Arguing seniors

"What did you just say?" Alex repeated again but before anyone could say anything another voice came. "You heard it right. She is my research assistant." The voice belongs to none other than Victor.

The other students who heard him were surprised as well. Many girls were fighting tooth and nail to be his research assistant but he had never chosen anyone before. So it was new to them, and some girls looked at Eve with jealousy.

When Victor and Maximilian entered the canteen they saw the angry wolf glaring dagger at his friend Raphael. That's why he approached the scene and Maximilian followed him closely. He doesn't like anyone meddling in his business. But some people here have itching issues that itch them to poke their noses where it doesn't belong. Now Alex was being one of them.

Hearing Victor's voice Alex turned and met his azure eyes with a murderous glare. "Why did you choose her to be your research assistant?" He spat standing in front of him.

"And who do you think you're to question me about that?" Victor cocked his head to the side and asked. Alex closed his eyes seething in anger then opened them again and said, "You never required one before so why now? Besides that, she is a fresher."

Victor stared at him with an annoyed expression, his patience running thin. His hand was itching for a fight. "Fresher or not she is my junior and in the same department. I can choose whomever I wish as my assistant from my department and that's none of your fucking business. Perhaps, you are jealous that you don't have one. If so, go and find yourself an assistant." Victor deadpanned and Alex was going to say something but Eve came between them.

All the while she was witnessing their argument and it was because of her. Now that the matter was turning in the wrong direction she decided to stop it. "Please stop both of you." Both Victor's and Alex's eyes snapped to her.

She turned to Alex and said, "I guess it's fine Alex. Don't worry about me." Victor smirked at that, and an expression crossed Alex's features as if he was hurt but he hid it with a tight smile. He nodded and then left the canteen sparing a murderous glare at Victor. Emily said she would meet Eve in the class and soon followed her brother hurriedly.

When Eve looked at Victor she found him staring at her. It was clear that he was pleased with her response. She excused herself from there and headed for her class. "Why do I always attract problems around me? She asked herself in mind. She was feeling bad for what had just happened. 

Eve went to her class and Emily joined her before the bell rang. "How is Alex?" She asked. Emily smiled at her and said, "He is fine. Don't worry. As you're my friend he was worried that something might happen because the person who chose you is troublesome. That's why he reacted." 

Before Emily could ask Eve about how she became Victor's research assistant, the teacher entered the room and the class started. 

Half an hour later Emily saw Eve was yawning she asked, "Didn't you sleep last night? You look exhausted." Eve smiled awkwardly trying to focus on the class and replied, "Yes, I guess I'll have to take three more cups of coffee to survive the day."

The entire time she fought the urge not to fall asleep. Emily assured her that she would help her with today's lesson and notes. Eve was grateful for that and thanked her.

After the class ended Eve went to the restroom. She was alone and washing her face with water. When she was done and looked at her reflection in the mirror she saw blood. There was blood everywhere. Surges of nausea rushed over her at the gory scene and she started feeling dizzy. She could also hear people's agonizing screams.

She couldn't understand what was happening. She was in the restroom washing her face. How could the scene in front of her turn into something so gory suddenly? Was it her brain that was playing tricks on her? She ran out from there struggling for breath. She was covering her ears as she ran. Suddenly she bumped into someone and looked up with tears in her eyes.

It was Victor. He was going to his class when someone bumped into him. He was going to say something but stopped when he saw it was Eve. He noticed her heart was beating erratically and could faint anytime soon. She was going to say something but he caught her wrist in a firm grasp and dragged her to an isolated room. 

He made her stand in front of the open window in the room and directed her to take breaths. Eve did what she was told and soon her breathing turned to normal. There was no gory scene in front of her and she couldn't hear the people's screams anymore. Everything has turned back to normal again. 

She looked at Victor and saw him standing in with his arms crossed. She apologized for bumping into him earlier but Victor stopped her and said, "Don't bother about it. Why were you running as if someone was chasing you?"

She hesitated and he noticed that. "If I tell, you'll think I'm insane," Eve said in a small voice looking away from him and Victor chuckled at that. "Trust me, no one in this world is sane," he said, and Eve looked at him. He jerked his head to the side signaling her to carry on.

"I was washing my face and when I looked up in the mirror I saw everything around me turned gory suddenly. There was blood everywhere and I could hear people's agonizing screams." Eve said and Victor stared at her with an unreadable expression.

What she saw had happened a long time ago. It was the massacre that had taken place here caused by the black witches. Now Victor was more curious about her. From the first, he had a hunch there was something peculiar about her.

"I know it's bizarre what I said", said Eve and Victor shook his head. "Some things are beyond our imagination but those are real. I believe you", Victor said to her and she looked at him surprised.

She couldn't understand what he meant by that but a small smile appeared on her lips when she heard him say he believed her. She was grateful that he heard her patiently and helped her to breathe normally.

"Thank you for hearing me patiently and also for helping me to calm down." She said sincerely and Victor nodded.

"But remember, what you shared with me should not be shared with anyone else. Not even your best friend. Some things are better to stay secret or it may cause you trouble." Victor advised her and then left the room. 

Eve was now alone again. "He is not that bad I guess." She murmured thinking about the earlier incident. But her trail of thoughts was interrupted when the phone rang.

It was Emily and Eve received the call. She informed Eve about the class that was going to start soon. "Okay, I'm coming soon," Eve said and ended the call before hurrying to the class.