Twilight Restless Minds


"Bro…you recognize that ass, don't you?" he asked, blasting the heat.

"Yup. Wonder how her nose is?" I replied, realizing that not only did the girl I was watching last night have a great rack, but an ass that could make a thousand men weep. A thousand and one, if I included myself, which I most certainly did.

Distracted by the sight of Bella, we both forgot all about the coffee and followed her straight to school.

When he pulled in to the spot right next to the red Audi, I knew I didn't have the tolerance to deal with Alice's squealing exuberance. And it would be very unlike Jazz to abstain from meeting the school's freshest piece. As much as I wanted to put a face to the image I was fantasizing to, I couldn't help feeling a mild disgust and perversion for defiling this girl in my head. So, I grabbed my bag and bolted out of the car just as Jasper was introducing her to me. Yeah, it was really rude, but I just couldn't do it.

I did get a quick glance at her though. Cute, definitely cute. But one look at the tight jeans and the boots she had on, told me to stay the away from her. Not that I had another option.

One look said she he was materialistic and shallow, concerned with her nails and her hair and what poor sucker she'd get to take her to the prom.

I headed over to my first period class, praying the Tylenol would kick in as fast as possible. After what felt like hours of my French teacher's incessant rambling about the proper ways to conjugate the verb, the pain subsided to a dull, throbbing ache. I knew I should have asked Carlisle for something stronger before I left the house. I hated to do that though, since he kept the good drugs locked away in a cabinet in his home office, and it made me uncomfortable to ask.

We all knew that was for my benefit, what with my history of recreational drug use. Though unbeknownst to the adults, we all smoked weed like it was our job. Carlisle would never insinuate that the lock was because of me though, always impartial and treating his three children equally. I didn't enjoy the intense scrutiny the last time I'd asked for Percocet's for my headache, so I suffered with the over the counter stuff.

On my way to fourth period English, I noticed Bella leaning against the wall, looking like she was about to pass out. It went against my better judgment to speak to her because I tried to just ignore the female species as a whole. But she looked so lost and scared and I remembered back to when I started this school less than a year ago.

Though the school had a total enrollment of around three hundred students, the first day was somewhat terrifying with all the faces scrutinizing and staring at the new kids. I remember hiding out in my car during lunch so I could assuage my panic with some Mozart. It worked like a charm, and I was back to my usual asshole tough guy persona within the hour. Tough guy on the outside, shaking like a scared kitten on the inside.

I'd walked right past Bella and then as the guilt plagued me, backtracked. I asked her if she was alright, I suppose as a quasi-penance for my voyeurism. She said she was lost, looking for her classroom and I led her there, knowing we would be sharing the class together- Advanced Placement English. I suppose I made a false assumption when I said she was all beauty and no brains. Apparently she had them both.

Because I finally got a good look at her.

And she was fucking beautiful.

Her brown eyes spoke volumes, yet hid secrets that no one would ever know. She had little flecks of pale green and gold in her eyes, and her lightly made up lashes were long and thick. She batted them unconsciously at me when she spoke and I wondered if she was even aware of what that did to the male species. I am certain the result was the same physiological response I got from it... a tent in my pants and a complete loss of words.

I took my test, desperately trying to get my focus off of those eyes and concentrate on the words as they began floating and bouncing along the paper. The Tylenol had worn off and the migraine was threatening to reappear with a vengeance. By fifth period lunch, the migraine was back in full force. The school's cheeseburger made me even more nauseated than usual just looking at it. I watched Jasper wink at Bella, and she returned it with a clearly unflattered eye roll. I had to laugh at him for trying.

All these morons were so transparent. Every single one of them gaped at her…mouths open, staring at her ass as she walked by. This high school hadn't seen anything that cute in years.

Mike had "claimed her" the week before she even got here. He usually was able to get just about any girl he wanted until they were given fair warning about the fact that he wasn't the least bit picky about who he slept with. Yeah, Charlie's kid would probably end up banging Mike.

I could never be like that- just sleeping with random girls because I could. That is, when things were different for me.

I was just too fucking picky. She had to be…I don't know, special I guess. And I'd never found anything close to what I thought defined that. I don't even know if I could even define it now, if it's even the same. They guys used to bust my balls about it all the time, telling me to just take advantage of what was being thrown at me. And there was an abundance at one time, if I do say so myself.

But I knew what I liked, what I wanted, and I didn't settle for less than perfection just to get off. I'd only had one girlfriend, but I could hardly count that as an actual relationship since it was in seventh grade, lasted two weeks and we only held hands once. In Chicago, I'd kissed a shitload of girls, fooled around with a few and as far as sex, well of course, there was Tanya and What's Her Face. Both undeniable mistakes- which just went to show that past experience told me I should be more discriminating about the girls I fooled around with.

Jasper had his fair share of girls in Chicago, before he met Emily and practically dropped to one knee to propose the same day that he kissed her. Emmett was a little more cautious and particular about his women; his focus remained strong and undeterred on academics and athletics. Not that an exorbitant amount of available tail wasn't thrown at him as well, but he was a little more conservative that one would expect from a guy that good looking.

He had something going on with Rosalie Hale, I was sure of it, but he blew off any questions of interaction with her. Jasper and I noticed them flirting last weekend, and he came home smiling to himself with a faint glow about him, like he had just gotten some. If a girl who looked like that was giving you head, you shout it to the world or wear a giant blinking sign that says, "Rosalie Hale sucked it." Something was up with them. But whatever. I didn't give into gossip or speculations about other people's sex lives, because it only made me feel shittier and impossibly more bitter for what I couldn't have.





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