Chapter 47

Naruto stood still in the middle of a training ground that was located just behind the royal palace. The space was protected by a barrier that would stop chakra from flowing out and keep whatever happens in the training ground stay here. When he was in a battle ground, there was bound to be fireworks and his works were often destructive. He didn't hope to change it, not by any chance. He was like that and nothing was going to change that. Perhaps after the war he would tone down his lust for a blood battle to look after the country, but the thirst would a gruelling fight would always be there.

Heisuke, Shinji, and Gaara were standing on the opposite sides, all surrounding him. Mei was just settling on the side along with Konan and Temari. The Mizukage preferred to watch things unfold rather than join in the battle. While she didn't have a problem with the occasional sparring session, she wasn't particularly in the mood for one. Still, catching Naruto off-guard and pummelling him would lift her spirits... a little.

The Emperor was only wearing a red long-sleeved shirt, black shinobi pants and black shinobi boots. His usual kimono was put aside. ''Don't hold back. Give it your all.'' Naruto said in a slightly detached tone, expression masked with impassiveness.

This was the first time they were ever going against the Emperor in a real battle, Heisuke and Shinnji. They'd never been given a chance to test their strength against the man who called chakra 'his'. ''You ready?'' Heisuke said, looking to the side at Shinji.

''Not really,'' Shinji responded. Since the revelation of the Empire's first princess, the Emperor has taken a more authoritative and strict manner. ''But it can't be helped,'' he added, getting into a stance.

''Come,'' Naruto merely said, not looking at either of his opponents.

Heisuke and Shinji blurred out of sight, before appearing on each side of Naruto, both slightly above ground, and fists cocked, aiming at Naruto. Gaara had shot a sand bullet, while remaining in place. The bullet went directly at Naruto's chest. The Emperor's Sharingan looked into all directions before he reacted to the attacks.

In an instant, his left hand caught Shinji's incoming punch, while his right hand, lashed onto the incoming sand bullet, directing it towards Heisuke. The bullet crashed into the man's chest, sending him tumbling away, while Shinji twisted in midair - still being held - and lashed a right footed high kick straight at the Emperor's face. Naruto still managed to catch the kick with his right hand.

''Wind Bullet,'' Naruto breathed out a bone crushing bullet from his mouth. The jutsu crashed into the man held in both his hands, sending him in Gaara's direction. The Sand Kazekage respond by lifting up a cushion of sand to catch the flying commander.

Shinji nodded in silent thanks to the Kazekage before taking out a black sword, which quickly became engulfed in red flames. The man darted towards the Emperor straight on. With those blood red eyes watching him like a hawk, it didn't matter if he went straight or not. Upon reaching within yards of the Emperor, Shinji swung his blade in a quick slash that went just above Naruto's shoulders. Any mistake and he was going to have his head rolling down the ground.

Naruto dodged the swing by bending back, as though he was falling. His eyes simply watched as the swing passed through inches away from his face. Right then, Heisuke appeared behind the emperor, crouched down a bit, a Rasengan on the palm of his right hand, heading at Naruto's back. Naruto turned his head slightly, while his right hand palm open, moved towards the Rasengan with Wind gathered around it.

As soon as Naruto's hand collided with the Rasengan, wind encased it to block the jutsu from doing any damage, Shinji was already in position, above the black haired Emperor. He swung his sword in a downwards slash, ''Cutting flames!'' the blade released a burst of flames like a wave, rushing straight at the front of the Emperor. By the second the flames collided with the Emperor, Heisuke had already made his distance. The jutsu forced crashed down the Emperor in a heap of flames that surrounded him.

After a few moments, the flames dispersed: the Emperor had his feet still in the same position, his left hand facing up, smoke coming out it, while his right hand was on the ground, supporting his body so that he doesn't hit the ground.

Sand burst forth from the ground, wrapping itself around the Emperor, ''Subaku Kyuu!'' Gaara felt nothing. Naruto had escaped.

The Emperor landed just behind Gaara, right palm facing the back of the Kazekage. It didn't take a second for both Shinji and Heisuke to cover the Kazekage's back by flashing in front of the Emperor, both holding swords. ''Your reaction is good, but not good enough.'' He said, as he brought back his hand, ''Wind Style: Great Wind Breakthrough.''

Powerful gusts of wind picked up around the Emperor, lifting up blinding debris as they charged towards their targets. The jutsu slammed straight into both Shinji and Heisuke, sending them flying. Gaara merely raising a shield of sand behind him to avoid the powerful gusts. It didn't take long for both Shinji and Heisuke to recover from being hit.

Gaara didn't even look back at Naruto as he held as single hand seal. ''Sand Bullet,'' the wall of sand behind him shot out several bullets of wind at an insane speed towards the Emperor.

Naruto held up his right hand, "Wind Style Wind Barrier" And invisible wall of wind formed just in front of him. The sand bullets slammed into the barrier, but couldn't break through it. As a result, the sand crumbled down the ground, making Naruto release his jutsu.

Naruto took a single step forward before halting his movement. He then quickly jumped back as the sand that had been manipulated by Gaara turned into a cold explosion. The explosion produced a shock wave that slammed right into Naruto's chest, sending him further backwards.

Shinji and Heisuke were already in position behind the Emperor. The former swung his flame engulfed blade, ''Cutting Flames!'' He shouted, released a slashing wave of intense flames straight at the incoming Emperor. Heisuke added to the attack by going on a quick swirl, while holding his blade, ''Lightning Fang!'' he released his own wave of pure electricity, that charged behind Shinji's jutsu.

Naruto didn't tempt fate, he quickly released a portion of his Susono'o as defense against the jutsus that were going to no doubt put a mark on his body. The jutsus crashed into the back of his Susano'o, culminating in a fiery of fireworks and a dance of the lightning. Despite having a portion of his Susano'o activated, Naruto was still sent straight at the waiting Kazekage, who had his right hand facing him with its palm open.

