The Hero's Rise

Yaro Nakamura had finally graduated from the police academy and was now a full-fledged police officer. Standing at an impressive height of 2.3 meters, Yaro was a giant among men. His presence commanded respect, but his journey to climb the ranks was just beginning. Yaro understood that to advance, he needed significant contributions and acknowledgment from higher-ups, a daunting task given the corrupt favoritism prevalent within the system.

Yaro knew that public acknowledgment was his only real path to advancement. He devised a plan to orchestrate a series of events that would not only elevate his status but also promote his loved ones' businesses. He decided to create a villainous group named ORAY, an acronym for the Oppressive Regime of Anarchist Youth, comprised of five avatars he controlled.

The plan was simple: stage an attack at Aiko's F&B restaurant, defeat the villains, and ensure the whole event was recorded and broadcast to the public. The heroic act would boost his reputation and draw public support, making it difficult for the higher-ups to ignore his contributions.

On the day of the plan, Yaro visited the restaurant run by Aiko and her parents. As he walked in, his tall frame casting a long shadow, he noticed a man pestering Aiko. The man was from a competitor's restaurant and had been pursuing Aiko, oblivious to her loyalty to Yaro.

"Aiko, I can't stop thinking about you," the man said, trying to charm her. "Your husband isn't in the picture, is he? We could make such a great team."

Before Aiko could respond, Yaro stepped forward, his presence immediately felt by everyone in the room. "She belongs to me," Yaro declared, his voice deep and commanding. "Stay away from her if you know what's good for you."

The man turned to face Yaro, his confidence faltering. Yaro's alpha aura exuded dominance, making the man's bravado crumble. "I-I didn't know," he stammered, backing away. "I won't bother her again."

Yaro's intense gaze remained fixed on the man until he left the restaurant, clearly shaken. For women, Yaro's aura had the opposite effect, making him appear even more attractive. Aiko felt a flutter in her chest, admiration and affection for Yaro surging within her.

"Thank you, Yaro," Aiko said softly, looking up at him with grateful eyes. "You always know how to handle things."

Yaro smiled warmly, taking her hand. "I'll always protect you, Aiko. No one will ever come between us."

As they settled into their seats, Aiko personally served Yaro, bringing him the food prepared by her father. While they waited, three policewomen approached Yaro, clearly intrigued by him.

"Officer Nakamura, right?" one of them asked, her eyes sparkling with interest. "We've heard a lot about you. I'm Officer Matsumoto, and these are Officers Tanaka and Saito."

Yaro nodded politely. "Nice to meet you all."

Officer Tanaka leaned in slightly. "You're quite the legend at the academy. They say you're the best in your generation."

Before the conversation could continue, Aiko returned with their daughter, Misaki. Yaro's face lit up as he saw them. "Aiko, Misaki, come meet my colleagues."

The policewomen, seeing Aiko and Misaki, quickly realized the nature of their relationship and blushed, feeling embarrassed. "Oh, we didn't mean to intrude," Officer Saito said, stepping back. "We'll leave you to your family dinner."

Aiko smiled graciously. "It's alright. We were just about to eat. Enjoy your meal."

As they enjoyed their meal, Yaro engaged in a deep conversation with Aiko. "How have things been at the restaurant?" he asked, his eyes full of concern and love.

Aiko sighed, looking at Misaki playing nearby. "It's been busy, but fulfilling. Misaki has been a handful, but she's such a joy. She talks about you all the time, you know."

Yaro chuckled, reaching out to ruffle Misaki's hair. "I miss you both so much. I can't wait to be home more often."

Misaki looked up at Yaro with big, curious eyes. "Papa, will you stay with us forever?"

Yaro's heart melted at her innocent question. "Yes, Misaki. I'll always be here for you and your mom."

After finishing their meal, the real action began. Five men dressed in black and wearing dragon masks stormed into the restaurant, pointing guns at the patrons. The leader barked orders, "Everyone, stay down! We're here for the money!"

One of the men grabbed a policewoman, holding her hostage. "Don't try anything stupid, or she gets it!"

Yaro's eyes narrowed. He knew this was the moment to execute his plan. He stood up slowly, his towering frame making him look even more intimidating. "Let her go," he said in a calm but authoritative voice.

The leader sneered. "And who are you to give orders?"

"I'm Officer Nakamura," Yaro replied. "And you're making a big mistake."

With swift, precise movements, Yaro disarmed the nearest assailant, using his mastery of non-lethal force. He subdued each of the attackers, making sure the entire confrontation was recorded by the hidden cameras.

The leader, struggling under Yaro's grip, spat out, "We are ORAY, the Oppressive Regime of Anarchist Youth! We will lead the new era!"

Yaro tightened his grip slightly. "Not today, you won't."

The policewomen watched in awe as Yaro effortlessly took down the terrorists. When the last one was restrained, Yaro helped the hostage to her feet. "Are you alright?" he asked, his voice gentle.

She nodded, still shaken. "Thank you. You saved my life."

Yaro turned to Aiko and Misaki, who were watching from a safe distance. He walked over, kissing Aiko tenderly and then lifting Misaki into his arms. "I have to go now, but I'll be back soon. Stay safe."

Aiko nodded, tears of relief in her eyes. "Be careful, Yaro."

As Yaro and the policewomen escorted the subdued terrorists to the police station, the recorded event was uploaded by hundreds of thousands of Yaro's avatars. The footage went viral, showcasing Yaro's heroism and bravery.

The next day, the story was all over the news. Yaro's heroic act became the talk of the town, earning him widespread public recognition. Higher-ups and police leaders discussed his actions, acknowledging his bravery and skill.

In a well-furnished conference room, five high-ranking officers gathered to discuss the recent events involving Yaro Nakamura. The group included Chief Police Commissioner Mori, Senior Police Commissioner Sato, Chief Senior Police Commissioner Hayashi, Police Commissioner Takeda, and Police Commissioner Yamada.

Chief Police Commissioner Mori began the meeting, "Gentlemen, we all saw the footage of Officer Nakamura's heroic actions. It's been the talk of the city, and we can't ignore the impact it's had."

Senior Police Commissioner Sato nodded. "Indeed. His bravery and skills are undeniable. The public is rallying behind him, and this kind of positive publicity is something we rarely see."

Chief Senior Police Commissioner Hayashi added, "Not only did he save lives, but he also showed exceptional restraint and control. His non-lethal takedown of the ORAY members was impressive."

Police Commissioner Takeda leaned forward, "We have to consider what this means for our department. Promoting Nakamura could set a positive example for the public, showing that merit and heroism are recognized and rewarded."

Police Commissioner Yamada agreed, "If Nakamura continues to perform at this level, we should consider fast-tracking his promotion. The higher-ups can manipulate contributions, but public acknowledgment is a different story. If the citizens see him as a hero, our hands will be tied."

Chief Police Commissioner Mori concluded, "Let's keep a close eye on him. If he comes up with another significant achievement, we'll have no choice but to promote him. It will be good for our department's image and morale."

Back at the police station, Yaro was greeted by his three close friends from the academy: Kenji, Ryu, and Takeshi.

"Yaro, you were amazing out there!" Kenji exclaimed, slapping him on the back. "We saw the whole thing on the news."

Ryu nodded, grinning. "Yeah, man. You were like a superhero. That takedown was epic!"

Takeshi added, "You've set the bar really high for the rest of us. We're proud to know you, Yaro."

Yaro smiled, appreciating their support. "Thanks, guys. I just did what needed to be done. We're all in this together."

Kenji chuckled, "Well, you're definitely making us look good. Keep it up, and we'll all rise through the ranks."