Caught By An Angel.

James, tall and striking with his dark hair and brown eyes, possessed a handsome face and an athletic build that drew many admirers. Despite his regal appearance and the attention he garnered, he yearned for more than just admiration—he craved genuine connection.

"Your Majesty, it's time to wake up. You have a lot of things to do," my butler Alvin said as I opened my eyes.

"Good morning, Alvin."

"Good morning, Your Majesty. I hope you enjoyed your night."

"I was, before you woke me up."

"Sorry, sir, but I have to wake you up because you have a lot to do."

"Yeah, yeah, I know. Let me just freshen up and I'll join you."

"Okay, sir."

After freshening up, I went downstairs, hoping my day would get better. I greeted my mom, dad, and brothers at the dining table and sat down. The same issue my mom always brought up, which I had been trying to avoid, resurfaced. Just as I thought I was safe, she called my name, pulling me from my thoughts.

"Yes, mother?"

"When are you going to get married? Your older brothers are married, and you're 28. You should be married by now. If you don't get married within the next two months, I will choose a bride for you. Besides, Clara is the right person for you. She's your childhood friend and you know each other well, so why can't you get married?"

"Mom, I don't want to get married now, and besides, Clara is just a friend. I don't want to marry her."

"No, James, you have to get married. If not her, then choose another princess. James, I'm your mother."

"Oh, here we go, emotional blackmail. I gave birth to you. Can't you just appeal to my request?"

"Okay, okay, fine! I'll find a bride, but I don't want to marry a princess."

My mom was shocked. "No, it's tradition for a prince to marry a princess."

"Well, I'm going to be the first not to marry a princess," I declared.

My elder brother chimed in, "I support him. He can marry whoever he loves."

Before my mom could say anything else, I left the dining table and went to my room. A knock on my door interrupted my thoughts.

"Who is it?"

"It's John," came the familiar voice of my best friend.

"Come in."

We hugged each other, happy to see one another. He suggested we go out and have some fun, and I agreed, but I needed permission from my mother. 

We asked her, and she initially said no.

"Mom, please," I pleaded.

"I can't risk my prince going out. It could be dangerous."

"But mom—"

"No buts." Then I gave her my sad face. 

"Okay, under one condition," she relented.

"Okay, what is it?"

"Either you go out with the guards or you go out like a normal person. Choose."

"I prefer the second one."

"Okay, have fun and be safe."

"Yes, mom. Bye."

John said, "Hurry up, dude, let's go."

"I'm coming. Ready, let's go. Nice outfit, dude."

"Thanks. Now let's go."

We went to a restaurant, and I asked John, "Why are we here? I've already eaten."

"I know, dude. I brought you here to meet someone."


"Because I know your mom has been bothering you about getting married."

Just then, a beautiful angel caught my eye. She was stunning with her blue eyes, long blonde hair, and amazing curves. Her strawberry scent was intoxicating. I couldn't stop staring at her or listening to John's words. 

"Who is that beautiful girl?" I asked John.

"That's my sister, Elena, the person I wanted you to meet. I knew you'd fall for her the moment you saw her."

Elena approached us to greet her brother. 

"Elena, meet my friend James."

"Oh, hi, James."

I was taken aback. "Is she talking to me? Did she just say hi? What do I say to her?" I stammered, "Uh-um, hi, Elena. N-n-nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too," she replied.

I was lost in her beauty and her amazing smile. Just before I could say another word, her boss called her away.

"Bye," she said, waving.

John teased me, "Dude, you were lost. You were stammering. The bold and brave James, wow."

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever. Now can we go home?"

"Sure, let's go."