Naruto could see tiny amounts of sand in front of the former Jinchuriki. He just couldn't see what the Kazekage was trying to do as this was something new to him. ''Futon: Sasandan.'' the particles of sand Gaara had manipulated were blasted towards the Emperor, piercing through the crumbling Susano'o, and his flesh. This halted his path, causing him to crash down the ground.

''Hmm?'' Naruto didn't get the time to examine his bleeding self as Heisuke suddenly crashed down behind him before stabbing his blade into the ground. ''Lightning Shock!'' Lightning bolts burst forth from the ground, lighting up around the Emperor. Naruto didn't make a sound as the lightning shocked his body, to the point where smoke started pouring out.

He looked at Gaara for a moment before getting up on his feet. He then tore off his shirt, revealing some holes leaking blood. He couldn't move back then, and he could feel foreign chakra inside his system. He really hated when someone attempted to control his movements. The technique was rather dangerous though. It couldn't kill him nonetheless.

''I guess I should start try to fight,'' the Emperor said as he prepared to flush out the chakra that had invaded his system so that he could close his wounds. He released a quick burst of chakra, flushing out the 'insects' inside his body. It didn't take long for the wounds around his body to close.

''How can you heal so quickly?''

''Yang chakra: it has life properties. It can stabilize all forms of life,'' the Emperor said. That was one way to look at it without saying anything unnecessary. ''Bijuus used to use this chakra superbly by healing the hosts wounds.'' Naruto looked up to think before speaking again. ''The three of you are Kage-level shinobi, do not disappoint me.''

Shinji didn't need a second invitation: the commander blurred into the sight just above Naruto, swinging his blade in a downward slash. The Emperor reacted by summoning his gunbai, which he placed just above him. Shinji's blade crashed into the face of the gunbai, ''Devouring Flames!'' Shinji released flames that were like lava. The flames burst forth quickly covering the entire gunbai, but didn't go past that.

While this was happening, Heisuke flashed behind the Emperor, both hands holding the hilt of his lightning blade. He swung the blade in a horizontal slash that was aimed straight at Naruto's mid section. The Emperor used his free left hand: he moved it behind him, before flicking it, simultaneously, with, "Uchiha Return.'', '' the deathly intense flames exploded in the face of his gunbai, while a wind bullet was released from his finger. Though Heisuke didn't see the bullet, he knew it was coming, thus he jumped up to avoid it. Shinji had expected for the Emperor to use Uchiha Return, thus he was able to escape being hit by his own jutsu.

Naruto twirled in a blurry movement that ended up by Heisuke falling straight into his right hand, being grabbed by the neck while lifted up above the ground. ''Shall I begin with my counter attack? Or will you activate your amour?''


The image that has become familiar to the walls that surrounded the Throne room was painted once more: the Emperor was sitting on his throne, left eye partially opened while right hand held up his face, which was leaned to the right side.

Samui walked into the throne room with Etsu in both her hands, held gently around her chest. ''You done already?''

Naruto gave small nod, ''It was a bit disappointing to me, but they are still sharp enough to handle their duties extremely well.'' That was only if they didn't have to go against someone like him in battle.

''Not everyone is a monster,'' Samui said, ''I certainly hope you don't take after your father, dear,'' she added with a whisper towards her daughter. She stopped just beside the throne and remained standing on its left side.

''I should make you your own seat beside me,'' Naruto said in a thoughtful tone. His left eye turned to Samui without his head turning, ''It will be best if she takes after that warm side you hide behind that mask of coldness.''

''I thought you'd wish for her to be like you, despite her being a girl.''

Naruto gave a ghost shrug before he responded. ''There can only be one Uchiha Naruto. I named her Uzumaki Etsuko because I wish for her to be Etsuko, not me.''

Samui merely nodded before falling silent as she pondered on a few things. ''Why did you really visit Konoha, Naruto?''

''Create a clone and take her away.''

''She's sleeping.''

''I know, but do it,'' Naruto responded firmly causing Samui to sigh before she did as told. ''I wanted to confirm the atmosphere around that village. The leaders didn't seem hostile, but the people were. It is possible for Konoha to fight in the war despite my earlier reservations.''

''What makes you think so?''

''Konoha isn't the buildings or the Hokage, it is the people. I cannot be king without the people to make the kingdom. If someone was to say, manipulate the villagers into holding out their weapons to fight me, Kakashi will be forced to act.''

''So are we expecting a full war with Konoha?''

Naruto shook his head slightly, ''Not at all,'' he said. ''We can expect to fight their strongest shinobi. A may be arrogant, but he knows too well how much difference the Uchihas and the Green Beasts can make in the battleground.''

''Konoha's inclusion makes things fun, huh?'' Samui said. As far as she was concerned, the village boasted the strongest shinobi, who could actually make a difference.

Naruto nodded, ''Yes,'' he said before adding. ''Besides, if Konoha doesn't get involved, things won't work for Sasuke... and his plan.''

''What is he planning?''

''Who knows?'' Naruto responded with a slight indifferent shrug of his shoulders.

Iron Country

A could only frown and grit his teeth in anger when he thought of how Naruto had so embarassed the Kages the last time they'd come to this place. He'd never been so beat in his entire life as a Kage but that arrogant bastard had beaten all five Kages singlehandedly. Even going as far as smacking around the woman he was to marry. A could never work around that relationship, but he really hated to relive those moments those bloody eyes had stared them down, looking at them as though they were mere children playing in the sand.

He wasn't going to allow that embarrassment to befall him again. Not ever. Not again. If something like that were to occur once more, then it would be the end of him. The next time he was ever going to face the Emperor would be in a battle of death. He wasn't going to allow that man to continue contaminating the very air he breathed. His existence needed to be ended, and soon. He has prepared himself over the years, gathering all Intel he could get his hands on just so he could have a better hand in dealing with that man who so called himself the Emperor. The Emperor his ass. That man wasn't a king before his eyes.

Naruto's existence threatened the balance of power, it threatened the peace of his village, that is why he couldn't allow the blond to live any longer than he had. It was the same as Uzu: its existence threatened other villages, its growing potential could rival others. They couldn't have that, hence the village was destroyed. Naruto's country has grown far more powerful than he had first thought and it wasn't pleasant. The man alone was a problem, to have an entire country behind him was a disaster. One he sought to correct. The country shouldn't have been allowed to pick up in the first place.

