CHAPTER 20: A Man Like Madara Uchiha

The sun had barely risen over the dense forest when the alarms sounded at Orochimaru's western front. Hidden Stone and Hidden Mist shinobi, a formidable combined force, had launched a surprise attack. Orochimaru's strategic mind quickly assessed the situation. It was clear that this would be a battle of attrition, where cunning and strength would determine the outcome.

"Everyone prepare yourself!" Orochimaru called, his voice echoing through the camp. "The enemy is upon us."

Everyone including Hiro, already in full battle gears, nodded. Hiro's eyes, the Sharingan, spun with anticipation. "Understood, Orochimaru-sama." They reply in unison.

The enemy forces surged forward, a wave of elite shinobi from Iwagakure and Kirigakure. The air crackled with the energy of countless jutsu being prepared. Hiro and Orochimaru stood at the forefront, ready to meet the attack head-on.

"Earth Style: Rock Bullet!" a Hidden Stone jonin shouted, launching a barrage of deadly projectiles.

"Water Style: Water Dragon Jutsu!" a Hidden Mist jonin countered, sending a massive, twisting serpent of water towards the Konoha defenses.

Hiro moved with blinding speed with Shave and Body Flicker, using Geppo to leap into the air and dodge the incoming attacks. "Sun Breathing: Dragon Sun Halo Head Dance!" he roared, his blade igniting with intense flames as he descended upon the enemy, cutting through the jutsu and shinobi alike.

The battlefield erupted in chaos. Hiro's sharigan allowed him to predict enemy movements with uncanny precision, while his Armament Haki turned his blade into an unbreakable weapon. As the enemy forces deployed mist jutsu to obscure the field, Hiro's Observation Haki adapted, reading hints of movement.

"Fire Style: Fire Thrower Jutsu!" Hiro shouted, unleashing a torrent of flames that engulfed the enemy frontlines. The Hidden Mist shinobi retaliated with their own jutsu, attempting to douse the flames, but Hiro's fire was too intense.

Orochimaru, despite feeling his strength waning, fought with his usual lethal efficiency. "Striking Shadow Snake!" he hissed, sending a swarm of serpents to bind and poison the enemy shinobi.

"Hiro, we need to attend to the injured comrades, can you hold them off until the medical team arrive?" Orochimaru asked, his voice strained.

Hiro nodded. "Leave it to me."

Hiro's eyes narrowed as ten elite jonin from the combined forces charged at him. "Shambles!" he called out, using his spatial manipulation technique to switch places with an enemy shinobi just as an earth jutsu was about to hit him. The unfortunate shinobi was obliterated by his own comrade's attack.

"Shadow Clone Jutsu!" Hiro created multiple clones, flanking the enemy lines and causing confusion. Each clone attacked with the same ferocity, their blades ignited with Sun Breathing techniques.

Hiro moved through the mist with grace, his blade finding its mark with every strike. "Sun Breathing: Solar Heat Haze!" he announced, a technique that created waves of heat to dispel the mist and reveal the enemy.

The elite jonin regrouped, their resolve unbroken. "Lava Style: Lava Geyser!" a Hidden Stone jonin yelled, creating eruptions of molten rock.

Hiro dodged with Geppo, leaping into the air and avoiding the deadly lava. "Shambles!" he switched places with another enemy, leaving them to be consumed by the lava. "Great Annihilation Jutsu!" he followed up, a massive wave of destructive energy obliterating the remaining lava.

Hiro's clones continued to wreak havoc, their coordinated attacks overwhelming the enemy. He moved like a whirlwind, his Sun Breathing techniques leaving trails of fire and devastation.

"Armament Haki!" he hardened his body, making him more impervious to their attacks. "Sun Breathing: Flame Dance!" he spun, his blade a blur of fiery destruction that cut down multiple jonin at once.

Despite their best efforts, the combined forces were no match for Hiro's relentless assault. "Earth Style: Earth Wall!" one jonin tried to create a barrier, but Hiro's blade cut through it like butter. "Fire Style: Phoenix Flower Jutsu!" he unleashed a flurry of fireballs, each one finding its mark and exploding with lethal precision.

