than a minute for his presence to be noticed by the villagers of Konoha, and the scent of panic reached his nose as he looked up, staring into the blue heavens. No one wanted to come close to the Emperor. The last time he'd appeared in the old village, things didn't end well. While some people were opening cursing him, Naruto just continued to breath in the air around the atmosphere.

This was the village that he had 'created'. Its foundation had been laid up by his power, no one elses. He had hated these people, those who made him suffer, still, now as he stood at this village, feeling a range of emotions from these people, he couldn't enjoy tormenting them as they did to him. But that didn't mean he had started to like them. Not a chance in hell, or in heaven.

Naruto grabbed his Shakujo as Anbu started to surround him. 'Guess I better remove the remaining barriers I put up,' he thought slamming the stuff on the ground. The eyes revealed nothing being undone, it seemed like just a motion of no purpose.

''This is a surprise,'' Sasuke said, stepping into the view. ''With your recent activities in Iwagakure, I imagined that you'd be home planning defensive strategies,'' the Uchiha added, having just being told that Naruto had stepped into the center of Iwagakure for battle. It wasn't anything that they didn't expect after Iwa's attack on Naruto's people. Sasuke was just surprised that the man had not put the village into shambles for what it did.

Naruto didn't respond to Sasuke, nor did he even act like he had noticed the Uchiha's presence. He just continued staring up at the heavens. How long has it been since he destroyed that Konoha? He certainly didn't feel anger at being in here, nor when he could faintly hear the curses being directed at him by some of the villagers. He just felt indifferent. As suspected, the events that have touched his life over the past two years have changed some things about his 'feelings'.

Sasuke frowned when Naruto didn't respond to him. He was certainly acting like he hadn't heard him. ''Emperor,'' he called.

''Hmmm?'' Naruto's response came, his eyes fell on the Uchiha as well.

''It is advisable that you stay away from the streets. We don't want anything that may incite violence,'' Sasuke said, walking over to the Emperor who had once again, taken his eyes away from him. He tried touching the Emperor on the shoulder to take him away from this place, but something stopped him.

Naruto looked at Sasuke: it was then that the other Uchiha noted that there was something different with the Emperor. He, if not unusual, a lack of a better word thereof. ''Acknowledged,'' Naruto merely said before disappearing.

Naruto next appeared atop of the Hokage tower. The place looked really different from how he had formed it. Well, it has been some years since this new village was created, he should have expected it to change, regardless of everything that has happened to it. The mood around the village has also changed, unlike when they first moved here. It seems that the cold hearts have warmed up to this new land that have been forced to call home. The house's he'd built were numerous, but the new ones were also at large.

A minute or so passed before the Rokudaime Hokage appeared beside the Emperor, along with Sasuke, Jiraiya and a squad of Anbu.

''You've certainly grown this village into a pleasant shape, Hokage-sama,'' Naruto said in a neutral tone. His polite manner of speaking caught the others by surprise as they'd expected him to simple call his former sensei just as 'Kakashi.'

''Well, it wasn't in a bad shape when you left it,'' Kakashi said. ''The morale was though. But after a few months we managed to get things going.''

The Emperor nodded, ''With experienced shinobi by your side, I wouldn't have expected you to fail in your job despite other glaring failures you have accumulated over the years,'' he said.

''Things change, people change, I was forced to change,'' Kakashi said with a shrug, his eyes not looking at the Emperor, but down at the village streets where the Emperor was looking as well.

''So it appears,'' Naruto said, casting his glance at Kakashi for a moment. ''Obito is finding the presence unpleasant I see,'' he added. The Uchiha wasn't here, but he was in the village, that he knew. He just couldn't find the the former Akatsuki anywhere. His sensing skills have dulled, it seemed.

Kakashi wisely chose not to comment on that matter since Naruto hadn't asked a question. ''If I may be bold, what brings you here, Emperor?''

''Sight seeing,'' Naruto said. ''A war is coming as well. But I imagine Sasuke and Obito's Susano'o will be on guard to protect this village. I've also come here to remove the last of the barriers I'd placed as well as return a certain dog I should have executed.'' He snapped his left fingers and a portal opened, before flushing out a gagged Kiba.

Kakashi quickly order the Anbu present to take the Inuzuka away from the place before he could start doing anything stupid that may force Naruto's hand. ''Sasuke, walk me out, will you? I would rather not have to shield myself from stones being thrown at me.''

Sasuke nodded, but Jiraiya beat him to the words, ''I will accompany you as well,'' he said, speaking for the first time since Naruto appeared. ''I hope that isn't a problem, Emperor..?''

''I have no complaints,'' Naruto said. ''I will see you soon, Kakashi.'' The Emperor said before jumping away. Jiraiya and Sasuke followed after him.

''Oh god no,'' Kakashi's shoulders slumped when Naruto's words registered inside his head. This wasn't happening to him. He didn't want to see this. Naruto's words only meant he was going to gate crash the Kage meeting. He had felt it in his gut that the man would do as such, but now it had just confirmed it that once again, his gut was right.