Once again, A sighed. He seemed to become possessed by the sighing demon each time he thought of this situation. He looked ahead of him, walking in the passages of the place they were going to hold their Kage meeting. The meeting would be held an upper room.

The Hokage and his group were just ahead of him. The thing that birthed a frown upon his face were the two walking side by side of the former Sharingan wielder: Uchiha Obito and Sasuke. The thought of those two truly made his blood boil. Not because of anger, but because of some admitted envy. He wished he had someone like Obito or Sasuke. Without his Bijuu, Bee wasn't deadly has he was, but their teamwork had improved over the past two years since they had started training together once more

''Hokage,'' the Yondaime Raikage called, causing Kakashi to halt his movements and turn to face the bulky Kage.

''Raikage-sama,'' Kakashi responded, an invisible frown marred across his face for a second, but was wisely hidden behind his mask.

''Can I have a word with you, in private...''

Kakashi looked at the man for a moment before his hidden lips parted as his response came out, ''Aren't we going to discuss what needs to be discussed during the meeting? You're the one who called upon this meeting after all...''

''I can't trust the other three,'' A said bluntly. ''I need to speak to you before the meeting starts,'' he added with a bit of some force behind his words.

Why would he trust them? The Mizukage was the Emperor's whore and the Kazekage was an ever present guest at the Rice's capital. When things had started, Gaara had even been given a position in the empires council, a portion of control over the country. That simply meant that the former Jinchuriki could allow for Naruto to control the Wind country, so long as he gives him a post in the kingdom and continued to mind the business of his own country rather than try to influence how he does things.

This time it was Kakashi's turn to sigh. ''Is it really important?'' He didn't want to be dragged into more troubling conversations, he already had enough to deal with when it came to Konoha. Naruto was still going to appear during the meeting - that was something to worry about. He was going to keep it to himself nonetheless.

''If it wasn't serious, I wouldn't bother 'requesting' your time,'' A more or less snapped at the Sixth Hokage.

''Fine,'' Kakashi said. He motioned for Sasuke and Obito to move along towards the meeting roo. A instructed Darui and C to follow the two S-ranked Uchihas. ''So?'' Kakashi said, hands folded across his chest with his back pressed against the wall.

A followed Kakashi's example before he started speaking, ''It has become obvious that you would rather not fight the Emperor...'' he said.


''What do you think that man is planning, Hokage?''

''Who knows?'' Kakashi said with a shrug. ''Probably nothing, just trying to fend off troubles away from his country.'' His tone was a bit careless as he spoke, and that just annoyed the Raikage but he didn't let it show.

''What would you do if I told you that the man has planned to rule over the Elemental Nations?''

''You mean become a tyrant?''

''Exactly that,'' A stated. ''He's already married the Mizukage and keeps the Kazekage close. I bet he has some influences on the new Tsuchikage as well, given her actions since she took over.''

Kakashi shook his head, ''That doesn't sound like him at all. I 'know' the Emperor, he isn't someone who seek that kind of path.''

A scoffed, ''I also have someone who knows bits of him and she says that the man is more than willing to discard what he believes if it means achieving what he wishes. But you should know that, yes? Especially, with that other Uchiha being close to him.''

Kakashi didn't allow for his frown to show. He knew Naruto. ''There isn't a chance of that happening. Besides, Gaara isn't the kind of person who would allow for such, neither would the Mizukage.''

''That may be true,'' A was willing to admit this fact. ''However, what do you think the Kazekage will do? Oppose the Emperor and risk losing the people he loves and cripple Suna, or continue as things have been.''

Kakashi's frown deepened. According to Sasuke, despite being the so-called Emperor, Naruto actually allowed whoever was the 'Prime Minister' to rule over his empire. He was more of a figurehead than anything. But lately, things have changed. Still, Naruto has shown that he is willing to sit back and just watch the show. So even if he seeks to rule over the Elemental Nations, he is most likely to allow them to rule as they like.

Between that and losing his precious people, the latter seemed to be the likely cause of action.

''I need you in the war. I need your fire-power to deal with the Emperor. Naturally, you won't be allowed to play the neutral card. Whether you like it or not, you're going to be dragged into the war,'' the Yondaime Raikage stated before leaving the presence of the Hokage.

The Raikage had just threatened him. He had just told him his village would be attacked or treated as an enemy if he decides to play neutral. Kakashi narrowed his eyes at the disappearing figure of the large man. He really hated dealing with this crap. Tsunade would have just snapped at the man for his blatant threat.

Upper Room

The Kages and their guards were around a small round table with Mifune along his own guards standing behind him. It wasn't the first Kage meeting for Gaara, or Mei but it was a first for both Kakashi and Kurotsuchi. The former has been Hokage for some time while the latter has only been Tsuchikage until recently.

The atmosphere around the room wasn't tense as Kurotsuchi would've expected. It was a bit subdued. Still, she knew that some bloody thoughts were on a rampage in the minds of some of the shinobi in the room. The first thought was the Yondaime Raikage. The man had a rather stern look on his face, looking all business and ready to battle at any given time.

Mei looked at the only other woman in her position, ''Tsuchikage-dono,'' she said with a warm smile. ''I heard what occurred and I'm truly sorry you lost your grandfather.''

A snorted. He wasn't going to miss that stubborn old man. While he respected the old man for his experiences and the knowledge he brought in battle, he had never grown to like him. At least his death wasn't for waste. In fact, it had given him some Intel about Naruto's weakness and more than 11000 strong men ready to die in fighting the Emperor.

''Yeh right,'' Kurotsuchi scoffed sarcastically. She knew the woman was being honest, but she just couldn't help herself, especially when the woman was married to the man who killed her grandfather.

Mei didn't lose her smile, but she didn't say anything further. She looked at the masked Kakashi, and offered him a smile, ''You look well...'' she said.

