Twilight Restless Minds


"No, the garage is in the front."

"The servant's quarters?" I raised an eyebrow in question.

He snickered. "We don't have servants, just a housekeeping service."

"Same thing," I snapped. "Ooh, I know…that's where Emmett keeps the dismembered bodies of his ex-girlfriends?" Edward' shoulders shook with silent laughter.

"It's your spy headquarters? I've got it…your dad has a legion of hungry vampires held captive in there?"

"Yeah right, vampires in Forks. That's original."

"Come on…tell me," I pleaded.

He rolled his eyes and took another drag. "It's an indoor swimming pool."

"You have an indoor pool? Oh, wow that's awesome!" I beamed, surprised at my own childlike excitement. He chuckled again and put his fingers to his lips.

"Shhh. Top secret. Don't tell anyone."

I nodded. "Why so covert?'

"Because Emmett has parties here from time to time and all we need is some drunken asshole to clog up the filter system with puke."

"Ahhh gottcha," I said, shuttering. "I bet you have a bowling alley in the basement too." I mused, more to myself than him.

His face turned a slight shade of red as he looked away into the distance.

"Noooo," I said in disbelief. "You have an actual bowling alley in the basement?' I screeched. "Come on…"

"It's just one lane."

"One lane? Get the hell out of here." I sounded like a total stoner.

"You bowl?" he asked, genuinely surprised.

"Hell no. Have you seen me in gym? I have no athletic ability whatsoever."

"Yeah, I have seen you in gym. You…are...a spaz. Bowling could be a definite hazard to the people around you." He laughed.

"What?" I held my hand over my heart in mock insult. "I'm not a spaz, I'm just not as vertically adept as some people." I head my head high.

"You are a full on spaz." He laughed harder, blowing out more smoke. I reached out to playfully smack his bicep, but he flinched and moved away faster than I could strike. It was almost instinctive, as if he saw it coming before it actually did.

"Wow, you have stealthy reflexes for a stoner," I remarked, leaning slowly over to the look at the part of balcony that wrapped around the house. "I wonder if you can see my bedroom from here."

Just then, Jazz bounded through the doors yelling something about me taking too goddamn long to pee and that he was starving and going to eat his feet if he didn't get food now.

We sat in the kitchen eating trail mix and rice cakes, which did nothing to stave off the thirst from the cotton mouth. I was craving an ice cold Sprite, but all they could find in the enormous butler's pantry was warm bottled water and lemon infused Perrier. It did the trick.

They apologized for the lack of "decent fucking snacks" while I walked repeatedly to the front window to check if Charlie's truck was gone. I told them next time we would have a munchie fest at my house because I had some really good treats over there. Once I spied Charlie's truck gone, I thanked them and left, happy but sad at the same time.

I loved both of their company and I was delighted at mine and Edward's balcony conversation, though surface as it was. I was definitely, without a doubt attracted to Edward and for the life of me, I couldn't figure out why. Maybe it was his mysterious brooding thing? Maybe it was the fact that he barely knew I was alive in school? Maybe it was that I really enjoyed a challenge?

That's so not me though.

After finishing my homework, I ate a wholesome dinner of a peanut butter and banana sandwich, and checked my email. And then, I hit the bed.

Dear God,

Please bless and feed all of the starving children in Somalia and give the homeless people a warm place to sleep. Please watch over my family and my friends and keep Charlie safe on his case. Thank you for keeping me relatively accident free for the last few days, and I would appreciate the same for the next few as well. Also, thank you for today with Edward. I hope that there will be more days like this one even if I don't know why I like him. I like him, right?


At ten, I shut the light and lay in the darkness for a long while. I thought about Edward's eyes and the way they were so stunningly gray today, and his mouth, the way his lips moved when he laughed.

He was so beautiful and intriguing, but there was definitely something off about him that I couldn't quite put my hands on.

Yet, I feel asleep thinking about his hands on me





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