POV: Linda Santiago

August 14th didn't feel like it didn't arrive quickly at all.Every time I felt the urge to lay down and brood, I promised myself that things were going to be better than it ever has. For some reason, promising myself this with the evidence to prove myself helped calm me down.My dad didn't question my choice at all, but instead, he felt a lot relieved that I had made the decision myself and he wouldn't have to bother to care about whether it is good for me or all those things. I guess that he just wanted to get this over as quickly as possible. I feel he is waiting for the day I announce I'm going to be leaving the house and staying at my new place. To be frank, I'm waiting more eagerly for that than my dad.After the little entrance test and an interview which I passed, I had an option to venture out around the institution to familiarize myself with all the facilities and amenities that the academy gave, but my dad wasn't very excited about it so I didn't get to look around. I didn't mind though, the most important thing was that I was going to be joining this academy, a peaceful place far away from home, and also a new place where I can start afresh.The two-and-a-half-hour ride back home was pretty straightforward and boring. At one point when we were stuck in traffic, I could almost hear him grumbling about my choice. In the end, we didn't have anything to talk about. He was driving with his radio turned on and I was seated in the backseat, trying to clear my irritation caused due to the radio by looking at the outdoor scenery. He did try to speak and tell me to be careful but in the end, it turned out to be a mocking session.When we got back home, I was reminded after seeing my calendar that there was only one day left until I board the bus that took me to the academy dormitory. The principal had informed us that the dorm was only a two-minute walk away from the institute and those who chose the residential options had to arrive a day before the actual semester to get introduced to the dorm facilities.After lunch, I started packing my suitcase. I didn't get to go on any back-to-school shopping with my dad, nor will he take me to one even if I asked, so I managed with the supplies I already had. I opened my wardrobe and brought out my clothes – formals, informal, a bathing suit (don't know why I needed one but still decided to carry it), sportswear, plenty of undergarments (basically everything I owned), a raincoat, an umbrella, and a few jackets in case it got cold in the wilderness. Next, I decided to get my school supplies. I found a few good markers, pens, and pencils lying here and there in my drawer which I threw into a purse and then laid on top of the heap of clothes I had to fit inside. Luckily, I had in my possession a fairly big suitcase and it could easily handle the heap of things I'd planned to take with me. Once I'd zipped the suitcase and set it ready in a corner of my room, I felt a strange excitement crawl from the inside.It's finally happening! I can't wait till morning!I went to sleep pretty early because of my subconscious assumption of thinking tomorrow would come earlier if I go to sleep early.I had trouble sleeping and it wasn't due to my insomnia or brooding today.I imagined how tomorrow would turn out. I planned out how everything should turn out to make it perfect. I visualized myself getting onto a comfortable bus ride and then reaching the peaceful institution dorm and instantly getting accustomed to some people and making new friends. I also went to the extent of thinking I'd find someone to have a relationship with and I rolled around as I imagined everything I'd do then.I was just too excited to sleep.I needed to find something to calm me down. I got out of bed and then found my phone and played a few lofi-tracks. Listening to it took my mind out of imagination and got me relaxed. With the calmness settling inside me, I slowly drifted to sleep.I woke up to the slight static hum of my earphones by my side.Shit, I left it playing for the whole night.I picked up my phone and checked the battery. The one thing which I didn't want was being on an alarmingly low battery percentage while going on a boring bus ride. That was exactly what was going to happen. I thrust the charger into my iPhone and hoped to be at least enough for half the trip.While I was occupied making my battery last, I completely was unaware that I was running out of time. The bus left in about 45 minutes and I'd just woke up.I clambered downstairs and finished my morning bathroom schedule. I brushed my teeth for an extra two to three minutes to eradicate any smell and washed my face with more lotion than I normally used to smell good."Dad!" I called and there was no response.Is he still sleeping?!I went up to his room and he was snoring pretty loudly."Dad!" My loud voice woke him up. He shuddered and turned towards me, still squinting and trying to make sense of what was happening."W-what's happening?" He asked groggily while rubbing his eyes."What's happening?" I asked him back, "You have to drop me off on the bus today! It's leaving in thirty minutes!""That's today?""Yeah!"I heard him grumbling something but I was too late to care. I went into my room again and brought down my suitcase which carried all the stuff I'd packed, and set it down by the door.Good thing I packed yesterday.I went into the kitchen next and prepared myself a quick toast which I swallowed with some leftover milkshakes in the fridge.I checked the clock again and it was showing 7:50.20 minutes more. I thought. I think we can make it.I rushed to the door again to see my dad slowly walking towards the door. He was in no mood to do anything other than sleep now and I bet he'd crash on his bed the moment he stepped inside the house again.I handed him the car key and urged him to move ahead. I went up to my room and pulled the phone and the charger and clambered downstairs again. I did a quick mental check if I'd packed everything that I needed. I couldn't rely on my dad to get me anything if I had forgotten anything.I locked the house as soon as I stepped out with my suitcase and hurried to the car. Just a few meters away, my dad was idling the car. I shoved the suitcase into the trunk and slammed it down again, for which I received a glare while seating myself in the backseat."Go!" I told him in a slightly annoyed tone and he rolled his eyes and stepped on the gas.We arrived just two minutes before the bus was about to depart. There wasn't any emotional goodbye from my dad's end and it was just as simple as 'bye, take care.' After the bus driver had successfully loaded every suitcase into the storage compartment outside, he seated himself in the seat and announced the departure.I was sitting in the last third row and I was lucky to have got a window seat. There was a slightly worked-up girl on the other side of the row who was staring outside and trying to suppress her tears. Behind and around me were just more boys and girls either passed out or buried in their phones.The bus soon entered the highway and the ride was smooth. The only sounds in the bus were the hum of the engines and the occasional sound from the suspensions. I loosened my headband and rested my head on the cold window, looking out at the passing scenery. Without my phone to keep me entertained for long, boredom put me straight to sleep.