Twilight Restless Minds


I looked around my old tree house that Alice and Rosalie and I had spent countless hours hiding out in, talking about boys and school and Alice's dad leaving. Charlie had constructed the set for my fifth birthday. He built it all by himself, grumbling and grunting as he lifted and screwed the large wooden beams together. He added wood to the structure, so that the house part had been entirely closed off to the elements. It was supposed to be painted pink, but since it was always so rainy, my dad never found the opportunity to get it done. In an effort to make it more homey, my mom had placed a small table with chairs in there and she hung cute framed pictures of kittens on the walls. Everything was gone now.

Jasper handed Edward a magazine that had been stashed in the corner, as Edward began to roll the joint. I watched his long fingers maneuver the paper quickly and skillfully, like he had been doing it for years. When he finished, he stuck his tongue out and licked the length of the cigarette.

My breath hitched watching his tongue stroke the length of the joint and I was instantly embarrassed and confused at the same time. It was the first time all day I had actually really looked at Edward's face. I realized that he was stunningly beautiful in a very masculine way.

His eyes seemed to hold so much anger in them. They were the most startling shade of pale green, resembling the color of the beach glass my mother and I would often find along the shore. And his face was absolutely perfect. His strong jaw line was clean shaven and smooth. He had long, dark eyelashes. His hair was a wild disarray of dark brown that sort of met in the middle in a messy fauxhawk. He was actually pretty, for a boy.

He put the joint to his mouth, pausing as he looked up at me through his eyelashes. In a voice that was bordering on sweet he asked, "Can you do me a favor?" My eyes met his and I smiled, thinking for a split second that we were sharing a moment or something. "Wipe that shit off your lips, please."

He lit up the joint, took a deep drag and held the smoke in his mouth. With the back of my hand pressed firmly to my mouth, I wiped off my semi-sticky lip gloss as he passed the joint to Jasper. I glowered at him, disappointed in his deceitful demeanor and in myself, for thinking he was going to say something nice to me.

The heady scent of the pot, mixed in with the boy's cologne and wet leather jackets was intoxicating, comforting, and familiar all at the same time. Jasper inhaled the joint in three long consecutive sucks. "This is strong shit, don't take too much," he said. His voice was strained and raspy. He passed the joint to me and I fingered the marijuana cigarette reverently in my hands before bringing it to my lips.

"Whoa, this is strong." It had been a while and my throat burned. "Wow, this is impressive." I said genuinely, holding the perfectly rolled joint in front of me, examining its flawlessness.

Jasper laughed and said, "Edward has very talented fingers." I looked up at Jasper and smirked, slightly embarrassed that my mind diverted his statement to a sexual innuendo.

I passed Jasper the joint and glanced at Edward who was looking down at his lap and shaking his head in annoyance.

"Dick," Edward muttered, elbowing Jasper in his ribs.

"Good to know," I smirked.

"I meant," Jasper said, glaring at Edward, "he has a gift with his hands in general. Edward plays the piano, and he pit..."

Before Jasper could finish his sentence, Edward glared at him angrily and said sharply, "Bro…" His tone clearly meant, shut the fuck up.

I did not expect Edward to be a piano player. It seemed to be such an elegant, classy instrument to play, and Edward did not strike me as having the probability for either of those traits.

We sat for a while in silence, enjoying our disconnected states. I looked at them both, heavy lids over their bloodshot eyes. They were both so gaspy it made me want to cry and sing love songs out my bedroom window. I definitely was able to see what Alice saw in Jasper. But I was still wrestling with what I saw in Edward.

Beautiful. But painfully sad and not very nice.

I leaned back on the wood panels and picked up the magazine Edward rolled the joint on. "Glamour? Is this yours?" I asked jokingly, as I leafed through it. Edward snickered, and his whole slumped over body shook silently with the laugh.

At the same time they both blurted out, "It's Emmett's." Jasper was lying back on his elbows with his long legs crossed in front of him. He let out a little chuckle, which got Edward laughing harder.

Not quite understanding the amusement of the joke, I said, "He seems more like a Teen Vogue kind of boy." Then the two of them were clutching their sides and shaking on the ground in hysterical fits.

"Teen Vogue," Edward muttered through a stifled laugh. The two of them burst out laughing again.

"Emmett bought the magazine because it had tips on how to perfect oral sex techniques."

Mental note to mention that to Rosalie

I laughed with them as I realized my feet were freezing. My boots had soaked up a lot of water, drenching my socks. I unzipped a boot, pulling it off as Jasper and Edward looked at me incredulously.

"What?" I asked, placing my boot in the corner. "My feet do not smell. Besides, this is my house, remember? I should be charging you back rent and property damage for destroying my beautiful house. And you killed all my fake tulips and the pretty little flower boxes. And…besides all of that, your pyromaniac brother burned my Pretty Princess Barbie to death and made her bald." I stuck my tongue out at them while they watched me remove my boots as if it were the most interesting thing they had ever witnessed. They began to laugh hysterically again staring at my very bright, admittedly very odd socks.

"Are those pigs?" Edward asked pointing.

"Oh shut up. I like my socks. Do not mock the piglets." I wiggled my toes, each one of them adorned with pink piglet faces. I rolled my eyes as they continued to laugh wildly. When their chuckles eventually died down, I looked at them both and cocked my head to the side admiring the boys in front of me. I felt fuzzy and fun and my head felt full of water and sparkles like a snow globe.





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