Qian Family

A great conflict where Immortals clashed with Demons and the Heavens trembled, the fate of realms hung in precarious balance.

Celestial Immortals in their ethereal forms soared across the celestial expanse. Their swords carved arcs of brilliance, each stroke a testament to their immortal lineage.

Below, in the shadowed abyss, the Demon and Demonic Cultivators hordes surged. Their eyes glowed like crimson embers, and their steps beat with a thunderous rhythm. They sought dominion over the realm and their hunger insatiable.

And amidst this celestial turmoil, the Heavens themselves quivered. The cosmic fabric strained, threads unraveling as the Immortals and Demons clashed.

As Chaos goes on mountains and rivers got destroyed with one slash.

Heaven was also at its end. In the brilliance of Heaven a figure stood looking at the chaos below. This figure was humanoid but it was completely white.

"I have to die for new era." Celestial figure said without any emotions.

And just as he said celestial figure flew in the chaos.

War stopped for a moment but started again.

This fight destroyed almost whole world.

"Oh people with puny powers I give you curse this world will never ever see the Immortality again till you guys don't repent your sins. Greed will kill you. There will be no places for good and Evil. It will become people's perceptive. And you all will only be able to watch destruction of your kin step by step." As the Celestial Figure emerged he shouted silencing the crowd.

And the celestial figure became a silver light spreading all over the world. Killing all the immortal and demons.

Battlefield started filling with dead bodies with a speed of light.

In last only a voice came,

"From today onwards Heavenly Dao is Dead."


Moonlight Kingdom, Sky Bamboo Village, Qian Family Mansion.

Qian Family is rich family in the village. They are not the only farmers but also the only family in the village that have cultivators.

It was early in the morning. In the house there are six people are sitting and having their breakfast.

One is old man, Four boys all are young and last one is a small girl.

Old man is head of village and family his name is Qian Xunji. He is a retired solider from Xiao Family in the town. He is a Body Breathing Sacred Domain level Cultivator. Which is stage two of first level of cultivation. He is currently 42 years old. He passed his age and now hardly there is any Cultivation progress.

Same goes for his first son Qian Tong who is currently 18 year old but he has no spirit roots so he can only be mortal.

His second son Qian Xing who is currently 15 year old also don't have any spirit roots.

His third son Qian Long have spirit roots but it's very low level. He hasn't even reached first stage of Body breathing. But he is only 13 year old so maybe he might have chance to become better than his dead but it's hard to say.

His fourth son Qian Daoliu has also no spirit roots. He is 9 years old.

And last youngest girl who is only 5 year old. Her mother died just after her birth. She is not at the age where Qian Xunji can know that she has spirit roots or not. Best age for cultivation is 6. She is Qian Bing'er.

"Tong, Xing you both will work in field today. Just don't touch spirit rice I will take care of them when I will come back. Long and Daoliu both of you will care of you sister and manage vegetables in backyards. I will go for hunting today." Qian Xunji said while eating and looking towards his sons and daughter.

"Yes Father" ×4 all four of them agreed.

"By the way Tong you should also agree for the marriage with Ye family daughter. Even if you don't agree I will let her marry second because in dowry they are giving us fields near mountain." Qian Xunji said looking towards his eldest. Because he knew his eldest liked Ye Family daughter it's just he was too shy to say. So he had to push forward things.

"Father...that" Qian Tong shuttered little bit.

"What brother if you don't want to marry I will be happy." Qian Xing said while smiling and teasing his big brother.

"Xing do you want stick or belt?" Qian Tong looked towards his brother with a hint of showing anger. Although he is shy in front of his father but that doesn't mean his siblings can take advantage of him.

"Okay okay I will ask Ye Tian about your marriage." Qian Xunji calmed the brother down.

"By the way father are you going to send big brother Long to Xiao Family?" A concerning voice came it was the fourth Qian Daoliu.

"You shouldn't focus on that. You are still young. And no till he can't reach first stage they will not select him so let him stay here and help me. And even if I want to send him he will not go so don't worry about it." With a disappointing face Qian Xunji said.

He was a solider in Xiao Family who fought many battles although he was very low level but there are many people like him. And except for 2nd and 4th none of them have character like him. They are too much cowardly and are not enough ruthless.

"Yes Father"

And second reason he doesn't want to send his third in Xiao Family because they are not good people. Although in today's world no one is good but he is afraid that his third wouldn't be able to live in this killing and plundering Cultivation world.

In this world where on a smallest mistake your head can be beheaded. Mortals lives don't matter.

Before when his father found out that he had spirit roots he, Qian Xunji also dreamed about good things about cultivation world. But he had no talent and second thing he got know harsh truth of world. His father got killed because of 2 kg spirit rice it was only 2kg. Even if it was sold in market it wasn't even 1 spirit stone but just like this he got to know harshness of this world. Later he joined army of Xiao Family where he had to kill many innocent people and mortals just for some puny resources.

But what can he do if he doesn't follow the rules of world he will die one day so it's better to follow them.

"Father what kind of beast you will hunt today?" Snapping out of his thoughts a cheerful voice came. Qian Xunji looked towards his daughter Qian Bing'er. She was the only person in the house whose face went on her mother. She look cute.

"What does my daughter want to eat?" He asked lovingly because she was still child and he can't be too harsh on till atleast till she turns ten.

"Father last time you brought boar it was so delicious so can we have boar again?" Bing'er lowered her face while muttering but it still reached to her father.

"Ofcourse why not my princess I will bring best boar for you and than we will ask your aunt Chen for cooking she makes best food in entire village."

"Yay father."

"Father why don't you ask what we want to eat?" Xing said while trying harder to make a sad.

"You also want boar right?" Qian Xunji glared at Xing.

"Yes Father." Xing lowered his head started chewing food. He wasn't feeling bad that his father didn't asked him. He knew all of it. Because his father love shifted as his new brothers and sister born. But he still treated everyone equally.

A laughter echoed in the hall started from Qian Long who also experienced this.


(First of all its my first try of writing novel. I will try my best there might be some grammatical mistakes because english is not my first language. As for other read the novel and let me know.)