Love At First Stammer

"Wow, he's so cute Elena thought to herself. I can't believe he stammered talking to me. I mean, he's so cute! Who is he? Why can't I stop thinking about him? Oh my God, do I like him? No, it can't be. How can I like my brother's friend? I mean, he's cute, but still..." Before I could finish my thoughts, I heard a familiar voice shout my name. I turned with a smile.

"Hi, John."

"Hey, sis! How's it going?"

"Well, cool."

"Your friend, who is he?"

"Huh? Who?" John replied.

"Seriously, come on. Don't joke with me."

"Uh, seriously, sis, what are you talking about?"

"Your friend, the one you were with today."

"Oh, him! Why couldn't you be specific?"

"Wow, really? I thought I was being specific," I said sarcastically.

"You and your sarcasm, always going with it. That's why you're my sweet, annoying sister."

"Whatever," I replied.

"Hmmm," John said, rubbing his chin.

"What? Why are you doing that?"

"Doing what?"

"Rubbing your chin like that."

"Oh, nothing. Just thinking."

"About what?"

"How you were daydreaming about my friend."

"Wait, what? You're being ridiculous. I can never daydream or think about your friend."

"Oh really? Then why did you ask about him just now?"

"Well, I thought that since he's your friend, I should know him better."

"Wait, wait, wait. Hold on. Since when do you care about knowing my friends?"

"Well, because this one is cute, I mean nice, I mean new. Arrg! Get out of my head!"

"Hmm, I was not in your head. Admit it, you like him."

"No, I don't."

"Well, you can lie to yourself, but you can't lie to me. I'm your brother."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. But don't fool yourself with too much romantic film."

"No, I'm not. I'm so happy my baby sister is in love. Wow, yay!" I rolled my eyes and went to my room.

"Whoa, my sister likes James. This is nice. I'm going to tell him right now."

James' Thoughts

"Wow, I never knew John had a sister. She's so beautiful, her voice is amazing, and she's so sweet. Her eyes are like beautiful stars."

"Wait, why can't I stop thinking about her? I mean, she's beautiful, but still, how can I be thinking about a girl I met today? It's crazy. Like John always says, love at first sight. But whatever." I quickly snapped out of my thoughts as I headed to my archery lessons. Then I heard my name.

"James! James! Dude, where are you?" Just then, I realized it was John.

"I'm right here."

"Oh good. Dude, my sister really likes you."

"Wait, what? Really? I mean, wow, bummer."

"Hmm, dude, don't do the 'I don't care' look. Anyway, how about I hook you up with my sister tomorrow?"

"No," I said with a fake frown.

"Dude, you can't say no to me. Besides, I know you like her too. I saw the way you looked at her."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever."

"I'll take that as a yes. So, I'm calling her now."

"Wait, what? Don't you dare bring out your phone. Don't you dare dial that number."

"Hey, sis! My friend James wants to see you tomorrow."

"Wow, really?" I cleared my throat and said, "Okay, where?"

"Where you saw him today."

"Okay, cool." I could hear the excitement in her voice. Then John hung up. I could see James's anger so I ran away before he could say anything. He chased me around his room, then I tripped and fell, and he slapped me on my arm.

"Dude, what was that for?"

"Well, nothing. Just doing what you were supposed to do."

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever. It's getting late, you should leave."

"Seriously, dude? You're telling me to go just because of that?"

"No, it's getting late. That's why I'm telling you to leave."

"Okay, fine. Bye, dude."

"Yeah, bye."

I lay on my bed, thinking about her and how I would talk to her tomorrow. "Wow, I'm so nervous. James, you're brave. Just meeting the girl you met today makes you feel nervous? Okay, okay, now it is time to sleep." Just before I could close my eyes, Alvin came in.

"Sir, you haven't slept yet."

"I was before you came in."

"Okay, sorry, sir. I'll leave now."

"It's okay. Goodnight, Alvin."

"Goodnight, sir." As Alvin shut the door, I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.