''Got no reason not to be,'' Kakashi said with a shrug of his right shoulder. ''You look pleasant yourself. The Emperor treating you well, I hope...''

Mei wanted to frown, but she held her mask before responding, ''Yes,'' she simply said.

''I didn't call you here for small talk,'' A butted in strongly. ''You can do that on your free time,'' he added.

''Why did you call us here, then?'' Gaara questioned. He knew exactly why the Raikage called them to this meeting, but the man should know that he wasn't going to betray the Emperor nor was Mei.

Before A could respond, Mifune cleared his throat, ''No one seems to be questioning the legitimacy of the Tsuchikage, so we will go ahead. I will rather the meeting proceed in the same manner as the last one. As the neutral party, I will chair the proceedings, does anyone disagree with this?''

All shook their heads, prompting Mifune to add on, ''Now then, Raikage-dono, will you state the reason you've called this meeting?''

''Uchiha Naruto. He is a dangerous existence that has disrupted the balance of power between the Elemental Nations. We are facing war because of him. One of his major crimes was stealing our Bijuus. Nobody knows where they are. He probably sealed them into himself. Regardless, the Emperor is a poison that we must all deal with!''

Sasuke suppressed the urge to roll his eyes after the bulky man had finished speaking. Fool. He was just giving Naruto an excuse to go to war and have the world filled up with battles while he performed his favorite dance. If they'd just let Naruto live on his own, he wouldn't have put the thought of war inside his head. The Emperor would've definitely kept things 'peaceful.'

''Do you have any other reason? It is not a secret that you dislike the Emperor, but he has made no threats against your village...'' Mei pointed the fact out, but A wasn't listening to her.

''He recently attacked Iwagakure, killed one of our own and just sprinted an attack in the Fang country.''

''He had a good reason to attack both villages, especially after what Onoki did,'' Mei said. The man was just choosing to ignore the fact that Naruto had been provoked into action by the villages he had invaded.

''I'm not surprised that you'd defend him,'' A said in disdain. ''You're his whore after all.''

Ao wanted to curse the Kage and Kakashi wanted to tell the man that it was no manner to speak to a lady. He could admit that Naruto's actions against Iwagakure were justified. Onoki had seen the slaughter of about 500 innocent people, and that wasn't something you could forgive easily, not even that man would do have simply let it pass if it had occurred to his people. But before he could say anything, the Emperor appeared through the window, and sat there, Jiraiya style. It was only the guards of Mifune, A and Kurotsuchi who readied themselves for battle when the man appeared.

''It isn't very nice to call another man's wife a whore, A,'' those were the words he first said, spoken in a deathly silent tone. ''Especially when she is telling the truth. If you wouldn't have reacted with violence after I had slaughtered 500 of your innocent civilians, you're justified. If not, apologize, now.''

Obviously the man would've reacted violently. The Raikage was probably the most violent Kage. A looked at the Emperor in disdain. ''I won't lower myself to that level,'' he said firmly with a low growl.

''He says staring into the Sharingan... how arrogant have you become?'' Naruto wondered out loud. His gaze zoned in the Raikage, sizing him up. The moment his Rinnegan came to life, everyone involuntarily became guarded at the power in show. The table in the center of the room shattered into small pieces as something crashed into it. Darui and C were forced into their knees by a force of gravity while something invisible grabbed A by the neck, lifting him up the air. ''Say you're sorry. I don't care if you mean it or not, just say it.''

Sasuke narrowed his eyes. Even his Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan couldn't see what was lifting up the Kage, but he had a good guess: it was probably a shadow Naruto. Madara used them during the time they battled against the Emperor, but the man didn't use them. He did state that he could use them nonetheless.

A was choking, struggling to break free from the invincible iron grip that held him. He refused to apologize, but was saved by Mifune, ''Emperor, I will prefer it if the violence doesn't escalate further than this.'' The Samurai commander said calmly.

''I did wreck up your place once,'' the Emperor said in thought. His Rinnegan disappeared, making it easy to breathe in the room, literally. A and his company were freed as well. ''I guess your apology can come at a later date,'' he said in a more reserved tone, yet still firm.

''What do you want?''

Naruto looked outside, casting his eyes away from the room. ''You can no longer say that the Five Great Countries dominate the shinobi with the Rice in the race. My country is superior. You cannot exclude it from such a meeting as a major player. Besides, who amongst you can firmly say he is stronger than the Emperor?'' his gaze went back to the room for a second before looking outside once more. ''Here is my plan: you are you all going to submit to me and I will stand as the supreme ruler of the Elemental Nations. As we speak, the Feudal Lords are being sent to the next world.''

''What?'' A snarled looking straight at the Emperor in a death stare. He didn't care about the Daimyos, but Naruto making a move against them was not acceptable.

''Isn't it considered wrong killing people who have nothing to do with your war?'' Kakashi asked.

''No. Not when it is for the greater good. I wouldn't have them killed if they just surrendered their lands...'' The Emperor said. ''Well then, continue as you were.'' He disappeared after saying those words.

Kurotsuchi stared quietly at the empty space ahead of her. She just couldn't believe what the man had said. Like hell she was going to kneel before him and kiss his behind. Iwagakure wouldn't forgive her if she allowed that man to rule over the village her grandfather had fought for years trying to protect. She had already stretched things by abandoning all plans for retaliation in pretense of trying to rebuild and reshape from the losses the village was incurred.

On other wounded side of things, Iwagakure couldn't really afford to fight at this stage. She had just lost her grandfather and that was already demoralising enough, especially with how it was done by the Emperor. The 500plus men they lost during that day were a number that could just appear via a wave of a magic wand. More than 10 000 shinobi had left the village already and she had simply wished them well. Guess, she would have to keep in contact with them if things were like this.

The Emperor could have been planning this all along, and it had been foolish of her to think that he was perhaps a 'good' person. This really gave her some unpleasant thoughts, and it would change a lot of things if she told those fools who were probably plotting sneaky attacks on the Emperor in her absence. At this moment, if wouldn't be so bad if the Emperor just dies...

