CHAPTER 11: Reappearance of A Legend

Hiro knowing he was in for a tough battle, decided to reveal one of his trump cards. He couldn't afford to hold back any longer.

"I'll handle this," Hiro said, his voice calm but firm. "Trust me."

Shisui looked at him, concern etched on his face. "Can you really take them all on by yourself?". Orochimaru licking his lips looks at Hiro with a flicker of light in his eyes.

Hiro smiled, a confident glint in his eyes. "Today, you'll witness a glimpse of my power. Distance yourselves and recover your energy. There might be more enemies hidden somewhere so be careful."

Orochimaru and Shisui exchanged glances but nodded, trusting Hiro's judgment. They moved far away using the body flicker, giving Hiro the space he needed.

Hiro turned to face the seven swordsmen. "So you people planned with that bastard Onoki to ambush Konoha? Not on my watch," Hiro said, his voice echoing with defiance. He started running towards them, his resolve unwavering. "Let's end this battle swiftly. You all come at me."

Juzo Biwa looked at Hiro as if he were a dead ant. "You think you can take us all on? You were just a little boy long before we had fame.You're delusional." Juzo Biwa turns to some of his teammates to attack Orochimaru and Shisui who were fleeing.

Hiro formed the hand signs for the Great Fireball Technique. "Fire Style: Great Fireball Jutsu!" A massive fireball erupted from his mouth, hurtling towards the swordsmen and the others who wanted to chase Orochimaru and Shisui.

The seven swordsmen quickly dispersed, dodging the intense flames. As they regroup, Hiro's eyes spun into the Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan, summoning the mighty Susanoo while his thoughts are to end the battle quickly before his chakra runs too low.

A towering, red energy figure with a majestic aura appeared, wielding a katana. The sheer presence of the Susanoo sent chills down the spines of the swordsmen and even Orochimaru and Shisui who were far away from the battlefield.

Orochimaru with a shocked face looks at this legendary and towering Susanoo, with memories of him seeing this legendary power recorded in the konoha archives that was once used by Madara Uchiha to battle the God of Shinobis, Hashirama Senju in a place currently called the "Valley of the End."

He then looks at Shishui with eyes asking him if he knew that Hiro had a power like this hidden in his sleeves. Shishui with utter shock on his face looks at Orochimaru like he doesn't even know what's going on, with various thoughts running mad in his head.

The swordsmen's eyes widened in surprise asked in unison "What the hell is that?"

"This is my Susanoo," Hiro said, his voice resonating with power. "Its abilities are far beyond your understanding."

"If that's what you want, then so be it," the swordsmen of the Hidden Mist replied in unison with a tingle of fear in their voice, charging at Hiro with their swords drawn.

Hiro's Susanoo with a katana in hand moved with swift precision, unleashing devastating attacks on the swordsmen. The katana in its hand extended, catching the swordsmen off guard as it sliced through their ranks as they tried to dodge the attack leaving some with injuries. The ground shook with each strike, the forest around them ablaze with the fury of the battle.

"Water Style: Water Dragon Jutsu!" Juzo Biwa shouted, summoning a massive dragon made of water to attack the Susanoo.

Hiro's Susanoo raised its katana, slicing through the water dragon with ease. "Is that all you've got?" Hiro taunted.

Raiga Kurosuki stepped forward, his swords crackling with lightning. "Lightning Style: Thunderbolt Slash!" He charged at Hiro, his swords aimed at the Susanoo's chest.

Hiro's Susanoo formed a bow with arrows made of chakra energy. "Susanoo Arrow Barrage!" Hiro fired a volley of arrows, each one piercing through Raiga's lightning attack and hitting their mark.

"Earth Style: Mud Wall!" Jinpachi Munashi shouted, raising a wall of earth to block the arrows.

Hiro's Susanoo swung its katana, the blade extending and shattering the mud wall. "You can't hide from me," Hiro said, his voice cold and determined.

Fuguki Suikazan, wielding Samehada, charged at Hiro. "I'll drain your chakra dry!" he roared.

Hiro's Susanoo blocked the attack with its katana, the two weapons clashing with a resounding boom. "You'll find I'm not so easy to drain," Hiro said, his Sharingan glowing with intensity.

Mangetsu Hozuki appeared behind Hiro, his sword Hiramekarei glowing with blue energy. "You're mine!" he shouted, swinging the sword down.

Hiro's Susanoo spun around, catching the blade with its own katana. "Nice try," Hiro said, pushing Mangetsu back with a powerful strike.

Jinin Akebino and Ameyuri Ringo attacked from the sides each casting ninjutsu, as their swords aimed at the Susanoo's weak points. "We'll take you down together!" they yelled.

Hiro's Susanoo formed a second weapon, a shield made of chakra energy. It blocked their attacks, the force of the impact sending them staggering back. "You underestimate me," Hiro said, his voice filled with unshakable confidence.

The battlefield was laid to waste, trees burning and deep holes everywhere. The power of Hiro's Susanoo was overwhelming, its attacks leaving no room for the swordsmen to counter.

Ameyuri Ringo, fear evident in her eyes, backed away. "He's a demon!" she screamed.

Hiro's Susanoo advanced, its katana slicing through the air with deadly precision. The swordsmen, despite their legendary status, were no match for the might of the Susanoo. "This ends now," Hiro declared, his voice echoing with finality.

The swordsmen of the Hidden Mist regrouped, their breaths heavy, suffering from various injuries and their resolve shaken. "We can't beat him," Juzo Biwa admitted, frustration and fear mingling in his voice.

Hiro's Susanoo loomed over them, its red energy radiating an aura of unstoppable power. "Leave now, or face total annihilation," Hiro warned pretending to be in full strength but feeling drained of his chakra from the intense fight.

Juzo Biwa stepped forward, eyeing the towering Susanoo warily. "Who are you?" he demanded.

"Hiro Uchiha," Hiro replied menacingly, his voice echoing with authority. The name seemed to resonate with the Seven Swordsmen, their eyes widening in recognition. They exchanged glances, a silent agreement passing between them.

Without another word, the swordsmen used the Body Flicker Technique, disappearing into the shadows. The name Hiro Uchiha etched itself into their minds, a powerful figure they would report to their Mizukage.

As soon as the swordsmen left, Orochimaru and Shisui appeared next to Hiro. Orochimaru was about to speak when Hiro suddenly collapsed, his chakra depleted. Shisui moved quickly, catching Hiro before he hit the ground.

Orochimaru's eyes bore into Hiro's eyes which still had the magatamas  with an intensity and interest that put Shisui on guard. "Don't worry," Orochimaru said, shifting his gaze away, "He's exhausted from the battle. He needs rest."

Shisui, still wary, put Hiro on his back. "Let's get back to the village then," he said.

They made their way toward the village in silence, each lost in their own thoughts. The weight of their mission and the intensity of the battles they had faced left a heavy silence between them.

Upon reaching the village, they found it in a state of heightened alert. Ninjas moved swiftly, shops were closed, and the atmosphere was tense.

They took Hiro to the hospital, where he was immediately attended to by the medical-nin, who then also said that Hiro needed some rest, that apart from small injuries there was nothing serious to worry about.

Orochimaru and Shisui finally relieved then made their way to the Hokage's office to report on their mission. As they walked, the gravity of the recent events and the village's current situation weighed heavily on their minds, knowing that their report would shape the next steps in the ongoing conflict.