Bons of ownership

The day had finally arrived. Yaro Nakamura's women stood before him, their left hands now adorned with the mystical mark of ownership. The symbol, a striking silver six-winged mark, signified their exclusive belonging to him. Each woman gazed at the mark, feeling a mix of pride and a strange sense of connection to Yaro that went beyond mere affection. This mark also carried a potent curse, ensuring no other man could ever be intimate with them, a secret Yaro kept to himself.

As Yaro marveled at the marks on their hands, he felt an intense surge of possessiveness and satisfaction. His desire to protect and claim them was now physically manifested. The silver color of their marks symbolized their high-ranking status among those who would bear his mark in the future. The mark was an embodiment of their unbreakable bond with him, and it was only the beginning.

Time flew by quickly, and soon Yaro found himself enrolled in the police academy. His life at the academy was grueling and monotonous, filled with endless physical fitness training, firearms training, hand-to-hand combat, and techniques for using non-lethal force. His towering height of 2.3 meters made him a formidable presence among his peers, and his performance was unmatched, though he was unable to skip ranks due to the inherent unfairness of the system favoring those with family connections.

Yaro's days at the academy were often punctuated by moments of boredom and longing for his women. His closest friends, Takumi, Haruto, and Kenji, provided some relief from the monotony. They were a trio of jokesters who loved to tease each other relentlessly. Yaro often found himself the target of their jests, especially when he boasted about his nine women back home.

"Yaro, you're such a traitor," Takumi would say, feigning betrayal. "Nine women? And we're stuck here with none!"

"Yeah," Haruto chimed in. "You've got to be the luckiest guy alive. Share some of that luck with us, will you?"

Kenji would usually shake his head in disbelief. "I still can't believe it. Nine women. You're like a legend around here."

Yaro would laugh, showing them photos of him with his women, hugging and kissing them. Their reactions were always priceless, and it was one of the few highlights in his otherwise repetitive life.

The first time Yaro returned home after a year at the academy, he was greeted with a surprise that left him speechless. All nine of his women were waiting for him, each holding a baby girl. The sight of his daughters filled him with an overwhelming sense of joy and pride.

He rushed forward, hugging and kissing each mother and child in turn. "They're beautiful," he whispered, tears of happiness glistening in his eyes. "What are their names?"

Aiko stepped forward first, smiling. "This is Hana," she said, holding up her daughter.

Sakura followed, her eyes shining with happiness. "And this is Yuki."

Rina, always confident, proudly introduced her daughter. "Meet Kira."

Emi, with her gentle demeanor, presented her baby girl. "Her name is Misa."

Yumi, ever strategic, held her daughter close. "This is Nami."

Mika, with her adventurous spirit, introduced her child. "Say hello to Airi."

Hana, competitive as always, smiled at her daughter. "This is Sora."

Rei, disciplined and strong, presented her baby. "Her name is Akari."

Mei, stylish and creative, proudly showed off her daughter. "And this is Rina."

Yaro couldn't contain his happiness. He hugged each mother and baby, expressing his pride and love. "You've all done an incredible job. I'm so proud of you and our daughters. They're perfect."

That night, he made sure to spend time with each of his women, showing them how much he cared. The marks on their hands were inherited by the babies, a fact that gave him a moment of pause. But he pushed the thought aside, focusing instead on the joy of being reunited with his family.

The second time Yaro returned home, he had a plan. He wanted to buy a very big house where all of them could live together comfortably. He turned to Yumi for advice, knowing her expertise in real estate would be invaluable.

"Yumi, I want to buy a big house for all of us," he said. "Do you have any recommendations?"

Yumi smiled, already thinking of possibilities. "I have a few places in mind. Let's take a look together."

They spent the day touring various properties, with all the women giving their input. The bargaining process was intense, with Yumi leading the negotiations.

"This house is perfect," Yumi said, standing in front of a large mansion. "It's spacious, has enough rooms for everyone, and plenty of space for the kids to play."

The seller, a shrewd businessman, eyed the group warily. "It's a prime property. The price is non-negotiable."

Yumi smirked, her confidence unwavering. "We can make a better offer, considering the current market trends and the property's history. Let's talk numbers."

After several rounds of negotiations, they finally reached an agreement. Yaro was thrilled. "This place is perfect. Thank you, Yumi."

That night, in their new home, Yaro gathered all his women in the large bedroom with the oversized bed he had specially ordered. As they lay together, he courted each of them, making them feel special and loved.

"You've all made me the happiest man in the world," he said, his voice filled with emotion. "This house is just the beginning. Our future together is going to be incredible."

Each woman responded with love and gratitude, feeling cherished and valued. They talked late into the night, sharing dreams and plans for their future.

The third time Yaro came back home, it was time to discuss their futures. They were all graduating from college, and each had received offers from prestigious companies.

"Before you make any decisions," Yaro said, "I want to propose something. I've prepared companies for each of you to lead, tailored to your strengths and passions."

He handed out the documents, detailing each company.

Aiko looked over the paperwork for Tanaka Culinary Creations, her eyes lighting up. "This is amazing. I love it!"

Sakura reviewed the details for Yamamoto Tech Innovations, nodding with approval. "This is exactly what I've always wanted to do."

Rina grinned as she read about Suzuki Auto Dynamics. "You know me too well, Yaro. This is perfect."

Emi, looking at Takahashi Health Systems, smiled softly. "I can't believe you've done this for us. Thank you, Yaro."

Yumi, ever the strategist, examined Watanabe Property Group's documents. "This is an incredible opportunity. I'm in."

Mika, with her adventurous spirit, was thrilled with Inoue Transport Solutions. "I can't wait to get started."