''You don't need to be convinced that we have to stop that man from achieving what he hopes,'' A said, a bit more calmly, despite the situation. ''We must take decisive action, and I'm sure none of you want to be under that man's thumb, even the likes of you...'' his eyes were staring at both the Mizukage and the Kazekage simultaneously.

While Mei frowned, Gaara remained impassive. There was just no way that Naruto was actually planning to do something like this for real. The Kazekage has learned a few things about the Emperor, and one of them was that he wasn't power hungry. Naruto had no real thirst to rule over the world with an iron fist. He didn't even enjoy being king of the the greatest empire in the Elemental Nations.

''I won't take part in anything,'' Gaara simply said.

''What?!'' A shouted, ''Are you going to support that man in his crusade?''

Gaara shook his head slowly, ''No,'' he said. ''I will however protect my village from any threats. I don't support the idea of tyranny by any chance, but I won't gather my forces for battle against the Emperor.''

''My stance is the same with the Kazekage,'' Mei said.

''Are both of you blind? Is that man manipulating you by his Sharingan to be his puppets?!'' A furiously yelled once more.

''Raikage-dono,'' Mifune said, ''settle down. Shouting isn't going to solve anything.''

''They aren't being manipulated by the Emperor,'' Sasuke said with a shake of his head. Naruto's Sharingan was capable of casting a genjutsu as powerful as Kotoamatsukami, but he doesn't use that ability. ''They are just making choices that are good for their villages.''

''Nobody asked your opinion Uchiha!'' A snapped. ''This is a Kage meeting, so learn your place, boy!''

Sasuke merely shrugged his shoulders, ''I was offering it nonetheless. You were accusing them of being manipulated. That is an insult to them as Kages, and I truly hate it when the Sharingan is being accused of ill things. As an Uchiha, I cannot allow the Uchiha name to be dragged through the mud because of unfounded accusations that have no basis.''

A growled, stared at Kakashi, ''Control your dog, Hokage!'' he barked.

Much to his annoyance, the Sixth Hokage merely shrugged off his shoulders, ''He is entitled to defend the honor of his clan's doujutsu. I'm sure you would defend your own shinobi without a moments thought if someone accused your shinobi of doing 'some' things.''

Once again, A growled, but offered no response to the Hokage. His stern gaze turned towards the Kazekage, ''Well, if you're not going to help us with anything. You can leave. Those who remain here will be allies. But know this, if you leave this place, you will be treated as enemies!''

Gaara didn't even need to think about it, ''Thank you for the warning,'' he said, rising up from his seat, ''Excuse me,'' he said before Temari and Kankuro followed him from behind. Mei lingered for a few more moments before she went away.

Once they were gone, A took charge of things once again, ''How are we going to proceed with things then? I say we form an alliance.''

''I can't afford to join that,'' Kurotsuchi said. ''But I can give you locations of the man who has run away with the 10 000 strong army of Iwa.''

''That will do,'' A looked content with that. ''Hokage?''

Kakashi appeared thoughtful for a few moments. He didn't say anything until he had stood up, ''My select shinobi will engage the Emperor and the Emperor only. We won't be dragged into anymore needless battles.''

The Moon

There was only one thing for Hagoromo to do when Naruto appeared into his given space... Frown. He could never get that look off his face with just the thought of the man no matter how much his brother tried to get him to be a little better at handling his differences with the Emperor. It was even worse now since the man had so bravely come to the moon, he now occupied with his brother while guarding the other half of Uchiha Naruto.

Surely, it would spell trouble if someone got their hands on the Emperor's power. Still, what good would it be if he was able to hand over the chakra to someone in the Elemental Nations? The only thing that could defeat Uchiha Naruto was Uchiha Naruto. A dose of his own power could do some damage. A pity his chakra could no longer leave this place. That wasn't the case for Hamura though. His brother wouldn't agree to partake in his schemes though... and that was just a disappointment.

The Sage of Six paths simply watched as Naruto slowly walked within the hall of the castle he occupied with his brother. The hall was just an empty space with a throne that had a 'body,' The 'body' was just a mask. There was no consciousness there, just a mass of chakra in the form of a sealed beast. Hagorormo's own form was floating on the thrones right hand.

''What do you want?''

''That isn't a very nice way to greet me, now is it? But it doesn't matter,'' the Emperor said, settling to stand just away from the Sage and the throne, ''I was bored down there.''

Hagoromo didn't find that hard to believe: he thought that only a bloody battle was enough to excite the man. Without any real battles and any strong opponent to challenge him, he had to be bored. The man did like to settle, but every now and then, there was a need for a good battle. Since he fought against Madara and Sasuke in that brutal fight that could have killed him if things had worked perfectly, there hasn't been any challenging fight for him.

''I thought filling the world with plants of the Divine Forest would be enough,'' Hagoromo said. ''Are you planning on using the Eternal Tsukuoyomi like Madara wanted? You've set up preparations well, and you're just one step from doing that.''

''I've been tempted to put the Elemental Nations under the genjutsu but only to see what it would be like. Haven't you been curious? Have you not thought of standing above all humans and watch them have dream their perfect worlds?''

Hagoromo gave an outright, ''No.''

''Of course you wouldn't. You're not like your mother,'' the Emperor stated. ''My Rinnegan is normal. Performing the Eternal Tsukoyomi requires the third eye and my third eye is in that part of me,'' he added, pointing at his sealed half.

''You came here for it, then?''

''No. I don't need to go that far to subdue the Elemental Nations,'' the Emperor said. ''I merely came here to kill some boredom, you've always been able to entertain me.''

Hagoromo narrowed his eyes, ''So I guess telling the Kages that you wish to rule over the Elemental Nations is just setting the stage for your entertainment.'' Naturally, telling the Kages was just one way to get them to increase their efforts in preparation for war. Some wanted to fight, but didn't have the reason to give it their all. The Emperor's proclamation was just one way to strengthen everyone's thirst to kill him. Even more, killing the Daimyo's was just a way to symbolize his intention about the issue.

''More or less,'' Naruto said. ''I am going to war, why not get a kick out of him. Don't people like you always say, 'try to get the best out of every situation?'''