As the battle raged on, Hiro's title as the Ashura Demon was solidified as the enemy tagged him as that of Madara Uchiha. His enemies fell like wheat before his blade, their combined might unable to stop his onslaught. The battlefield was littered with the remnants of their jutsu and the fallen bodies of their comrades.

Hiro stood in the center, his blade still burning with the remnants of his Sun Breathing techniques. He breathed heavily, but there was no sweat on his brow, no sign of fatigue. Orochimaru approached, his eyes filled with a mix of admiration and caution.

"Impressive, Hiro. Your legends will be sang like Madara after this war," Orochimaru said, his voice a whisper.

Hiro nodded in silence, his eyes still scanning the battlefield for any remaining threats.

As the smoke cleared and the sounds of battle faded, the Konoha forces regrouped. Reinforcements arrived, securing the area and tending to the wounded. Hiro and Orochimaru stood at the forefront, their presence a beacon of hope and strength for their comrades.

"Well done, everyone," Orochimaru addressed the remaining shinobi. "We've pushed them back, but we cannot afford to be complacent."

Hiro sheathed his blade, the fires of his techniques slowly fading. He knew that the battles ahead would be even more challenging, but he was ready.

The war was far from over, but with Hiro leading the charge, Konoha's future looked brighter than ever.

The midday sun beat down relentlessly on the battlefield, casting long shadows and creating an oppressive heat. The air was thick with tension, as some Konoha shinobis tended to their injured comrades. Among them stood Hiro, his eyes burning with determination. Orochimaru stood by his side, his serpentine gaze scanning the horizon.

"We have reports of an imminent attack from the Hidden Sand," Orochimaru said, his voice calm but urgent. "Their forces include the Fourth Kazekage, Rasa, and one of their Jinchūriki.This is going to be a tough battle for our front. We may need to hold them off for and call for more reinforcements."

Hiro's eyes narrowed. "I'll handle this," he said, his voice firm and filled with confidence."No need for reinforcements."

Orochimaru gave a slight nod with a helpless face."Very well.Hiro, they are all yours."

Hiro's Sharingan activated, and he vanished in a blur, heading toward the front lines where the enemy was expected to strike. The Hidden Sand shinobi were waiting, their ranks bolstered by the presence of Rasa, the Fourth Kazekage, and a monstrous Jinchūriki.

As Hiro approached, a wave of Hidden Sand shinobi surged forward, attempting to ambush him. "Amaterasu!" Hiro shouted, black flames erupting from his eyes and engulfing the enemy. The Hidden Sand shinobi screamed in agony as the inextinguishable flames consumed them.

The battlefield fell silent as Rasa stepped forward, his presence commanding and intimidating. "So, you're the infamous Ashura Demon," Rasa said, his voice cold. "It seems I'll have to deal with you personally."

Beside Rasa, the Jinchūriki of the One-Tail, Shukaku, growled in anticipation. "Let's crush him," the Jinchūriki snarled.

Hiro's eyes blazed with resolve while scanning the environment with gears turning in his head.

Rasa moved first, his body glowing with the power of Gold Dust. "Gold Dust Wave!" he shouted, sending a massive tidal wave of shimmering gold dust toward Hiro.

Hiro reacted instantly. "Geppo!" he leaped into the air, dodging the attack. As he descended, he activated his Armament Haki, hardening his body and his blade. "Sun Breathing: Dragon Sun Halo Head Dance!" His blade cut through the gold dust, sending sparks flying.

The Jinchūriki roared, transforming partially into Shukaku. "Wind Style: Air Bullet!" A massive ball of compressed air shot toward Hiro, tearing through the ground.

Hiro used "Shambles" to switch places with a nearby boulder, avoiding the attack. The air bullet collided with the boulder, shattering it into pieces. Hiro landed gracefully, his eyes never leaving his opponents.

