Nora was still in disbelief at her husband's recent words and trying to remember something and seeing that it was completely in vain, it didn't take long to discover a new pregnancy because her uterus was completely clean from the last miscarriage and fell like a freshly made bed. And Nora's ability to be very fertile didn't help much, and from then on in a few months her third daughter would be born, but she wasn't expected like the other two. Nora couldn't welcome that pregnancy with joy and with her husband's help, Nora became pregnant once again. He saw her pregnant and lost and with her husband leaving the door once again and abandoning her with a baby in her belly and a little girl of almost three years old. Nora didn't shake because that wasn't allowed, as if what she was already going through wasn't enough, her mother proposed to move house under the pretext of it being better for the children in a house facing Nora Street. She had moved to a shack inside a gated lot with houses around it and had no way of working as a seamstress because her brothers lived at both entrances to the lot, leaving her in the middle and every time she put up a seamstress sign on the gate, it was immediately torn down as an excuse to look ugly.
With difficulties knocking at her door, Nora found herself with no option but to find another job that paid more and put her daughter with someone to take care of her. She started working in a bakery, which worked out because they hired her even though she was pregnant and after a period of calm and the time for Anne to be born was almost approaching and once again Nora saw her life turned upside down, her husband returned again with the excuse of wanting to raise the children and saying that he loved her very much, Nora's family in turn convinced her to take him in because he even said that he was truly sorry. Anne was born healthy and Nora was soon working hard to take care of her family, as she could not count on her husband and left her job. bakery and once again Nora, with her excellent fertility, became pregnant and as expected, her husband once again supported their home, yet another blow, but now Nora no longer cared, she had already acquired resistance in her life and was not desperate even though she was pregnant and a mother of four daughters because in her heart she was still a mother of four even though she saw her daughter grow up with her mother. Dona Maria continued to raise Nora's daughter as if she were her own, but at least she had some integrity because she did not take away Nora's right to be Sandy's mother. Always keeping an eye on her upbringing was the idea planted in her daughter from an early age. Now she continued to fight for the perfect family life.