CHAPTER 12: A Blessing or a Threat

Orochimaru and Shisui walked briskly through the hallways of the Hokage's office, their footsteps echoing off the wooden floors. As they approached the door, an Anbu guard stepped in front of them, his mask reflecting the dim light.

"We have an urgent report for the Hokage," Orochimaru said, his tone leaving no room for debate.

The Anbu nodded and turned to another guard. "Inform the Hokage," he instructed.

Moments later, the second Anbu returned, signaling for them to enter. As Orochimaru and Shisui stepped inside, they were met with a tense silence. The room was filled with the heads of the most prominent clans of Konoha, and Danzo Shimura sat in the corner, his eyes sharp and unreadable.

Sarutobi Hiruzen, the Third Hokage, looked up from his desk not seeing Hiro, his expression a mixture of concern and expectation. "Where is Hiro?" he asked immediately.

Orochimaru opened his mouth to respond, but Shisui stepped forward, his face a blend of sadness and relief. "Hiro is recovering in the hospital, Hokage-sama. We were ambushed by the Seven Swordsmen of the Hidden Mist."

A collective gasp filled the room, and murmurs broke out among the clan heads. Sarutobi raised a hand to silence them. "Tell me everything that happened," he commanded.

Shisui took a deep breath and began recounting their mission: the encounter with Onoki's forces, the intense battle, and the unexpected ambush by the Seven Swordsmen of the Hidden Mist. Orochimaru added details about the strategy and tactics used, emphasizing the strength and coordination of their enemies.

"We were outnumbered and outmatched," Shisui glances at Fugaku from the corner of his eye for a moment then continued. "But then Hiro... he revealed his true power.It was thanks to him that we managed to survive."

The room fell silent again, the weight of Shisui's words sinking in. Sarutobi leaned back in his chair, deep in thought about what the two kages of Kirigakure and Iwagakure were planning.

Meanwhile, in the shadows of a distant hideout, Black Zetsu slithered through the darkness, approaching Madara Uchiha. "Madara-sama, there is a boy, Hiro Uchiha," Zetsu began, his voice a whisper. "He possesses remarkable abilities. He slowed my healing with a strange sword technique and summoned a Susanoo to fight the Seven Swordsmen of the Hidden Mist."

Madara's eyes flickered with interest. "Interesting," he murmured. "How is the plan for my revival and the Eye of the Moon progressing?"

Zetsu responded, "It is in motion, but the recent turmoil, indirectly caused by this Hiro, has complicated matters ." Zetsu then looks at his body with a thin line scar tracing from his shoulder to his stomach which wasn't healing."I'll get you, you Uchiha scum", he thought to himself.

Madara's voice hardened. "Do not make me wait long," he commanded, closing his eyes. "Find a suitable Uchiha for my plans."

Back in the Hokage's office, Sarutobi began discussing the use and need of clan members with Shikaku Nara and the present clan heads for the upcoming war.

Shikaku's ideas and strategy was clear and precise, reflecting his experience as a strategic advisor and was well-regarded for his intelligence and tactical acumen.

- Hyuga Clan: Positioned at the front lines, their Byakugan crucial for reconnaissance and direct combat.

- Uchiha Clan: Deployed in key strategic locations, their Sharingan invaluable for intelligence and offensive operations.

- Akimichi Clan: Support and reinforcement, their size manipulation techniques vital for breaking enemy lines.

- Nara Clan: Command and strategy, utilizing their shadow techniques for control and coordination.

- Yamanaka Clan: Communication and intelligence, using their mind techniques to relay information and disrupt enemy plans.

- Aburame Clan: Stealth and sabotage, their insects perfect for covert operations and weakening enemy resources.

- Inuzuka Clan: Tracking and assault, their heightened senses and canine partners essential for hunting down enemy forces.

Once the plans were laid out, Sarutobi dismissed the clan heads including Shikaku. "Shisui, you are dismissed as well. Orochimaru, stay for a moment," he added, his eyes shifting to Danzo, who remained silent and observant in his corner.

As the room emptied, Sarutobi turned to Orochimaru. "What exactly happened that got Hiro injured?" he asked, his tone softer but filled with doubt.

Orochimaru's gaze was unwavering. "Hiro has been hiding much of his true power. I saw him use strange fire  techniques he combined with his sword in our fight with the rock shinobis during which some of the shinobis used water style Justus.

Hiro summoned a Susanoo, which battled the Seven Swordsmen of the Hidden Mist who ambushed us during our return to the village. It was thanks to him that we were able to make it back to the village but unlucky for him he collapsed due to overstraining his body after the fight with the swordsmen."

Sarutobi's eyes widened in surprise. He recalled Danzo's warnings about the power of the Uchiha's eyes. Turning to Danzo, he saw the man deep in thought.

"Hiro never mentioned that he had awakened his Sharingan, let alone mastered the Susanoo," Sarutobi said, more to himself than to anyone else.

Danzo finally spoke, his voice calm but edged with something darker. "The Uchiha are always full of surprises. Their power can be both a blessing and a curse."

Sarutobi nodded slowly, his mind racing with possibilities and concerns. "I will speak to Hiro once he recovers. We need to understand his abilities and ensure his loyalty to the village."

Orochimaru watched the exchange, his own thoughts guarded. He knew that Hiro's power was both an asset and a potential threat. As Sarutobi dismissed him, he left the office with his thoughts on the Susanoo figure and Hiro's sharigan.

In the hospital, Hiro lay unconscious, his body recovering from the intense battle and the strain of using the Susanoo. Shisui sat with Fugaku standing by his side, watching over Hiro with a mixture of concern and admiration. Shishui knew that Hiro's actions had saved their lives, but he also knew that such power came with a heavy burden.

As the village prepared for the looming war, the fate of Konoha hung in a delicate balance. The emergence of Hiro's true power added a new layer of complexity to the already precarious situation. And in the shadows, enemies plotted and schemed, waiting for the right moment to strike.

The next steps would be crucial, and the choices made in the coming days would determine the future of the village and its people during the coming war.