
There is a big forest near Sky Bamboo Village. Mostly it is filled with Sky Bamboos. It was a old forest and villages situated near this forest are mainly named based on this forest.

Although it was a big forest but there are many beasts (demon who haven't unlocked intelligence) or demons (who have unlocked intelligence) because it wasn't suitable for living. Reason because it was filled with only bamboos and it was not a habitual place for many beasts.

Now outer side of the forest a middle-aged man holding an axe was walking with caution. He was Qian Xunji who is here to hunt a boar.

Although outer forest wasn't much danger for him because there aren't any demons or beast with higher Cultivation. Maximum cultivation in outer Sky Bamboo Forest is Body Breathing stage three Solar Nexus.

So if he saw any beast higher cultivation than him than he will run away. Only a beast who has reached Body Breathing stage six Spiritual Eye insight can open their intelligence and become a full fledged demon. Before that they are just a livestock.

As Qian Xunji was walking he reached the area where he can find boars and luck was his side as he entered board territory he saw one boar feasting on a deer while two were standing behind him waiting for him to finish. He slowly hid himself trying to conceal his presence and trying to check cultivation of enemy.

Although he was soilder but it's not he will charge anywhere. He was cautious person by nature. Two boars were normal beast without any cultivation and one boar was first stage of Body Breathing.

"He might of their leader." Qian Xunji thought deciding to take action or not. Although these three together will not pose him any threat. He can take down two boars in one shot as for their leader it will take some hassle. Although he was second stage of Body Breathing but he was not like those Cultivator families or sects who is super powerful and can clutch 1 vs 3 against same level. He cultivated lowest level Cultivation technique with only one Martial art. And that was also his Rock Splitting.

Casual cultivators and people who are not from proper families or sect don't have any luxuries to see Cultivation technique or Martial arts or spells above Level 2.

And Qian Xunji Cultivated Level one "Earth Meditation Technique" it was a cultivation technique that was suitable for Earth type spirit root users. You can find it for one spirit stone anywhere in stall. And his martial art was "Rock-splittiing Axe" it was also a level one martial art. As for spells first of he can't use them and he don't have luxury they are highly protected.

Well now on the main topic looking towards boar he decided to charge directly. He knows according to his fighting experience he can take down these all three boars. But thing is he has to finish the fight as fast as he can because if fights for too long it may alert more beasts.

Without anyone noticing Qian Xunji slowly came behind the two mortal boars. Because the leader was busy in feast while his subordinates were dropping saliva looking towards meat of deer so no one noticed him. Second thing he has higher cultivation than them.

Qian Xunji adjusted his stance, muscles coiled like a spring, ready to unleash his attack.

Boar Leader had its tusks stained crimson. But Qian Xunji planned to kill two mortal boars although it might be stupid idea but even if leader ran he will get two boars and if he changed towards leader first than he will be losing meat.

So he decided to start from mortal boars. Qian Xunji's eyes narrowed as he calculated the distance. He lunged forward, the axe whistling through the air. The boar sensed danger too late as it turned back its eyes widening in surprise. The axe met flesh, and the boar collapsed, its life force draining away.

But the second boar was smaller and quicker it first planned to ran away that's what it's instinct were warning him but seeing his leader was here he decided to charge. Qian Xunji sidestepped avoiding its tusks. He swung the axe in a wide arc, catching the boar across its flank. It staggered, blood spraying, but didn't fall. The boar's eyes glinted with fury, and it lunged again.

Qian Xunji looked towards leader who was planning to ran away he knew, he needed to end this swiftly. He focused his strength into the axe. With a roar, he brought it down, splitting the boar's skull and the boar fell.

As the dust settled, Qian Xunji turned to face the last enemy. It was running away. Qian Xunji didn't lacked strength in running. So he also ran behind and use his "Rock Splitting Axe" it's just like name suggests it splits a small area. And that's what it did as Qian Xunji reached near the boar Splitting into two.

"Huh" Qian Xunji was breathing heavily. Its not because he was too tired. But at his level he can only use Martial art Technique once. Its main reason was because axe techniques takes too much toll on body and this Rock Splitting was a some what rare technique in low level. This was his father used. So you can it was his ancestral technique. But you can find it with 5 spirit stones in market.

"That was a good harvest but I need to leave before any other beasts comes smelling the blood but how do I take all these three boars." Qian Xunji looked towards three dead bodies. Two boars were although small but they were one meter in height as for their leader he was 1.5 meter. And Qian Xunji can't use storage rings mainly because he hasn't reached Body Breathing Stage Six. That's the main threshold for cultivation most people stick there. Reason opening spiritual eyes and senses was hardest things in Cultivation world.

And before sixth stage of Body Breathing there is no increase in age of a mortal and Cultivator. So they are still considered a mortal if they haven't crossed sixth stage.

And Qian Xunji heard before Foundation Building there isn't much difference and increase in age.

Qian Xunji also heard some tales but he doesn't think they are real. Most of the tales are fake they are only fabcrited by victors that want he thinks. Because just like Xiao Family current head he knew was a person who killed countless people and devoured them but now he do some good deeds and everyone forgot about his past.

In those tales he heard that there was a wars of Gods and Demons and at that time a Body Breathing Cultivator could normally live for 200 year and after reaching sixth stage he might even live upto 350 to 400 years. But now a Body Breathing Cultivator before stage six can only live 80 to 100 and after stage six and before Qi Training he can only live upto 120 years.

There are other methods like some heavenly Treasures to increase age but they are most rarest things in the world. As for other methods he doesn't know.

While thinking he collected all the three boars on his shoulder and started walking towards village. As he reached at the edge of forest he saw a cave that he had never saw before.