CHAPTER 10: The Unexpected

With ruthless precision, Orochimaru moved through the battlefield, his snake-like agility and deadly swordsmanship vanquishing his enemies. Despite his success, he felt drained and low on chakra after battling such a formidable number of shinobi. Turning his gaze towards Hiro and Shisui's side to check on their battles, he summoned a shadow clone to assist Shisui while he himself ran towards Hiro's battlefield.

Hiro was panting, his Sharingan still active as he stood over the bodies of defeated enemy ninjas. Orochimaru arrived just as Hiro dispatched the last of his foes with a well-placed kunai.

"Good work, Hiro," Orochimaru said, his voice betraying a hint of fatigue. "But we must regroup quickly."

Hiro nodded, his eyes scanning the battlefield one last time to ensure no enemies were left standing. "Understood, Orochimaru-sensei."

They moved swiftly to Shisui's location, where the clone had already aided in subduing the remaining enemies. Shisui, though equally exhausted, managed a small smile as they approached.

"We've cleared the area," Shisui reported, holding up a handful of enemy ninja forehead protectors as trophies of their victory. "What now?"

Orochimaru produced a captured enemy jonin ninja, bound and unconscious. "We need information. This one will provide it."

They regrouped in a small clearing, their breaths heavy but their resolve unshaken. Orochimaru's clone vanished in a puff of smoke, and the real Orochimaru addressed the team.

"Shisui, Hiro, this jonin holds valuable information about Onoki's plans. We need to extract it."

The jonin began to stir, groaning in pain. Hiro and Shisui flanked Orochimaru, their expressions steely as they prepared for the interrogation.

Orochimaru's eyes glinted with a mixture of curiosity and menace. "Wake up," he commanded, his voice cold and commanding.

The jonin's eyes flickered open, confusion quickly turning to fear as he realized his predicament. "Where am I? What do you want?"

Orochimaru's smile was chilling. "Information. Tell us about Onoki's plans and the secret route."

The jonin sneered, trying to maintain a facade of defiance. "I won't tell you anything."

Hiro stepped forward, his Sharingan spinning ominously. "You will talk. We have ways of making you cooperate."

The jonin's resolve wavered, but he remained silent. Orochimaru sighed, as if disappointed. "Very well. We can do this the hard way."

He performed a series of hand signs, his fingers moving with practiced ease. "Mind-Reading Technique."

The jonin's eyes widened in horror as Orochimaru's jutsu took effect. His body trembled, and beads of sweat formed on his forehead as Orochimaru delved into his mind.

"You're wasting your time," the jonin gasped, struggling against the technique. "Onoki won't be stopped."

Orochimaru's expression remained impassive. "We shall see."

Minutes passed, the jonin's resistance slowly crumbling under Orochimaru's relentless probing. Finally, the jonin let out a defeated sigh.

"Fine... I'll talk," he muttered, his voice barely above a whisper.

Orochimaru released the technique, allowing the jonin to catch his breath. "Start talking."

The jonin took a shaky breath, his eyes darting between his captors. "Onoki plans to use a secret route, the real one this one was just a decoy to fool you Konoha scum and launch a surprise attack on Konoha. He has amassed a large force, including elite jonin and specialized units."

Hiro's eyes narrowed. "How soon?"

"Within the next few days," the jonin admitted, defeat evident in his voice. "You don't have much time. Lord Onoki will avenge me and my comrades", He said laughing.

Shisui clenched his fists. "We need to warn the village and prepare our defenses."

Orochimaru nodded. "Indeed. But first, we need to ensure this information reaches the Hokage without delay."

Hiro looked at Orochimaru, determination in his eyes. "We'll make it back in time. Konoha will be ready."

Orochimaru allowed himself a small, satisfied smile. "Good. Let's move out."

They ended the life of the jonin with a kunai and took his forehead protector. As they made their way back to Konoha, the weight of their mission hung heavily on their shoulders.

The battle had tested their strength and resolve, but they had emerged victorious but quite exhausted from the prolong battle. Now, they faced a new challenge: to protect their village from an impending threat.

As they moved swiftly through the forest, Hiro couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in their teamwork. Despite their differences, they had fought as one, each contributing their unique skills to the battle.

Orochimaru glanced at Hiro, a glint of approval in his eyes. "You fought well, Hiro. Your skills are impressive. You didn't let me down."

Hiro nodded, his determination unwavering. "Thank you, Orochimaru-sensei. I will continue to do my best for Konoha."

Shisui, always the optimist, added with a grin, "With us working together, there's nothing we can't handle."

Their journey back to Konoha was swift and uneventful, but the urgency of their mission was ever-present in their minds. They had faced the enemy and emerged victorious, but the real war was yet to come.

As they approached one of the village's outpost, they knew their work was far from over. The fate of Konoha rested on their shoulders, and they were ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

The war was just beginning, and they would do whatever it took to protect their home.

Suddenly, a volley of kunai rained down from the trees, forcing them to scatter. Emerging from the shadows were seven shinobi, each bearing the headband of the Hidden Mist Village.

"We won't let you return to Konoha," the leader of the group declared, drawing a massive sword.

Orochimaru, Hiro, and Shisui quickly regrouped, their eyes narrowing as they prepared for another intense battle. The Hidden Mist's ambush was the last thing they had expected.

"This isn't over," Orochimaru whispered, his voice filled with determination and a sense of fatigue. "Prepare yourselves. If we can't hold on we flee in different directions."

The clash was inevitable, and the fate of Konoha hung in the balance as the battle commenced once more.