''You're applying the concept in a wrong situation. War is war, regardless of how you look at it. You only do this to satisfy your hunger for a real battle,'' Hagoromo said strongly. ''I thought having a child would change you... Even if it meant a little...'' the Sage shook his head slightly.

''Hagoromo, do you not see the state of the world?''

The Sage became quiet for a few moments before responding, ''What, are you going to bring that card of 'I tried solving things in a peaceful manner? Both you and I know you never expected both Gaara and Mei to succeed.''

''Why wouldn't I?'' Naruto cocked his head to the side a little. ''Don't you agree that Gaara and Mei were both suited enough to persuade others to abandon their weapons and sit down with the intention of treaties?''

Hagoromo didn't want to admit that he was disappointed with some of the Kages resistance. They just didn't want to listen to reason. Their fear of the Emperor exceeded his expectations. Fear was a scary thing, but for them to refute any chance for peace simply because of one man was just outrageous. '''But still, that doesn't change the fact that a part of you was somewhat happy that they failed.''

''That doesn't change the fact that I would've accepted the peace they brought if they had succeeded,'' Naruto said before adding after a pause. ''You know it don't you? I would not have trampled on the peace they would've created. Simply, I would have learned to deal with the change. I gave the world a chance, but it yielded no results.''

Hagoromo frowned, Naruto was certainly right: he would have accepted the peace and wouldn't have done anything to destroy it. The Emperor was just like that. ''So now you are going to do things your way, huh?''

''Yes. I have always spoken about being fair, haven't I? I gave the world a chance, and now I do things my way,'' Naruto said. ''To correct you, I have changed... a little. The idea of the Kages playing the palm of my hand has always been in my thoughts. Konoha rejected me because it couldn't understand me. The Elemental Nations, some of them at least, have rejected me because they fear me. What is fair in the situation? What must I do to accommodate my own existence?''

Hagoromo didn't answer.

''I can simply take away all the chakra in the Elemental Nations and brainwash all enemies to think they have 'reconciled' with the Emperor. With all the chakra I can harness, it is possible for my Sharingan to do so,'' the Emperor stated calmly. ''I will however not do that. If the current world has rejected me. I will reject it as well and create a new world where the Emperor can live in peace.''

''You know that will only spark more hatred on you.''

''Yes, they will hate me, but I'm not particularly concerned by that. The current Iwagakure will eventually warm up to me in a few years to come. The Rice and Kiri worship me and Suna likes me. I care not for Konoha. They will hate me for now, but eventually - when my time expires - they will let it slide, especially when I'm going to treat them with 'care'''

Hagoromo snorted at the last words. He was certain Naruto wasn't going to do anything. He was just going to stand on top of the Elemental Nations as the omnipotent god, but actually do nothing to rule over the world. At at least he knew without doubt that given his experience or having his mother's memories, Naruto wasn't going to follow along the same path. Power hasn't corrupted him. It spoke volumes with him being able to give it up to be able to live as a human. He was just too stupid to notice it.

''Why don't you just die now? If you die, no one is going to attack your kingdom. Peace will be brought.''

Naruto found Hagoromo's statement to be very amusing, ''No. I have no desire to do so. I grew up without a father, I do not wish for my own to grow up like that. At least if I can be there for her until she is old enough to understand things, I can watch from afar.''

The Sage sighed, how I wish things were different, he thought mildly.

''Say, Hagoromo, what would you say if I gave your bones flesh and put in your spirit? Just so we can actually have an exciting dance with our bodies drenched in sweat and blood?''

As Naruto patiently waited for an answer that wasn't going to come, Hamura appeared on the left side of the throne, standing on both feet, ''Emperor,'' he started. ''I see you really take fun in amusing yourself with my brother,'' he said.

''Were you just waiting for the right moment to appear?'' Hagoromo asked his brother. He could've come to his rescue some time ago. It wasn't like he didn't know that the Emperor had made his presence on this castle.

''I was content with just watching you,'' Hamura said. ''The Emperor is here because he doesn't have someone to talk with.''

''Hmm?'' Hagoromo raised a curious brow at the statement.

''Zetsu is no more, so he no longer has anyone he can talk with about all his secrets. None of the humans he trusts know about this castle. Naturally he needs someone to talk to about the fact that he lied about having created the 'Divine Trees' to suck out chakra from 'bad' people.'' Hamura paused for a moment as a thought ran through his mind. ''The Divine Tree will suck the chakra out of everyone bad, but that isn't its main purpose. While on his throne, he can control all the trees, and can use them to wipe out armies if the war takes longer or if he grows bored of it. Isn't that right, Emperor?''

Naruto smiled, a little, ''I think I'm going to start 'liking' your brother, Hagoromo - he understands me better,'' he said.

''That is of no consequence to me,'' the Sage responded firmly. ''I thought you would've told that woman everything. Isn't it that you trust her more than anyone?''

''True, but knowing too much isn't good for normal people. Besides, there are things that need to be kept hidden. The tablet you left behind did no good for Madara. Zetsu had manipulated some things, nonetheless, it just shows you that not all things are to be told,'' the Emperor said.

Hamura nodded, ''I would rather some things be kept sealed for all eternity. If someone stumbles upon those things while you're 'asleep', it won't do any good,'' he said. Despite separating his 'inhuman' part from the 'human', Naruto still couldn't die from old age. The Emperor had his mother's DNA in him after all. ''Still, I'd assumed you would choose to take back chakra from all humans.''

''Chakra doesn't make people do crazy things. It is their intensions that make them do dirty tricks,'' Naruto said. ''I'm curious, if the three of us engaged in a battle, who would win? Seriously...''

''You wouldn't win against brother and I,'' Hamura said firmly.


''Obito,'' Nagato said, seeing the former 'comrade' of his enter his office. ''What do you want? Make it quick.''

''There is really no need to be hostile, Nagato,'' Obito said.

''I said make it quick.''

