Two years passed and Nora continued to live near her mother, in a shack next to her house, working as a seamstress and juggling tears for her mother's house and land. Nora was picking some vegetables in the yard when she was seen. From afar and coveted, even though Nora was a mother for the second time, it didn't seem that way to those who saw her. At that moment, a young man from afar coveted her without her knowing it was John, his profession was a bricklayer and he always passed by there when he came back from work and saw Nora doing her chores, he decided to plot something to win Nora over and without much results he opted for the most unscrupulous means. Something was being plotted there that Nora had no idea about.
Knowing the great ambition that the Snows family had, John plotted to infiltrate one of the plots of land, knowing that this would attract the attention of the family, and so he continued with his plan after a few days on the land and having gained the attention of the family, he suggested that he could leave the land with the hand of his eldest daughter in marriage. Dona Maria readily accepted and soon went to tell the news to Nora, who was at home with her daughters. John was completely satisfied with the agreement made and knowing that Nora's love would come with living together, he was happy with his choices. Everything was going well throughout the beginning of the relationship. An agreement had been signed that as soon as John married Nora, he would leave Maria's lands, with the promise of a house for the two of them to live in. At first, he no longer knew Nora. He had already had some previous relationships in which there had been two births from these relationships and Nora felt a little deceived, but in the end he went ahead with the idea of marriage. Her family convinced her that it was a good idea because she had two daughters and, being single, she accepted and everything was very simple. There was no party at Nora's parents' house because it was an exchange of favors. He was taking her oldest daughter and he was giving up some land.
And once again, Nora had her life surprised because when she packed her things to go home with her husband and daughters, she discovered that her oldest daughter had been registered by her mother. She couldn't understand how this had happened because her daughter was already registered in her name. She left without her daughter because her family wouldn't allow her to take the child with her. So Nora continued to watch her daughter grow up far away. It didn't take long for John to show his true colors. He treated her badly and was always the poor guy. He said that he was mistreated by Nora's family. After three years, after a fight, he left home. When Nora was recovering from a miscarriage, and while she was under the influence of medication, he forced sexual intercourse on his wife. She didn't have any defensive reaction because she was unconscious due to the medication. The next day, her husband surprised her at home. He bragged that, in addition to returning, they had an incredible night.