Preparations and Mischief

Elena lay on her bed, staring at the ceiling, a dreamy smile playing on her lips. The previous night had been perfect, with James looking every bit the gentleman in his suit. "Okay, that was an amazing date yesterday. He looked so amazing," she thought. "But I'll take things slow. I don't want to rush anything. Just take it slow."

"Elena, why are you holding your pillow and looking at the ceiling? I'm sure you're thinking about him because he's so cute. Oh wait, I knew it all along," John teased as he barged into her room.

I rolled my eyes. "John, you'll always be the same. You will never change. I was just counting the lines on the ceiling, nothing more."

"Oh, and yes, you asked me a question and answered it yourself. Aren't you supposed to wait for me to answer? Seriously, you're ridiculous. Wow, although you're my elder, you're childish."

"Elena, do I look like I was born yesterday? Seriously, you're counting the lines on the ceiling? So you couldn't think of a better convincing lie? Seriously, wow, you have always been a bad liar."

"Wait, wait, wait, hold on. Did you just say I'm childish, Elena? Oh, you little—" John glared at her.

I was afraid of what he would do. If there's one thing he hates, it's being called childish. "OMG, what have I done now? I'm in so much trouble. Time to run, Elena." I snapped out of my thoughts and stammered, "J-J-J-ohn, don't get too upset. I was just joking. I didn't mean it. I'm very sorry, John. Please, I'm sorry."

"Okay, now it's time to run away from him." I was about to dash when my blanket caught my leg, and I fell. John couldn't hold back his laughter. He laughed so hard that he fell to the floor. I was relieved that his laughter meant he wouldn't do anything to me. "Yes, wow, thank you, blanket."

But my happiness was short-lived when John stopped laughing and looked at me with anger. "John, seriously, come on, you're still mad at me? Please forgive me."

"Oh really, you want me to forgive you? I warned you never to say I'm childish, but you did. Now I know what to do. I'm going to call James and tell him that you said the date was stupid and a waste of time, that he was weird and awkward, that you don't like him and don't want to see him again. I'm going to text it to him now. This is going to be so much fun."

"Go ahead, I dare you." Oh no, no, no, wait, that was a terrible mistake. John never turns down a dare. I don't want James to hate me. I like him. No, I have to do everything possible to beg John to stop. "N-n-no, John, please stop. I beg you, don't do this. Please, John, I'm begging. I take that back. You're not childish. I'm the one who is childish, not you. If you send that, James will hate me. Please." I kept on begging him with tears in my eyes. He hates seeing me cry. "John, please don't send it."

"Uhhh, fine. I won't send it just because I don't want James to hate you, and he likes you. I don't want him to be sad, and also because I hate seeing you cry."

I hugged him with happiness and excitement. "Thank you so much. That's why you are the best big brother ever. I love you. I promise that I'll never call you childish again."

"That's good, and you're a good baby sis. I know you won't call me childish again."

"Thanks, big bro. John, yeah, what's the time?"

"Oh, it's 7:30."

"Oh, shoot, I'm late for work. I have to go."

"Elena, won't you shower first?"

"Oh yeah, I forgot. Thanks."

"That was an amazing night," James thought, remembering Elena's beautiful smile. "She's just amazing."

"James, James," his mother called.

"Yes, Mother?"

"How are you, and how was your date?"

"I'm fine, Mom, and my date was nice."

"That's nice," she said, pinching his cheek. "So when am I going to meet her?"

"Don't worry, Mom. You'll meet her soon. She's amazing. Trust me, you'll love her."

"Okay, if you say so. Is she from a royal family?"

"Oh no, I knew she was going to ask this question. I have to change the topic. What to do? What will I do? A-ha!" "Mom, do you remember what's happening today?"

"No, is there any occasion?"

"Yes, Mom. Which is... Oh, Mom, don't tell me you've forgotten."

"James, just tell me already."

"Okay, today is Henry's wedding anniversary."

"Ooh, wow, I forgot."

"You see, Mom, you forgot because you're only focusing on me getting married by all means."

