
As they reached Qian Xunji's room, Qian Xunji pushed open a heavy wooden table. Revealing a secret room that none of them ever heard. As they entered the room the room air was thick with the scent of aged books and incense.

Qian Xunji gestured for his sons to sit around a large wooden table.

They also looked at this new room which they haven't seen. Qian Tong and Qian Xing were silent didn't asked any questions but Qian Long and Qian Daoliu tried ask about this more and also tried asking all those books and jade slips.

Qian Xunji explained them little bit of everything in the room except for the mirror.

"Now listen carefully first of all I am going to talk about basics of cultivation world than only we will proceed to next step."

"First of all a person can only be cultivator if he had spirit roots and you all know about the grades of spirit roots." Qian Xunji looked at his sons with anticipation because he has already explained this thing when he checked their spirit roots. Everyone nodded hearing Qian Xunji words.

"So now next step spirit roots doesn't depend on your bloodline like if your parents had spirit roots than maybe you won't have and if all your ancestors were mortal but you have Immortal grade spirit root. So it's random but having parents as cultivator there are chances of having better spirit roots."

"So next spirit roots have many elements for example there are common water, earth, fire and wind. Than there are rare Lightning, Ice, Metal, Wood. There are more but I don't have much knowledge for them you need to search or your own. I have earth element spirit root while Long have fire so this is also random."

"Do you guys understand?" After explaining about spirit roots Qian Xunji asked with a pride because he felt good explaining these things of his sons.

"Yes Father."

Hearing this Qian Xunji nodded and continued his explanation. "Okay good then let's focus on next step Cultivation power's are divided into Five level according to what I know but I heard there is one more level above them but I don't know about it. This level is kept confidential by sect and big families. The give level are Body Breathing, Qi Cultivation, Foundation Building, Supernatural Realm , Golden Core."

"There level are also divided into further stages like Body Breathing level have 7 stages: Root Realm where cultivator can spend their meridians and separate physical powers from other mortals, Scared Domain:In this stage cultivator can make connections with surrounding spiritual qi, Solar Nexus: Cultivator can harness inner power and have qi cover their body as coating, Heart Harmonics: This stage is where a Cultivator can cleanse their body and reforge their muscles, blood and bones it is one of the hardest step, Sound Attunement: At this stage cultivator sixth sense will open, Spiritual Eye Insight: Cultivator can gain spiritual sense, and last Crown Ascendancy: at this stage you will be able to use qi and truly enter in the path of cultivation."

"So now next level, Qi Cultivation has nine layers from one to nine Heavenly layers and I also heard some cultivator can also go beyond these nine layers. But I haven't seen anyone. Next step is Four stages of Foundation Building. Next stage of Supernatural Realm and Golden Core I don't have knowledge about them so this is enough for you also." Qian Xunji explained everything he knew about the cultivation world and looked at his sons.

"Father, you are very weak then," Qian Xing said with a hint of sarcasm in his voice, a smirk playing on his lips he liked to talk like this with father so he didn't hold back this time also.

Qian Xunji raised an eyebrow, his gaze sharpening as he looked at his son. "Is that so, Xing? Its been a long time my hands are itching to beat someone?"

"No father it's was just a joke." Qian Xing immediately apologize but there was still smirk on his face.

"Yes I am weak Xing and very weak but you know what we Cultivator without background have no places in cultivation world. And I have reached third stage of Body Breathing now with only my own efforts. I never taken any medicine nor I had any other resources and I had only 1st grade cultivation technique. But I truly hope all four of you surpass me someday." Qian Xunji finished, his voice filled with a mix of pride and challenge.

Qian Tong who has been silent listening everything stepped forward with a determined look in his eyes. "Father, I understand the hardships you've faced. We will work hard to honor your efforts and surpass your achievements. I am determined to reach the Foundation Building stage and beyond if I get chance to cultivate."

All his brother all nodded with determination.

Qian Xunji's eyes softened as he looked at his sons. "Tong, Xing, Long, Daoliu, I believe you guys will be able to achieve if you have resources and I will try my best to help you guys. Remember, the cultivation path is not just about power but also about wisdom, resilience, and compassion. Each of you has strengths that will help you on this journey."

Qian Xing's smirk turned into a genuine smile, feeling the warmth of his father's words. "Father, I may joke around, but I do understand the gravity of our situation. I will strive to become stronger, not just for myself, but for our family."

Qian Xunji nodded, satisfied with their responses. "Good. Always remember that we are a family first. Support each other and learn from each other."

"Now let me tell you how you guys can get spirit roots." Qian Xunji explained everything to sons without hiding anything because he knew they will lead the family after he died. So he didn't hid anything about mirror and also told them danger that will come wth this mirror.

Hearing their father's word all four of them a look of excitement they didn't even heard word danger because that's the things for later now atleast they can become cultivator and even Qian Long who was struggling to reach first stage of Body Breathing also had a anticipation look of getting Immortal grade spirit root. Because he also knew his talent the most he can reach in his lifetime is fourth stage of Body Breathing. You know it takes almost 8 to 9 years for a lowest level spirit root holder to reach first stage while this time shortened to 3 months to one years in Immortal grade spirit root.

Same goes for Qian Long and Qian Xing they also excited about starting Cultivation path as for Qian Daoliu although he didn't show but he also has stars in his eyes.

"So who will go first?"