CHAPTER 21: A Change of Fate

The Third Great Ninja War was drawing to a close, but the battles were still fierce. Konoha had focused its efforts on disrupting the supply lines of Iwagakure, aiming to weaken the enemy's resolve. One crucial target was the Kannabi Bridge, a strategic point that, if destroyed, would cripple Iwagakure's supply routes. A team of young but talented shinobi was assigned to this mission: Kakashi Hatake, Obito Uchiha, and Rin Nohara, under the command of their sensei, Minato Namikaze.

Meanwhile Hiro having talked to Orochimaru about leaving their camp to Minato's camp to support them when they suddenly receive a report from Minato's side of sending a three-man squad at the Kanabi Bridge.Orochimaru knowing it was a lie didn't argue with him but agreed since their camp became the safest with less enemy shinobis attacking because of the reputation of Hiro. Hiro leaves silently without anyone's knowledge apart from Orochimaru.

Hiro uses body flicker to the limit, heads in the direction of the Kanabi bridge in hopes of thwarting Madara's plan and saving Obito and Rin, since he had taken a liking to them when he used to watch the Naruto anime.

Meanwhile Minato had gathered his team for the briefing. His usual calm demeanor was tinged with urgency.

"Kakashi, Obito, Rin, this mission is of utmost importance. Destroying the Kannabi Bridge will significantly impact Iwagakure's ability to continue their operations. This is a high-risk mission, but I have faith in your abilities."

Kakashi, now a Jonin, nodded sharply. "Understood, Minato-sensei. We'll get it done."

Obito, trying to hide his nervousness, put on a brave face. "We'll show them what we're made of!"

Rin smiled, trying to encourage her teammates. "Let's work together and make this mission a success."

Minato placed a hand on Kakashi's shoulder. "I have to attend to another front, but I trust you to lead your team, Kakashi. Remember, work together and look out for each other."

The trio made their way through the dense forest towards Kannabi Bridge. The atmosphere was tense, each member aware of the gravity of their mission. As they approached the target, they were ambushed by a group of Iwagakure shinobi.

"Enemy ninjas, get ready!" Kakashi ordered, drawing his sword.

Obito activated his Sharingan, scanning for any hidden threats. "I'll take the left flank!"

Rin prepared her medical supplies, ready to support her teammates. "Be careful, both of you!"

The Iwagakure shinobi attacked with a barrage of Earth Style jutsu, causing the ground to shake and split. Kakashi moved with lightning speed, using his Chidori to counterattack. Obito and Rin provided support, taking down the enemies that Kakashi couldn't reach.

"Earth Style: Earth Dragon Bullet!" one of the enemy shinobi shouted, launching a powerful stream of earth projectiles.

Kakashi dodged and countered with his Chidori, the electric charge slicing through the earth bullets. Obito, with his Sharingan active, predicted the movements of the enemy and launched a Fire Style jutsu.

"Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu!" Obito yelled, sending a massive fireball towards the enemy shinobi, causing them to scatter.

In the chaos, a group of Iwagakure shinobi managed to capture Rin, using her as a hostage to lure Kakashi and Obito into a trap.

"Rin!" Kakashi shouted, his heart pounding.

"Help me, Kakashi! Obito!" Rin cried out, her voice filled with fear.

The leader of the enemy shinobi sneered. "Surrender now, or she dies."

Kakashi's mind raced, searching for a way to rescue Rin without falling into their trap. Obito, however, was driven by raw emotion.

"We can't let them take her!" Obito shouted, charging forward recklessly.

"Obito, wait!" Kakashi tried to stop him, but it was too late. Obito's impetuousness led him straight into the enemy's hands.

In the ensuing battle, the ground beneath them began to collapse. In a desperate bid to save Kakashi and Rin, Obito pushed Kakashi out of the way, taking the full brunt of the falling rocks himself.

"Obito!" Kakashi screamed, watching in horror as his friend was crushed beneath the rubble.

With his last ounce of strength, Obito managed to transfer his Sharingan to Kakashi. "Take my eye... and protect Rin... for both of us..."

Kakashi, tears streaming down his face, accepted Obito's gift. With renewed determination and the power of the Sharingan, he fought off the remaining Iwagakure shinobi and rescued Rin.

Despite their grief, Kakashi and Rin continued their mission, knowing that Obito's sacrifice must not be in vain. They reached the Kannabi Bridge and planted explosive tags, setting off a massive explosion that destroyed the bridge and crippled Iwagakure's supply lines.

The Third Great Ninja War raged on, and the infamous mission to Kannabi Bridge had left deep scars on Team Minato. Despite their earlier success in crippling Iwagakure's supply lines, tragedy seemed to follow them closely. Now, as Kakashi and Rin faced an unimaginable dilemma.

Obito who luckily didn't die but survived by the help of Madara and Zetsu was on his way to where Kakashi and Rin got surrounded from the information he received from Zetsu.

Kakashi, holding his Chidori, stood in front of Rin, his eyes filled with agony. They were surrounded by enemy shinobi, and Rin, who had been forcibly made the jinchūriki of the Three-Tails, had begged Kakashi to end her life.

"Kakashi, please," Rin pleaded, tears streaming down her face. "You have to do it. For Konoha."

Kakashi's heart shattered as he prepared to carry out her last wish. He muttered in sorrow," I couldn't keep my promise to you Obito...Rin... I'm sorry."

Just as Kakashi was about to strike, a familiar figure appeared silently in a flash.

Hiro,the Ashura Demon,knows what Madara intended to do from the anime, arrived on time to thwart his plans.

With swift precision using his sharigan to locate Rin's heart, Hiro used his Shambles technique,a power he had mastered that allowed him to swap objects and even weaker people's body parts at will.

He swapped Rin's heart with a rock in his hand before Kakashi striked Rin's chest with his Chodiri, ensuring that she would not die from the wound Kakashi had inflicted but would still be injured. He had his reasons for doing so.

Upon witnessing Kakashi inadvertently strike Rin with his Chidori, Obito was overcome with grief, rage, and a deep sense of betrayal.

In the aftermath, his Sharingan evolved due to the intense trauma and emotional turmoil he just experienced leading to Obito unlocking the Mangekyo Sharingan.