But father I am already a cultivator.

After coming out of the room Qian Xunji felt like a dream. For than ten years he has been struck on Body Breathing stage two but now he progressed to stage three. Although lowest grade spirit root people can reach peak of Body Breathing in their lifetime but they need resources and good techniques.

That's why no one wanted them to recruit and even if they got recruited they will stay at lowest. But for Qian Xunji Xiao Family was in dire need of soilders and he got selected by luck.

And another thing that Qian Xunji never dreamed was Immortal grade spirit root. Although it's not rare to have Immortal grade spirit root. In big sects and families many people have Immortal grade spirit root it's just they don't survive much.

Qian Xunji had read that after great chaos era there was a increase of genius and at that time Immortal grade spirit root was like cabbage. But now this thing slowed down. There are less and less cultivator every generation but still in small town where Xiao Family lives we can see two or three people with Immortal grade spirit root.

Its just Qian Xunji don't know why they don't survive much long. But now is not that time for thinking the first thing he has to do is get his sons ready for cultivation. As for his daughter she is still below six so he will have to wait for her one more year.

After walking out his all four sons were awake because it was the morning time and Qian Xunji used to train them some physical fighting in morning everyday.

Seeing their father coming out everyone greeted him.

"Good morning Father"×4.

Qian Xunji nodded. Today he had a different type of confidence not like the old who's only thinking was taking care of spirit rice and taking care of family. From today onwards he also reawakened his long lost motivation for cultivation.

"Bing'er is still sleeping?" Qian Xunji asked with a hint of doubt although he didn't trained her in the morning because she is still isn't at that age but she was still used to come and cheer for brother.

"Father yesterday Bing'er slept little late so because of that she is still sleeping." Qian Daoliu stepped forward and explained the situation. He was the from all the brothers who liked Bing'er most and he thought his father might be angry to Bing'er because she didn't woke up on time.

"Its okay. She is still child let her sleep." Qian Xunji nodded in understanding while trying to look that if there is anyone eavesdropping. After checking the boundaries of the house he looked towards his sons with a solemnl face.

"Do you guys want to cultivate?" As soon as Qian Xunji asked this question all his sons had bewildered expression. Although Qian Long can cultivate but now his father asked looking towards all of them.

"Father! What are you talking about? If we had spirit roots, of course we would want to cultivate. Who doesn't dream of flying? Killing demonic beasts?" Qian Xing's voice was filled with a mix of excitement and confusion.

Qian Xunji smiled mysteriously but was also trying to maintain his solemn face. "What if I told you there might be a way for all of you to cultivate, regardless of your spirit roots?"

His sons exchanged stunned glances. Qian Xing took a step forward. "Father, is that even possible? We've all been tested before. None of us except for Long have the spirit roots."

Qian Xunji knew that his all sons were in confusion. But first he wanted to explain them danger of cultivation world than only he will let them get the spirit roots from mirror and if they don't want than let them live happily. But he knew although his sons never showed but all of them are ambitious so they wouldn't refuse if they have chance to cultivate.

"First of let me clear your confusion when heaven closes one door sometimes it opens another door. I have method that can help you. I also want you guys to become cultivator. But cultivation path is filled countless danger. You have to fight countless people for small resources. And it is path where you can even lose your whole family so tell me my sons are you guys really want to cultivate." Qian Xunji explained with a solemn face.

Hearing their father's word room fell silent as his sons pondered the gravity of his words. Although they haven't seen outside world but they heard from travelling merchants and Tong even travelled to town so the knew gravity of cultivation path. If they don't have any background or if they aren't strong enough than they are just a livestock whom anyone can kill. But they also don't want to lose the opportunity to cultivate.

Finally, Qian Xing spoke up determination blazing in his eyes. "Father, we've accepted all your arrangements and we have followed all your challenges. And now if there's a chance no matter how slim we want to take it."

Qian Daoliu also stepped forward clenching his fist he also agreed with his big brother Xing. Because sometimes he had little bit jealousy when he saw his brother Long can cultivate and he can't. He also remembered when his father checked his spirit roots there was a disappointment in his eyes. So he tried to be best in every task his father gave andnow if there is chance to cultivate he wants to seize it.

"Father I also want to cultivate so maybe I would be able to protect our family." Qian Tong, the eldest also stepped forward he also dreamed to become cultivator from childhood like his father because he saw his father one time defending village when one beast attacked the village and his father killed it heroically but later it turned out he didn't had any spirit roots he lost all hope than.

"But father I am already cultivator, although I haven't reached first stage but maybe I will reach in upcoming year." Qain Long was still bewildered face so he had to step forward and ask to clear his confusion.

Everyone looked at Qian Long with a hint of confusion than they looked at Qian Xunji.

Qian Xunji cleared his throat but there was a pride evident in his eyes because he gave birth to good sons none of them were cowardly. "Don't worry this way will also improve your talent. So this chance is for everyone. Very well, then. Follow me first I will tell you basics of cultivation world then we will go to the next steps."

His sons nodded eagerly, their initial bewilderment now replaced with anticipation. Qian Xunji led them towards his room this was the place where they rarely entered.

As they walked through the dimly lit hallways, Qian Long couldn't contain his curiosity. Although he wasn't talktive he only liked to observe things but now his father said that it can improve his talent he doesn't want to miss it. "Father, what is this method you mentioned? How did you come across it?"

Qian Xunji glanced back his face was still solemn. "Patience, my son. All will be revealed in time."

So seeing their father face they didn't asked much all of them followed quietly.