The Hidden Sand shinobi surrounding the battlefield moved to attack, but Hiro unleashed his Conqueror's Haki. A wave of overwhelming energy radiated from him, causing the weaker enemy shinobi to collapse, unconscious, before they could even lift a finger.

Rasa's eyes widened in shock and fear. "Such power."

The Jinchūriki snarled, fully transforming into Shukaku. "Let's see you handle this! Tailed Beast Bomb!" The ground trembled as Shukaku formed a massive sphere of concentrated chakra, aiming it directly at Hiro.

Hiro's Sharingan spun as he calculated his next move. "Shambles!" He swapped places with a piece of rubble near the Hidden Sand forces. The Tailed Beast Bomb detonated in their midst, obliterating everything in a fiery explosion. The ground was scorched, leaving nothing but ashes and craters.

With the majority of the Hidden Sand forces incapacitated or destroyed, Hiro turned his full attention to Rasa. The Fourth Kazekage's face twisted with rage and determination. "You'll pay for that," he snarled. "Gold Dust Imperial Funeral!" A colossal wave of gold dust rose, ready to crush Hiro.

Hiro remained calm, his Observation Haki predicting Rasa's movements. He moved with blinding speed, using Geppo to stay ahead of the crushing wave. "Sun Breathing: Fire Wheel!" he shouted, spinning mid-air and sending a ring of flames toward Rasa.

Rasa countered with a barrier of gold dust, but Hiro was relentless. "Six Rokushiki: Rokuogan!" He thrust his fist forward, creating a shockwave that shattered Rasa's barrier and sent him flying back.

Rasa staggered to his feet, his body glowing with chakra. "You're strong, but I'm not done yet. Gold Dust Tsunami!" He unleashed a massive surge of gold dust, more powerful than before.

Hiro's eyes narrowed. "Let's end this." He moved through the air with Geppo, his blade blazing with the power of Armament Haki. "Sun Breathing: Clear Blue Sky!" He swung his sword in a wide arc, creating a wave of fiery energy that cut through the gold dust and struck Rasa.

Rasa screamed in pain as the attack burned through his defenses. "This can't be... I'm the Kazekage!"

Hiro landed softly, his eyes cold. "And I'm Hiro Uchiha, your worst nightmare." He moved in a blur, his hand flashing as he knocks him unconscious.Rasa fell, defeated and broken.

With Rasa defeated, the Jinchūriki made a desperate final attack. "Shukaku's Rage!" Shukaku unleashed a torrent of wind and sand, aiming to bury Hiro alive.

Hiro's Sharingan tracked the attack, his Observation Haki guiding his movements. "Sun Breathing: Setting Sun Transformation!" He moved like a ghost, his blade cutting through the storm of sand and wind. "Rokuogan!" He delivered a powerful shockwave to Shukaku, staggering the beast.

Hiro's clones surrounded Shukaku, their synchronized attacks creating a web of fiery destruction. The battlefield was lit with the glow of their combined power. "Shadow Clone Jutsu: Final Attack!"

As the clones struck in unison, Hiro unleashed his final attack. "Sun Breathing: Beneficent Radiance!" A blinding wave of energy erupted from his blade, engulfing Shukaku and the Jinchūriki in a brilliant inferno.

When the light faded, the battlefield was silent. Shukaku had been driven back, and the Jinchūriki lay unconscious, their transformation undone. Hiro stood alone amidst the ruins, his title as the Ashura Demon solidified in the eyes of all who witnessed the battle.

Orochimaru and the Konoha forces arrived, their eyes wide with awe. "You truly are incredible, Hiro," Orochimaru said, his voice filled with genuine respect.

Hiro sheathed his blade, his expression calm and resolute. "This war isn't over yet.

Orochimaru then orders for the unconscious Rasa and Jinchūriki to be binded and carried to their camp.

As the sun set over the battlefield, the legend of the Ashura Demon continued to grow. Hiro had faced overwhelming odds and emerged victorious, his strength and resolve inspiring his comrades to fight with renewed determination. The Third Great Ninja War raged on, but with Hiro leading the charge, Konoha's future looked brighter than ever.