CHAPTER 5: The Unseen Threat

Hiro and his team rushed towards the source of the explosions, the acrid scent of smoke filling their nostrils. The devastation before them was immense. Scattered around were their fellow ninjas, brutally injured and clinging to life. Hiro's heart pounded as he surveyed the scene. Amidst the smoke, two figures emerged. As the smoke cleared, their identities became shockingly apparent. One was the Third Kazekage, who had been declared missing. The other, an unknown figure cloaked in malevolence, stood beside him.

"Is that really the Kazekage?" Shisui muttered in disbelief, his eyes narrowing. One must ask how they know if that's the kazekage, the kazekage is one of the most popular kage because of his unique ninjutsu and has him name recorded in the bingo book.

Hiro and Shisui sprang into action, engaging the Kazekage and the unknown figure in a brutal fight. Kunai clashed against kunai, and the metallic sounds of swords filled the air. Hiro, wielding the power of the Sun Breathing technique, felt his body move with fluid precision. He launched into a series of swift, powerful strikes, his blade glowing with an intense heat.

"Flame Dance!" he shouted, his sword slicing through the air in a blazing arc. The Kazekage deflected the attack, but the intense heat forced him to step back.

Shisui, utilizing his exceptional speed, moved like a blur, his own sword clashing against the Kazekage's puppet limbs. "We need to separate them," Shisui yelled. "I'll take the Kazekage. You handle the other one!"

Hiro nodded, his eyes focusing on the unknown figure. He recognized him because of the anime he watched: Sasori of the Red Sand, a notorious puppet master . Summoning the power of his Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan, Hiro pulled Sasori into a Genjutsu. For a brief moment, Sasori stood motionless, trapped within the illusion.

"Now's my chance," Hiro thought, approaching Sasori cautiously.

But before he could strike, a white figure burst from the ground. It was Zetsu, an enigmatic and formidable opponent. Zetsu grabbed Sasori and the puppet Kazekage, pulling them underground in a fluid motion.

"Stop!" Hiro yelled, thrusting his sword towards the retreating figures. But Zetsu's technique was too swift and bizarre. They vanished into the earth, leaving Hiro grasping at empty air. He was worried because from the anime nothing like that ever happened, was it because his transmigration that is causing a butterfly effect, he questions himself.

Hiro's fists clenched in frustration. "I let them get away... the mastermind behind this chaos," he muttered angrily. "I won't let it happen again."

Shisui placed a hand on Hiro's shoulder. "We need to tend to the injured first. Then we can report to the Hokage."

Hiro nodded, swallowing his frustration. Together, they began helping their wounded comrades, offering what little comfort and aid they could. As they worked, Hiro couldn't shake the feeling of impending doom. This confrontation was just the beginning.

Meanwhile, deep underground, Black Zetsu shivered. A thin line of pain traced from his shoulder to his stomach, the result of Hiro's strange technique. "That kid's power... I've never seen anything like it. It even slowed my healing," he muttered to himself. "I must inform Madara-sama and devise countermeasures against this new threat."

Once the injured were stabilized, Hiro, Shisui, and their teammates left the site. They needed to report to the Hokage immediately. Leaving a contingent behind to transport the wounded back to Konoha, they hurried back to the village.

As they made their way through the forest, Hiro couldn't shake his growing unease. What else lay hidden in the shadows, waiting to strike? His determination solidified. Whatever it was, he would be ready. He vowed never to let his guard down again.

Arriving at the Hokage's office, Hiro's mind raced. They had to prepare for the battles ahead, but would they have enough time? The weight of the unknown pressed down on him, fueling his resolve.

Little did he know, forces greater than any he had faced before were already moving against him. Was it the world's will of resisting a new soul it feels threatened by, by moving against him or simply destiny that is trying to correct the loopholes he has created from being transmigrated?

Meanwhile information has started spreading to other hidden villages about the kazekage who have disappeared now and reappear near Konoha. The other hidden villages now prepare themselves for what is to come.