Twilight Restless Minds


I headed toward the nurse's office to acquire more painkillers for this persistent headache that seemed to consume every thought. When the nurse said she had to call my parents to get their permission before administering Tylenol to a student, I practically doubled over with laughter at the thought. Whatever, rules are rules.

I was going to be late to Bio again. One more tardy would land me detention. Not that I even gave a shit, but something like detention was reason for Carlisle to take away my car privileges, and I was not having any of that. It bothered me more that I had demerits on my record as it was. Maintaining a 4.0 average and acting like you didn't give a fuck about it was hard work.

When finally I got to Bio, there at my lab table was none other than…Bella Swan. We greeted each other politely and I kept my face forward trying to avoid her or give her the least bit of indication that I had a desire to chat it up. I couldn't look her in the eye after the filthy things I made her do to me in my fantasy last night, though I must admit I really wanted to. Plus, I was at the end of my tolerance with the fucking headache and I just couldn't take the throbbing pain anymore. I had been counting the minutes till the period ended and I grabbed all my stuff as soon as the bell rang. I ditched seventh period study hall, ducking into my car just for a smoke and some quiet. I even fell asleep for about an hour, which was just enough time for the pain to be gone completely.

I made it back inside just as the eighth period warning bell rang and slipped onto the gym floor before no one noticed. That was the other thing about me. If I was anal about my grades, I was just as concerned about marks on my record. Things like detentions and excessive absences looked terrible on college applications. Study hall was the only period I would ever ditch, simply because the teacher didn't give a shit where we were, as long as we signed in.

We were playing a mean game of volley ball in gym and Jasper got all excited when he saw Bella across the gym. She just avoided the ball and ducked. Probably didn't want to break a nail or some shit. I realized that this girl was in four out of the eight classes I was in, but I guess with such a small school that was to be expected.

Jazz headed out to the car before me, impatient with how long it took me to get dressed and organized. No one usually showered after gym but me, because like an idiot, I couldn't stand to be sweaty for a second longer than was wholly necessary.

From across the lot I could spot her ass. Jasper was looking quite cozy talking to Bella, so I brushed past her and sat in the car. I turned on the radio, waiting for him to finish flirting with her, not at all happy about it.

Maybe I was just pissed because I wanted it to be me that was talking to her.

When he got in, he started the engine, casually informing me that she would be joining us for a the tree house. I hit the fucking roof.

"Are you crazy? What the hell are you thinking?" I sat seething in the front seat with my fists balled at my sides. He just didn't have a clue as to the severity of this. And not only allowing this girl who either of knew at all to be in such close proximity to us, to me, he was letting her in on something that could really fuck us both. It was bad enough we were smoking up on our own property and our parents didn't know, but now to add someone else in?

"Oh, come on. She can sit on my lap to give you the three foot radius you require. Who's gonna know?" He snickered, throwing the car into reverse.

"Fuck you, Jasper. I am glad you are so amused by my situation. What if she says something to someone?" I asked, my paranoia kicking in.

"Edward, did you ever think that maybe no one actually gives a shit what you do outside of school? She's not gonna say anything."

"Fine...whatever." I pensively agreed, pissed off again. In truth, it made me really nervous to be in such close proximity to her, but for many reasons other than the legal ones. I couldn't even make eye contact with this girl, never mind sit in a five by five enclosed wooden box with her. High, no less.

Regardless of my feelings, we met her in front of her house and walked together down the back path to our fort which she informed us was her tree house. I felt so badly about the dolls, and the rundown condition of the tree house, though I gave no indication that I cared one way or another. We blamed the wreckage all on Emmett, but it was the three of us who inflicted pyrotechnic torture on the dolls and tore into the flowers that were decorating the outside. The thing hadn't been used in years and none of us had ever taken into consideration that the swing set actually belonged to someone who may have loved it at one time. She didn't seem appear upset about it, but I could definitely see a flash of nostalgia as she held the mutilated doll in her hand.

I tried hard to not make eye contact with her, so I fidgeted with my lighter and kept my focus on the messy stack of magazines piled in the corner that was irritating me to no end. She was wearing a white button down shirt that she had tied up in the front in a knot. It showed just a tiny bit of her stomach and the faint glint of a dangling navel ring. I inwardly groaned at the way she looked in it.

White shirts were my Achilles heel. There was something so pure and simple, yet so sexy about them. Most guys were into thigh high stockings and lingerie and shit, or just naked girls in general. But sexy to me would be for my girl to walk around the house in nothing but my button down. Then Jazz, that fucking asswad, had to go and be all suggestive with the talented fingers comment. He could be such a douche sometimes. Did I want her to know I played the piano? Did I actually care? I don't know that I wanted anyone to know that about me- too personal, too intimate.

Playing the piano was the only thing I had from my old life that I took with me to the new one. My mom encouraged playing, and I probably would have just given it up completely if it hadn't been the only thing that I did these days that seemed to make her happy. And god knows how I needed her approval.

Bella was actually cool, for lack of a better term. She wasn't as shallow or as dumb as I originally pegged her. In fact, she seemed very down to earth, aside from the expensive boots and the designer jeans that hugged her curves like they were made for her.

However hot she was, there was something about this girl that irked me. Maybe it was her stupid socks or that dumbass fluffy pink pen, not to mention the fact that she was best friends with Xanax, and that alone earned a demerit or two. And the goddamned tan…annoyed the shit out of me. I hated artificial things on a girl: boobs, hair, nails and especially tans. I actually felt myself sigh in relief when I learned she was from California, which earned her the right to naturally suntanned skin and my approval.





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