Midnight Retribution

In the dead of night, Yaro Nakamura stood on a desolate piece of land, far from any prying eyes. The moon cast an eerie glow over the barren earth, the perfect setting for his next move. He closed his eyes and summoned the power within him, focusing on the abilities granted to him by God. As he extended his hands, the ground before him shimmered and shifted.

One by one, a thousand avatars materialized from the void. Each wore identical black clothes and a dragon mask, a fearsome visage meant to strike terror into the hearts of anyone who saw them. These avatars stood in disciplined rows, awaiting Yaro's command.

"Listen carefully," Yaro began, his voice steady and authoritative. "Your mission is to destroy everything inside the Tsukino Shoe Factory. Leave no trace of machinery, materials, or shoes. Make sure it is unrecognizable by dawn."

The avatars remained silent, their expressionless masks reflecting the cold moonlight. Yaro continued, detailing the orders meticulously.

1. "Disable and dismantle all the machinery first. Ensure that no part is left behind."

2. "Erase all stored materials, including leather, rubber, and fabric."

3. "Destroy every single shoe, finished or unfinished. Not a single pair should remain."

4. "Eliminate any records, both physical and digital, of the factory's operations."

5. "Ensure no trace of your presence is left. Use your destruction abilities to erase any evidence."

6. "Once the task is complete, return to this spot for further instructions."

With a final nod, Yaro gave the signal, and the avatars vanished, teleported to the factory site. He watched as the avatars executed his orders with ruthless efficiency. Machinery disintegrated into nothingness, materials disappeared as if they had never existed, and records were obliterated. Within minutes, the once-bustling factory was reduced to an empty shell, devoid of any trace of its former purpose. Satisfied with their work, Yaro unsummoned the avatars, leaving the factory abandoned and empty.


The following morning, the news broke across the city. The Tsukino Shoe Factory, owned by the influential Tsukino family, had been mysteriously wiped clean. No heavy vehicles had been seen entering or leaving the premises, and no traces were left behind.

At the Tsukino family estate, Kenji Tsukino, the head of the family, was livid. He slammed his fist onto the table, causing the dishes to rattle. "How could this happen?" he roared. "This is a sabotage of the highest order!"

His son, Haruto Tsukino, tried to calm him down. "Father, we're looking into it. The police are investigating."

Kenji's eyes burned with fury. "Investigating? This is worth hundreds of millions! Do you understand? Our entire operation has been wiped out overnight! Find out who did this, and make them pay!"

Later that day, Kenji stormed into the factory site, where several workers and managers had gathered, stunned by the empty shell that remained. He grabbed one of the foremen by the collar. "You! How could you let this happen? Were you all asleep?"

The foreman stammered, "Mr. Tsukino, we don't know what happened. There were no alarms, no signs of break-in. It's like everything just... vanished."

Kenji pushed him aside in disgust. "Incompetence! All of you are useless!"


Meanwhile, at the police station, three officers gathered to discuss the bizarre incident.

"It's the strangest thing I've ever seen," said Detective Saito, scratching his head. "No signs of forced entry, no footprints, no vehicle tracks. It's like the entire factory was wiped clean by ghosts."

Sergeant Tanaka nodded in agreement. "Even the CCTV footage shows nothing unusual. One moment everything is in place, the next, it's all gone. Who could pull off something like this?"

Lieutenant Miyamoto leaned back in his chair, deep in thought. "This wasn't an ordinary act of vandalism. It's too precise, too thorough. Whoever did this had a personal vendetta against the Tsukino family."

Saito frowned. "But who could harbor such a grudge? And how did they manage to erase everything without leaving a single clue?"

Tanaka added, "We need to look into anyone with a motive against the Tsukino family. Start with former employees, competitors, anyone who might benefit from their downfall."


Back at the Nakamura household, Yaro watched the news with a satisfied smile. The report showed the empty factory, the anchor's voice filled with disbelief.

"This morning, the Tsukino Shoe Factory was found completely empty. Authorities are baffled by the incident, with no clues or evidence left behind. The Tsukino family has refused to comment at this time."

Ayumi Nakamura, Yaro's mother, glanced at him. "Yaro, isn't that where your father used to work?"

Yaro nodded, feigning innocence. "Yes, it is. I wonder what happened."

Hiroshi Nakamura, however, looked troubled. "Many of my old friends still worked there. This will ruin them."

Yaro's smile faded slightly, but he steeled himself. "I know, Dad. But sometimes, things happen for a reason."

Hiroshi sighed. "I just hope they can find new jobs soon. This kind of thing can devastate families."

Yaro's heart hardened. He reminded himself of his ultimate goal – protecting his own family and ensuring their future. The friends of his father were collateral damage in a much larger battle.

As the news continued to play in the background, Yaro made a mental note. This was only the beginning. The Tsukino family would pay dearly, but he needed to be patient. There was more to come, and he would ensure that when the time was right, the Tsukino family would fall, and they would never recover.

For now, Yaro was content. The first step of his plan had been executed flawlessly. No one suspected a thing, and the Tsukino Shoe Factory was no more. He could focus on his next move, all while keeping his true capabilities hidden from the world.