Obito sighed. How many pills did he have to take just to be able to get this done? He had done so many wrongs in his past life. So many things that were not pleasant. Nagato was one of them. He had really manipulated the man. He was nothing now. Just an enemy. ''I have a proposal for you.''

''What makes you think I will listen to what you have to say?'' Nagato asked in a quiet tone. ''The Emperor will be displeased to know that you're trying something in his field of play.''

''He doesn't know that I am here. Nobody does. I would like for it to be that way,'' Obito said. ''Years ago, I was in the wrong path, trying by all means to achieve another man's dream. I thought I was doing things myself. I though-''

''Spare me the details. I already know your story,'' Nagato cut in a bit impatiently.

''You want to achieve peace, don't you?'' Obito asked. ''I can offer you my help. Perhaps it will make up for what I did...''

Royal Palace

Shinji couldn't think of anything more that would turn the world chaotic that when Naruto's intentions are made public to the mass that surrounded the Elemental Nations. He feared that they would have a lot more enemies that they did. Naturally, he didn't believe for a second that they would be defeated in the war. No, victory was all by assured with the Emperor still at large in this world. There was no one who could defeat the Emperor. No one. No one at all. He believed so, and so did his allies.

Still, the Emperor wasn't going to fight in every battle and that was going to be the case because of the number of enemies they had to encounter during the war. The Emperor will surely be forced to pull out all stops during the war. There was so much to consider and a number of enemies that would be at their doorsteps, ready to fight them in a bloody battle, that will end in death on both sides. The Empire was going to face casualties as well. They were going to lose some of their man during the war. Unlike the Emperor, they were not invincible to defeat and he couldn't watch them if he was backed against the wall.

For now, he just had to contain the fact that the Emperor has a child within the palace. If the news left the palace, it would make things nasty. Things were surely going to get more troublesome if such information was to spread all over the nations. He would have a lot of enemies to fend off, and given their numbers, they would be greatly exhausted without the Emperor fighting by their side.

The reason the Emperor even went ahead with creating the Great Wall was because he acknowledged that despite the Rice country being a powerful nation, it couldn't fight off attacks from villages such as Iwa and Kumogakure combined without him expending much chakra throughout the battlefields. They didn't have as much shinobi as other villages. Nevertheless they made up for it with quality. Surely, he could hit his chest and proclaim that there was no nation that had finer shinobi than the Rice.

Taking his place in a kneeling position before the Emperor - in the throne room - Shinji cleared his thoughts and spoke, ''Your Majesty, why did you tell the Hokage that you sought for control over the Elemental Nations?'' The Emperor had said it was only a possibility, and he didn't think he had gone to the summit to say that. Besides, the Emperor wasn't a control freak, evidenced by how he has been willing to allow others to run his empire while he simply watched to ensure that nothing got out of control.

''The Raikage had informed Kakashi that I wanted to rule over all nations. It makes things interesting when the Raikage's suspicions are 'confirmed' and when Kakashi is given a more suitable reason to fight,'' the Emperor said.

Shinji nodded. He wasn't about to question the Emperor about the fact that he had just invited trouble, ''Shall we expect Konoha to attack our borders as well?''

''No,'' Naruto said. ''Konoha will only come after me when the time is right.'' Kakashi wasn't going to send his shinobi to their deaths. Konoha has already lost too much, and knowing him, he would only be interested in fighting the real battle rather than fight other battles.

''I see,'' that was what the Emperor probably wanted. Even in the face of unavoidable deaths, he was still looking for fun. ''We're going to face casualties during the war.''

''That is a consequence of war. It wouldn't be fair if we didn't lose anything,'' Naruto said. ''How are the preparations going?''

''Smoothly. We're expecting Kumogakure to offer up to 14 000 shinobi to the war. Its allies are likely to offer a further 3500. There is already the 10 000 from Iwagakure. We don't know if there are other enemies in waiting, but we may face up to 30 000 enemy shinobi.'' Shinji said. ''Nagato has prepared 5000 forces. 4000 of which will be stationed around the Rain to stop any attacks on the country. 1000 will be sent to guard the borders of our allies.''

Naruto nodded, ''Have a message sent to Nagato. Tell him he has been summoned,'' he said. ''Karin should be called as well. Her power will be useful in sniffing out hidden enemies. I would rather not have my shinobi perishing under ambushes.''

''Do you think she will like it? She has said she wants nothing to do with your...''

''It doesn't matter if she likes it or not. It has to be done.''

That was the law. Shinji had no argument. ''Our success will depend on you drastically reducing the enemy numbers.''


''The capital will be fortified and we'll make sure no one reaches it.'' Shinji said. ''Should I go fetch him myself?''

Naruto shook his head slightly, ''You have your duties. Send someone who can make it quick,'' he said.

''Hai,'' Shinji saluted before disappearing in a flash.

An hour later

Yugao had no reason to smile as she walked into the throne room. She had no reason to smile at the Emperor. She could only frown at the cold hearted man who she once called her lover and shared a bed with him. She had even gone as far as to move in with him at the Uchiha compound. And what did she get in return from him? Nothing. He didn't seem to try as much as he should have, he didn't seem to care about it. She had put much more effort in the relationship, but it had broken up because of his actions, lack of rather.

Naruto just didn't try. He acknowledged his faults, but did nothing to correct them. Oh, he was rather wonderful and a master in pointing out his faults. Getting him to correct those faults was no different than trying to stab a bijuu to death by a kunai. In some situations that Yugao has found herself, she has questioned what she even saw in the man to actually love him.

Yugao stared at the left eye that stared back at her: the Emperor was in the comfort of his throne, head resting on his left shoulder. The expression of his. She couldn't read. She has tried that before, but nothing ever came up from the quest. Stopping at a good distance, Yugao opened her mouth to speak, but no words came out. She shut her lips and settled for sorting out her thoughts.

Naruto didn't have such problems, ''I'd assumed you'd be here some time ago. The sun has already set and I was thinking of retreating to my quarters.''

''I could've come there... Or am I not allowed in your private quarters?'' Yugao asked, still staring deep into the Emperor's eye.