"Because you're my adorable son," she said, smiling.

"Okay, freshen up and have your breakfast."

"Okay, Mom. Just give me 10 minutes."

"Okay, be quick."

"Yes, Mom."

I quickly had my bath, put on my clothes, and rushed to the dining room. "Good morning."

"Good morning," everyone replied.

"Happy wedding anniversary to you, big bro."

"Thanks, kiddo. You know I don't like it when you call me that."

"I know, but I like teasing you."

"Oh really? You won't like it when I tease you."

"I would like to see you try," I replied with a smirk.

"Whatever. Anyway, how is it going to be?"

"What?" my mom replied. "Uuhhh, Henry's wedding anniversary."

"Oh yeah, it's going to be grand."

"Mom, why can't we just make it simple?"

"No, Henry. We are the royal family. That's how we do."

As Elena settled into her workday, she received a text from James: "Hey, I know it's short notice, but would you like to come to my brother's wedding anniversary tonight? It's a family event, but I'd really like you to be there."

Elena's heart skipped a beat. She quickly replied, "I'd love to! What time?"

James responded, "I'll pick you up at 6. See you then!"

Excitement bubbled up inside her. She couldn't wait to see James again, but now she had to find something perfect to wear to the anniversary.

The evening arrived, and James picked Elena up as promised. She looked stunning in a deep blue dress that complemented her eyes perfectly. James couldn't take his eyes off her.

"You look amazing," he said, his voice filled with admiration.

"Thank you. You look quite dashing yourself," she replied with a smile.

They arrived at the grand celebration, the venue beautifully decorated with flowers and lights. James introduced Elena to his family, who welcomed her warmly. His mother was particularly delighted to meet her.

"James, dear, I need to speak with you for a moment," the queen said, gently pulling him aside.

"Yes, Mother?" James asked, sensing something was up.

"I want to introduce you to someone. Her name is Jane, the 3rd princess of Scotland. She's here tonight."

James felt a sudden pang of anxiety. "Mother, you know I'm not interested in arranged introductions."

"But James, it's time you think about settling down."

"Wow, that was a close one," James thought as he managed to slip away from his mother. "I can't let Mom see me. Damn, why does she insist on me getting married? I need to avoid her at all costs."

He took a deep breath and decided to focus on the celebration. "Anyway, it's my brother's wedding anniversary, so I should not think about my problems right now. It's time to party. Where's John anyway?"

The room buzzed with excitement as the host took the stage. "Ahem, ladies and gentlemen, thank you for coming to our party tonight. We appreciate your presence to celebrate me and my lovely wife. Thank you for all your gifts. Now it's time to cut the cake. In three, two, one... yay, happy anniversary!"

"Congratulations on your anniversary. I wish you much more happiness," James said, hugging his brother.

"Thank you so much," Henry replied. "Wow, bro, congratulations. I'm so happy for you. Oh, just remember that the cake is mine."

"Hahaha, fine, you can have the cake."

"Thank you so much for attending our anniversary. I'm afraid that the party has ended. We appreciate your time today. Thank you so much, and goodbye."

James found Elena again, her eyes sparkling under the soft lights. "I'm really glad you came tonight," he said, taking her hand.

"Me too. Your family is wonderful," Elena replied, feeling a warm glow inside.

James looked into her eyes, his heart pounding. "Elena, I—" He stopped himself, deciding it was too soon for confessions. Instead, he smiled. "Let's take things one step at a time and see where this journey leads us."

Elena nodded, understanding the unspoken words between them. "Sounds perfect to me."

Elena woke up the next morning with a smile on her face, remembering the promise they made. She felt a sense of excitement and anticipation for what the future held.

James, too, woke up with a renewed sense of hope and happiness. He couldn't wait to see Elena again and explore the possibilities of their budding relationship.

With the support of their families and their shared desire to take things slow, they knew they were on the right path. Together, they were ready to face whatever challenges came their way, confident in the knowledge that they had found something truly special.

But James was so lost in his feelings that he forgot how strict his mother can be with royal protocols.