CHAPTER 6: The Calm Before the Storm

On their way to the Hokage's office, Shisui glanced at Hiro and asked, "Did you use your Sharingan during the fight?"

Apprehensive about Shisui's discovery, Hiro replied truthfully, "Yes, on the verge of death during the mission, I awakened it."

Shisui nodded and leaned closer, speaking in a low voice, "I, too, have the Sharingan, and mine has evolved into something powerful. It can manipulate people's free will without them knowing about it and I feel it'll take a long time before I can reuse again"

This revelation brought their conversation to an awkward pause. Hiro, though aware of Shisui's power from the anime, felt a chill run down his spine. How could he be sure he wasn't being controlled? He hid his fear behind a smile and diverted the conversation.

"About that unknown person who took the puppeteer and the Kazekage away... He vanished so quickly. It was bizarre."

Shisui nodded, lost in thought as they arrived at the Hokage's office. Inside, the atmosphere was tense. Hiruzen Sarutobi, Danzo, and the two elders were deep in conversation, their expressions grim.

Shisui reported, "The disappearance of the Third Kazekage is true. He was spotted near the Konoha outpost. We engaged, but he was taken away by a strange accomplice with bizarre techniques."

Hiruzen rubbed his temples in frustration. "This news is troubling. It could lead to another Great Ninja War."

Sensing the gravity of the situation, Hiro realized how burdensome the role of Hokage was. Hiruzen then summoned the Heads of each clan in Konoha, the Three Legendary Sannin-Jiraiya, Tsunade, and Orochimaru-along with Minato Namikaze.

"We have evidence of a prelude to another Great Ninja War," Hiruzen announced.

Hiro, feeling the weight of his new Jounin status, planned to request advanced ninjutsu techniques from the Uchiha patriarch, Fugaku. He needed to be stronger for the coming conflict. Some S-class ninjutsu techniques were at the top of his list.

Hiruzen turned to Tsunade. "Start preparing the medical ninjas. We need all hands on deck."

Tsunade, with a hint of anger, replied, "Old man, you can't order me around. I'm not joining the war," and stormed out, slamming the door. He knew Tsunade was still angry with him because indirectly he was the cause of

Kato Dan's demise because he gave him a mission.

Hiruzen sighed, massaging his temples. Turning to Orochimaru, he said, "You will lead a team with Shisui and Hiro as your assistants. Their brilliance and strength will be crucial."

Hiro and Shisui then headed to the Uchiha clan compound to report to Fugaku. On the way, Hiro asked, "Shisui, have you told anyone about your ability to control people?"

Shisui shook his head. "No, only the Hokage knows I've awakened the three tomoe."

Hiro sighed in relief, thankful that Hiruzen didn't know the full extent of Shisui's powers. The tension between the Uchiha clan and the village was already high.

Arriving at Fugaku's house, they found him speaking with Itachi. Fugaku looked at them, then turns to Itachi telling him to excuse them. Shisui reported Hiro's promotion from Chunin to Jonin to Fugaku and tells Fugaku that Hiro wanted to acquire some fire style ninjutsu since his parents never left him any ninjutsu. Fugaku not too surprised by the information then turns to Hiro,"So, you must be Hiro. I've heard of an emerging genius in our clan. Continue with the good work.You brought honor to our clan. What ninjutsu techniques do you need?"

Hiro listed three techniques, including one S-class fire ninjutsu. Fugaku nodded, calling for a clan ninja to bring the scrolls. He handed them to Hiro, who accepted them with gratitude.

Meanwhile, the other villages were also preparing for war. Onoki of Iwagakure planned to ambush Konoha using his powerful Dust Release techniques.

As Hiro left the Uchiha compound, he remembered he hadn't signed in at the ramen shop. He decided to do it after he leaves Fugaku's place . He will go get some delicious ramen to fill his empty stomach. Fugaku tells him with a smiling face, "If you need anything or something is bothering you, come to me.I might be able to help you."

Hiro smiled politely but inwardly sneered, aware of Fugaku's manipulative intentions. On his way to the ramen shop, he saw Guy shouting all about Youth, running around, in a green attire catching everyone's attention. He walks away while shaking his head with a smile on his face.

Entering the ramen shop, he mentally signed in. The system congratulated him on acquiring the Ope Ope no Mi, Trafalgar Law's devil fruit, with the sea curse removed. Excited, he ordered pork ramen, clapping his hands and enjoying the delicious meal.

Suddenly, a ninja appeared at the entrance. "Hiro, the Hokage has summoned you."

Startled, Hiro realized he had forgotten about consuming the Ope Ope no Mi but luckily for him the system had inventory which he could keep items he obtained from the system only. He quickly finished his ramen, feeling a sense of urgency and anticipation for what lay ahead.