Naruto silently walked through the streets, hands folded across his chest, with Jiraiya and Sasuke in each of his side. The latter didn't have much to say to the Emperor, he had spoken to Naruto enough. He was just curious how the blond was going to act in the upcoming war. Was he going to do it in the same way as he did in Iwa, or was he just going to allow it to roll as a normal war?

''Something on your mind, Sasuke?''

''I'm curious-''

Naruto spoke once again, cutting off the Uchiha. ''On another note, curiosity is a good thing. You want to know something about the war, my actions to be precise. I, I don't want to answer the question. I want you to be surprised. What fun will there be if you know how things are going to play out?''

Sasuke merely grunted in response as they once again fell silent.

Jiraiya looked at Naruto, how long has it been? The blond seemed like a man now. He looked older than Sasuke despite them being of the same age. He hadn't expected Naruto to suddenly appear in the village, not when they were facing the abyss of war. He had troubles accepting that Naruto had just come here to 'sightsee'. What was there to see? How Konoha has been progressing after he destroyed their old village and banished them into a new land?

His mixed emotions towards the Emperor had surfaced the moment he felt him, and he had thought he had gotten over it, but he was wrong. So many things still troubled him. At least he could be happy that Naruto has a life, ruling a successful nation while not mindlessly occupying other lands for the sake of being tyrant. For certain he knew that both Kushina and Minato would be very proud of their son. He has done well for his country.

No matter what he wanted to say to Naruto, Jiraiya couldn't bring himself to say it. He couldn't. They reached the gates, and Naruto was about to leave, and he couldn't say he was sorry, for the hundredth time.

Naruto looked at the figure leaning against the gate frames, Shikamaru, ''Ah, the Nara a part of me considered a friend.''

That was an admission that Shikamaru didn't find to be surprising. Since the academy, they always had an understanding between them. Had things been different, they could've become best friends. ''I'm honored to hear you say that, your Majesty. To be honest, a part of me considered you a friend as well.''

''That is pleasing,'' Naruto said.

Shikamaru walked over, handed the Emperor a container. ''It didn't take a minute for word to spread out around the village that you were here. I bumped into Teuchi and he gave me this... He said it was on the house.''

No doubt ramen, and the fact that it felt hot, meant it had just been cooked. ''Tell him the Emperor appreciates it,'' Naruto said, flicking his Shakujo for a moment before he folded his feet, while floating above ground. The Truth-seeking balls materialized from the Shakujo and took a position beneath him. ''I guess I better eat this while it's still hot,'' he said. Before he flew away, he spoke once more, ''Jiraiya, what did I tell you the day you first appeared before me? If you can't accept those words, then you should die as miserable as you are.''

After Naruto disappeared, Shikamaru looked at the deflated Sannin, he walked over to the man and placed his right hand on his left shoulder, ''Whatever he said to you, accept it. He meant it.''

later that Day

Naruto's Quarters

''I thought you'd be gone... After everything...'' Naruto said, walking over to the living room where Mei was sitting, alone. ''Isn't it that you must look after Kirigakure as well?''

''Are you that tired of my presence that you'd want to see me gone already?''

''Not at all,'' Naruto said as he sat down. ''I'd had thought you would've returned home by now. Gaara has already taken a leave as well. I figured you follow his lead. Besides, there is a Kage summit coming in the next days.''

''This is my home as well,'' Mei said, a bit strongly. ''Ao can look after things in my absence and it isn't like I have to defend the village against an invasion.''

Naruto merely nodded as Samui came up and said something prompting the Emperor to follow her. He didn't take long to return to the living room, but now wearing a crimson long-sleeved shirt. Picking up where Mei had left off, he continued. ''That is about right.''

''How do you do it anyway? I mean turn impassive this minute and be a likeable person in the next?''


''This morning, during the meeting and now.''

Naruto appeared to think for a few moments before he responded. ''Time, place and the rest you can figure...'' he ended up saying with a shrug. ''You took note... And I was thinking you were a bit absorbed in your thoughts to take notice of anything.''

Mei said nothing in response because she'd settled to just looking at the blonde haired woman who was making herself comfortable beside Naruto. She frowned at what her eyes were showing her, but said nothing to comment on it. This was the sort of thing that she had to contend with. She has always known that Naruto was involved with Samui, he'd told her himself some time ago. But she felt comfortable when she didn't see that woman in his space, but now she was sharing the same air with her.

What she felt inside made her feel some unhealthy emotions.

''How did it go at Konoha?'' Samui asked.

''Nothing unexpected happened, I didn't get to talk to Obito though,'' Naruto responded. ''Did they finish their jobs?''

Samui shook her head, ''No, it should take a few days for everything to be completed. I doubt that getting Guren to leave 'her' palace will be an easy thing.''

''I didn't consider that she feels it belongs to her when the choice was made, perhaps I should reconsider...''

Once again, Samui shook her head. ''It is safe that she stays here until she is able to resume her duties as Prime minister. Besides, I've gone through what she was going through - I can offer her emotional support.''

''You offer someone emotional support?'' Naruto looked bemused by the idea. ''Motherhood does work wonders, huh?''

''Ahem,'' Mei cleared her throat. ''If you have forgotten I'm still here, and there are important issues that need to be discussed.''