A Dream Date.

"Hey, Elena."

"Hi James, umm, how are you doing?"

"I'm okay. Good. You look beautiful tonight."

"Thank you." Just before he could say another word, I tripped and he caught me. I looked into his eyes and he leaned in and kissed me. Wow, I was so happy; my cheeks were red. "Elena, Elena, Elena!" I heard someone call my name. It became louder. "Eleeennnaaaa!" I woke up and realized it was John, and I realized that it was all a dream. "Whhaaatttt? But it felt so real! Oh no, come on, how can it be a dream? The way he looked at me felt so real." I fell on my bed with my face on my pillow. "Arrrggg, why was it a dream?"

"Seriously, Elena?" my brother called.

"Yes?" I raised my head and looked at his face, seeing his eyebrow raised in suspicion.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Nothing, just wondering why you were soliloquizing and fell on your bed with your face on your pillow."

"Oh my God, I forgot that John was here. Oh, come on, why can't today get any better? What will I say to him? Aha, uh-um, I was just angry that you called me to go on a date with your friend rather than him calling me."

"Hmmmmm," John said suspiciously.

"Yeah, and that's it. Nothing more than that."

"Hmmm, well, okay. I have to go and don't be late for your date. It starts at exactly 5:30."

"Okay, so now it's 9:00, so I have exactly 8 hours to prepare. Okay, bye."

"Wow, I'm so happy. I hope what I dreamt about comes true. I mean, it can't just be a coincidence. Okay, Elena, don't think too much. Just get ready for your date."

James' Thoughts

"Is this really happening? The girl I met yesterday, who I think I have a crush on, is going on a date with me. That's nice. So, what to wear? Aha, I'll wear a suit since it's a date. I have to look formal."

"James," my mom called.

"Yes, Mom?"

"Oh wow, where is my handsome son going all dressed up?" I smiled.

"Well, Mom, your long-awaited wish will soon come true."

"What wish? Wait, what? Seriously, what's her name?"


"Wow, I love the name. Okay, okay, Mom, I have to go. It's almost time."

"Okay, bye, son. Hope to see her soon."

"Yeah, you will."

I rushed to my room and opened my wardrobe, searching for the perfect suit. I picked out a classic black suit with a crisp white shirt and a navy blue tie. After putting it on, I checked my reflection in the mirror. My hair needed some styling. I quickly grabbed some gel and ran my fingers through my dark hair, making sure it looked effortlessly perfect. Brown eyes gazed back at me with a mix of excitement and nervousness.

"Alright, James, you got this," I muttered to myself. I grabbed my wallet, keys, and phone, and headed downstairs.

"Wow, my son looks so handsome!" Mom exclaimed, beaming with pride.

"Thanks, Mom. I gotta go. Wish me luck."

"Good luck, sweetheart."

I arrived at Elena's place and rang the doorbell. She opened the door, looking stunning in her red gown. I stared at her, and she looked at me with amazement.

"You look very beautiful tonight."

"Thank you," she said, blushing. "Shall we go, my lady?"


Elena's Preparations

"Wow, I can't believe this is happening," I thought as I stood in front of my closet, trying to decide what to wear. "What should I wear?" I rifled through my dresses, finally settling on a stunning red gown that hugged my curves in all the right places. It was elegant yet sexy, perfect for a first date.

I put on the dress and looked at myself in the mirror. "Not bad, Elena," I thought. "Now, hair and makeup." I curled my long blonde hair into loose waves, then applied just enough makeup to enhance my blue eyes and give my lips a soft, rosy glow.

"Elena, are you ready?" John called from downstairs.

"Almost!" I slipped into my favorite pair of heels and took a deep breath. "Okay, let's do this."

I walked downstairs, my heart pounding with anticipation. John whistled as he saw me.

"Wow, sis, you look amazing."

"Thanks, John."

"Alright, remember, just be yourself and have fun."

"I will."

I arrived at Elena's place and rang the doorbell. She opened the door, looking stunning in her red gown. I stared at her, and she looked at me with amazement.

"You look very beautiful tonight."

"Thank you," she said, blushing. "Shall we go, my lady?"


The Date

We arrived at the restaurant.

"Good evening, ma'am. Good evening, sir. How may I help you tonight?"

"Good evening. We need a table for two."

"Okay, right this way."

We arrived at our table and sat down. The usher left, and the waiter came over.

"Good evening, sir. What may I offer you today?"

"Good evening. Let the lady decide."

She laughed. "I'll have the lobster."

"Okay, ma'am. And for you, sir?"

"I'll have the chicken salad."

"Okay, sir."

"This is a beautiful restaurant."

"Yeah, it is," I replied. "I know I said this before, but I'll say it again: you look really beautiful tonight."

"Thank you," she said, blushing. "So, tell me more about yourself. I don't know much about you, and we just met."

"Yeah, I understand. Okay, as you already know, my name is Elena. I'm John's younger sister. I'm 26, born on November 21st, 1993. I'm calm, sweet, jovial, and I laugh a lot. I love dancing, singing, reading, drawing, and sports. I'm also sarcastic, and sometimes people say I'm crazy, but I'm not."

"Wow, that's nice. I like that."

"Thank you. Now it's your turn."

Before I could speak, the waiter arrived with our dinner. "Here's your dinner, sir, and ma'am, here's yours."

"Thank you."

"Wow, this looks delicious."

"Yeah. So, where was I? Oh yeah. Okay, there's not much to say or to know about me. I'm open-minded, nice, gentle, loving. I love archery and sports. I was born on November 23rd, 1991, and I'm also sarcastic. I don't like people asking me too many questions; it's very annoying, but still, I have to answer them. That's all."

"Wow, that's nice." She laughed.

"Why are you laughing?" I asked her, raising one eyebrow.

"Nothing, but you have a piece of chicken on your lips."

"Oh, thank you."

"You're welcome. So, let's enjoy our dinner."

"Yeah." We finished our dinner. I paid the bill, drove her to her house, and opened the car door for her.

"I enjoyed our date tonight."

"Me too. It was nice."

"Yeah." She hugged me and said goodnight.

"Goodnight." She waved at me, I waved back, then I got into my car and drove home.