Hana, competitive as always, loved Nakamura Gaming League. "This is going to be amazing."

Rei, disciplined and strong, was excited about Fujimoto Fitness & Sports. "I'm ready for this challenge."

Mei, stylish and creative, couldn't wait to start at Tanaka Fashion House. "This is a dream come true."

Yaro watched as they all reacted with enthusiasm and gratitude. "I have big plans and ambitions for us," he said seriously. "Together, we can achieve anything. Let's control our future and make it the best it can be."

Then he introduced the concept of the parent company, Nakamura Holdings, which would oversee all their enterprises. "Nakamura Holdings will play a crucial role in our success," he explained. "It will provide the raw materials needed for our companies, manage finances to keep everything centralized, supply human resources, and audit each company to ensure everything runs smoothly and ethically."

The women listened intently as he detailed each role of Nakamura Holdings:

1. **Providing Raw Materials**: "Our parent company will ensure a steady supply of high-quality raw materials for all our businesses. Whether it's ingredients for Aiko's culinary creations or components for Sakura's tech innovations, Nakamura Holdings will guarantee we have what we need to operate efficiently."

2. **Managing Finances**: "Centralized financial management will help us keep track of all our revenue and expenses, making sure we invest wisely and grow sustainably. With Nakamura Holdings handling our finances, we can avoid unnecessary risks and focus on expanding our enterprises."

3. **Supplying Human Resources**: "We'll have a dedicated team for recruiting, training, and retaining top talent across all our companies. This will ensure we have skilled and motivated employees to drive our businesses forward."

4. **Auditing**: "Regular audits will help us maintain high standards of operation and ensure none of our companies deviate from our core values and objectives. This oversight will be crucial for maintaining our reputation and achieving long-term success."

Each woman was impressed by the thorough planning and foresight Yaro had demonstrated. They felt secure knowing Nakamura Holdings would be the backbone of their collective endeavors.

### Graduation Ceremony

Yaro's graduation ceremony from the police academy was a grand and emotional event. The academy's grounds were decorated with banners and flags, and the atmosphere buzzed with excitement. Families and friends of the graduates filled the seats, eagerly awaiting the moment when their loved ones would receive their badges.

Yaro stood among his peers, his towering height making him easily recognizable in the crowd. His parents, Hiroshi and Ayumi Nakamura, were seated in the front row, their faces glowing with pride. As the ceremony began, the academy's director took the podium to address the graduates.

"Today, we celebrate the hard work, dedication, and perseverance of these fine cadets," the director announced. "They have completed rigorous training and are now ready to serve and protect our community."

One by one, the graduates were called to the stage to receive their badges. When Yaro's name was called, a cheer erupted from the crowd. His parents stood up, clapping and cheering loudly. Yaro walked confidently to the stage, his head held high.

"Yaro Nakamura," the director said, handing him the badge. "You have demonstrated exceptional skill and leadership. Congratulations."

Yaro accepted the badge with a firm handshake. "Thank you, sir."

As he stepped down from the stage, his parents rushed to greet him. Hiroshi hugged him tightly. "You've done it, son. You've made us so proud."

Ayumi, tears of joy streaming down her face, embraced Yaro warmly. "You're amazing, Yaro. We've always believed in you."

Yaro smiled, feeling a deep sense of accomplishment. "Thank you, Mom and Dad. I couldn't have done it without your support."

His friends, Takumi, Haruto, and Kenji, joined in the celebration, clapping him on the back. "Congratulations, Yaro!" Takumi said. "You deserve it."

Haruto grinned. "Now you're officially a police officer. We're so proud of you."

Kenji nodded. "You've set the bar high for all of us."

Yaro laughed, feeling a sense of camaraderie with his friends. "Thanks, guys. It means a lot to have you here."

The ceremony continued, and after all the graduates had received their badges, the director announced a brief intermission before the final speeches. During this time, Yaro took the opportunity to speak with his parents more.

Hiroshi looked at his son with admiration. "I remember when you first told us you wanted to become a police officer. You've worked so hard to get here."

Yaro nodded. "I wanted to protect the people I care about. This is just the beginning."

Ayumi smiled. "We're so happy to see you following your dreams, Yaro. We know you'll make a great officer."

As the ceremony resumed, the academy's top graduates were invited to give speeches. Yaro, being one of them, stepped up to the podium.

"Today marks a significant milestone in our lives," Yaro began, addressing the crowd. "We have trained hard and learned valuable lessons that will guide us as we step into our roles as police officers. But this is not just a personal achievement. It is a commitment to serve and protect our community, to uphold justice, and to make a positive impact."

He paused, looking out at the audience. "I want to thank my parents, Hiroshi and Ayumi Nakamura, for their unwavering support and love. You have always believed in me, and I am here today because of you."

The crowd applauded, and Yaro continued. "To my friends and fellow graduates, congratulations. We have shared this journey together, and I am proud of each and every one of you. Let's continue to support one another as we take on this important responsibility."

After his speech, Yaro returned to his seat, feeling a sense of fulfillment. The ceremony concluded with a final address from the director, who wished all the graduates success in their future endeavors.

As the event wrapped up, Yaro's parents approached him once more. "We're so proud of you, Yaro," Ayumi said, hugging him again. "You've accomplished so much."

Hiroshi nodded. "And this is just the beginning. We can't wait to see all the great things you'll do."

Yaro smiled, feeling their love and pride. "Thank you, Mom and Dad. I promise to make you even prouder."

With his badge pinned to his chest and his loved ones by his side, Yaro felt ready to take on the world. He knew that this was just the start of his journey, and he was determined to protect those he cared about and achieve his ambitions.