''The day you're barred from coming to my quarters, is the day I fall under someone's control,'' the Emperor simply said.

''That doesn't make me feel any better,'' Yugao said. Despite the fact that he'd just told her there was no chance that she wouldn't be welcome in his life, it still didn't settle her thoughts.

''It wasn't said to make you feel better,'' Naruto said, earning a frown from Yugao. ''You're strong. Surely you don't need mere words from the Emperor to make you feel good about yourself. While we were still at Konoha, you were always confident and went after what you wanted without my opinion... You can even say I merely followed the lead...''

''That still doesn't make me feel any better,'' Yugao said. ''But that just shows you how much less you understand about women, or how to deal with them. I thought Mei would change a few things. But you make yourself undesirable.''

''Hm. Is that so?'' Naruto asked. ''Won't you teach me about women, then? To make me desirable, as you say...''

''Are you amusing yourself?''

''Perhaps,'' Naruto said. ''Then?''

''I will do it.''

''Good. Your quarters have already been prepared. You're free to move in any day and time you choose,'' the Emperor said. ''Yugao...''

''Hm?'' He called her by her name. Naruto almost never did that.

''I require your counsel...''

''Amuse me,'' Yugao simply said, though surprised he would require her to offer him advice on a matter, possibly personal.

''Mei is rather displeased with the situation at hand. Nothing with her has been resolved and I doubt she will be returning to the capital anytime soon. She refuses to talk things out with Samui, and I do not wish for Etsu to grow up in a hostile situation.''

Yugao sighed. ''Naruto. You slept with another woman behind your wife's back and got her pregnant. You kept the pregnancy a secret until recently. I'd understand with me - we're no longer in a relationship. But Mei is your wife and you didn't offer her an apology. What do you expect from her? To be more understanding? Dealing with you is already a pain,'' she said, her voice shrill. ''How do you think anyone would feel if their husband had an illegitimate child with another woman?''

''Estuko is not an illegitimate child.''

''What is that supposed to mean?''

''It is not important,'' Naruto said.

''You're impossible!'' Yugao almost shouted. ''I'm sorry, but I can't help you,'' she said shaking her head negatively.

''Pity. I'd thought you'd offer some help. But it doesn't matter anyway. As long as her mother stays by her side, she will be shielded from all the negativity,'' Naruto said. ''When can I expect you?''

''Tomorrow,'' Yugao said. ''Naruto. You once asked me why I move here even when I had told you I couldn't leave Konoha. I didn't offer you a response back then, do you want to know I came here, leaving everything behind?''

Naruto merely stared at her.

''I left everything behind for you. I thought we could start over with our relationship,'' her tone was bitter, a sad smile complementing it. ''But that doesn't seem like a possibility at this stage. Honestly, I don't even know if it is possible to 'fix' you.''

''You think so?''

''More or less,'' Yugao said. ''I don't want to regret the choice I made in leaving Konoha, Naruto. I don't want to. Coming here was the right choice for my heart.''

''Then do what you must to ensure that you don't regret your choice. As for fixing me. There is nothing to fix. I'm alright as am. I just need to consider other people's opinions, a little.''

''You may not even do that, despite saying otherwise.''

''You know me well,'' Naruto said. ''I was at Konoha a few days ago, and I was given a bowl of ramen. I'd forgotten how good it tasted. I'm open to go there now and get one or two bowls.''

''Is this your way of trying to make things better or are just asking me out?''

''What do you think?''


''How bold of you to show yourself before me after the stunt you just pulled during the Kage meeting,'' Kurotsuchi said, expression stern and tone sharp.

The Emperor made himself comfortable on the chair in front of Kurotsuchi's desk before he offered his response. ''Bold? Do I have to be brave to appear before you? What is this thing about a stunt?''

''You know what I mean,'' the Yondaime Tsuchikage snarled. ''You really enjoy making enemies, don't you? And I was thinking that perhaps you were different,'' a shake of her head accompanied those words.

''I take no joy in creating enemies. The matter is simple: ideals clash and as a result people will clash,'' he wouldn't deny that he does take joy in a good battle, but he wasn't say it aloud to this woman.

''If you're following a dark path you will clash with other people,'' Kurotsuchi said in a firm tone.

''Apparently. But that depends on what the world sees as right and wrong,'' the Emperor paused. A more thoughtful look touched his front of a few seconds before his lips parted as he continued speaking, ''Humans are really quick to judge. Mere words have already crushed that 'right'' perception you once held about me.''

''Really? You words left for no argument. If you're saying you have no such plans, then I'll be more than willing to admit my faults,'' Kurotsuchi gave the Emperor a daring look.

''Plans are there,'' he wasn't going to confirm whether it was the same she had in mind or not. It was safe to allow time to pass while the world assumes the worst.

''What do you want?'' Kurotsuchi demanded. ''If you've come here to see if I will surrender peacefully, then the answer is a clear, NO!''

''I see,'' the Emperor said. ''Then there is no use in keeping you alive if you're not going to help in my cause,'' he paused, looking into the shocked expression of the Yondaime Tsuchikage. ''Or not.''

''That wasn't funny!'' Kurotsuchi growled, fists clenched.

''I'm granting you leadership of the Earth country. My men have eliminated the previous Daimyo and everyone who had ties with him. This has left the Earth without a leader.''

''I refuse.''

''I see,'' Naruto stood up from the chair. ''I will send someone from the capital to do it then. If your men attempt to disturb my hold, I will be displeased. Rest assured though. I have no interest in usurping you as Tsuchikage. My hold over this country will only be after the war,'' he said.

It didn't matter if the woman believed him or not.

''Do you think you will get away with this? Everyone has his day. No matter how powerful you are, you can't run the nations about and expect to get away with it.''

''Of course not.''

Kurotsuchi looked surprised at his response. She'd expected an arrogance filled answer from the Emperor.

''Humans are born. They live, they experience both joy and pain, and then they die. The end is always waiting. Regardless of how powerful one is, the end will come. So long as you're a human. My end will also come. For me, because there is no one in this world who can kill me, my end won't be with a wrestle against death, but something else...''