CHAPTER 24: Ramen Time

Meanwhile the night before, somewhere far away, Hagoromo Ōtsutsuki, the Sage of Six Paths, sensed a disturbance. The momentary standstill in the world's flow of time was an anomaly that he couldn't ignore. His ancient wisdom told him that such an occurrence was unnatural and potentially dangerous.

Thinking it might be the work of foreign invaders, Hagoromo scanned the ninja world meticulously, seeking the source of the disruption.

Despite his efforts, he found nothing, which puzzled him even more. He was a being of immense power and insight, yet this phenomenon eluded his understanding. It was as if the disturbance had come from within the world yet was cloaked in such a way that even his formidable senses couldn't pinpoint it.

As the first light of dawn broke over the Hidden Leaf Village, Hiro rose from his bed, stretching his limbs and feeling the energy of a new day coursing through him with anticipation to training his techniques to another level. He had a full day ahead, dedicated to mastering his numerous techniques and the newfound power of The World Stand.He set out for the isolated forest near the village, a place he often used for intensive training sessions.

The forest was serene and quiet, the perfect setting for Hiro to push his limits. He began with his ninjutsu, practicing various fire-style techniques. He conjured fireballs, streams of flames, and fire dragons, each technique executed with increasing precision and power. His goal was to reach an advanced level of mastery, and he pushed himself relentlessly.

Next, Hiro moved on to the Sun Breathing forms. With each movement, he felt a connection to the elemental energy around him. He flowed through the forms, each strike and stance becoming more fluid and powerful. The intensity of his training caused the temperature around him to rise, and he could see the air shimmer with heat.

Shifting his focus, Hiro practiced the Rokushiki techniques, a set of martial arts skills that required immense physical conditioning along with taijutsu training. He executed Soru (speed), Geppo (sky walk), and Tekkai (iron body) with increasing proficiency. His movements were a blur as he dashed across the ground, leapt into the air, and hardened his body to withstand powerful impacts as he fought with his shadow clones.

Hiro then turned to his Haki styles. He concentrated on his Armament Haki, coating his fists in a dark, hardened energy. Each punch he threw shattered the air with force. His Observation Haki allowed him to sense movements and presences around him, honing his ability to predict attacks and react swiftly. Finally, he focused on his Conqueror's Haki, a rare and powerful form that could overwhelm opponents with sheer willpower.

The climax of his training was practicing The World Stand's time-stopping ability. Hiro activated the power, and the world around him froze. For a full minute, he moved freely, testing the limits of this incredible ability. He manipulated objects, repositioned himself, and strategized attacks, all within the frozen moment.

Unbeknownst to Hiro, this second use of The World Stand again alerted Hagoromo Ōtsutsuki. The Sage of Six Paths felt the temporal disturbance and scanned the ninja world, searching for the source. Yet again, he found nothing, leaving him puzzled once again. Elsewhere, Madara Uchiha sensed something as well but couldn't pinpoint it, adding to the mystery.

Back in the forest, Hiro's stomach rumbled, a clear signal that it was time for a break. He decided to head to the village for some food. His first stop was the kebab stand owned by the Akimichi clan. The rich aroma of grilled meat wafted through the air, making his mouth water. He enjoyed a few kebabs, savoring the flavors while chatting with some of his classmates from the Shinobi Academy. He exchanged stories with other notable classmates who were currently present, reminiscing about their training days and the times spent in the academy.

Satisfied with the kebabs, Hiro made his way to Teuchi's ramen shop. The familiar sight of the small shop brought a smile to his face. As he entered, Teuchi greeted him warmly.

"Ah, Hiro! It's been a while. How have you been?" Teuchi asked, his face lighting up with recognition.

Hiro smiled back, "The recent war kept me busy, but it's good to be back. I missed your ramen."

Teuchi nodded understandingly and began preparing a steaming bowl of ramen. Hiro clapped his hands together in the traditional gesture and said, "Itadakimasu," before digging in with his chopsticks. The rich, savory broth and perfectly cooked noodles made him feel like he was on cloud nine.

As Hiro was enjoying his meal, the door to the shop opened, and in walked Shisui Uchiha and Itachi Uchiha. Hiro paused his eating, glancing at them from the corner of his eye.

Shisui spotted him immediately. "Hiro, there you are. I've been looking for you. People said you might be here."

Hiro raised an eyebrow and asked, "What's the matter?"

Before Shisui could reply, Hiro interrupted, "But first, you both should try the ramen. It's the best in the village."

Teuchi, with a welcoming smile, served Shisui and Itachi bowls of ramen.

Hiro then addressed both Shisui and Itachi, "Enjoy the ramen, and remember to do the traditional gesture before eating.

It makes the experience even better."

He demonstrates it to them as he told them to follow whatever he does.

They clapped their hands together and said, "Itadakimasu," before starting to eat. The three of them enjoyed the meal, savoring the delicious flavors.

After finishing several bowls of ramen, Hiro finally turned to Shisui. "So, why were you looking for me?"

Shisui replied, "Lord Fourth, Minato-sama wanted to talk to you last night, but you were already asleep. He asked me to find you today."

Hiro nodded thoughtfully. "I'll see Minato after I leave here. Thanks for letting me know."

As they continued to eat, the atmosphere in the ramen shop was warm and filled with camaraderie. Despite the recent hardships of war, moments like these reminded Hiro of the bonds that held the village together. He looked forward to meeting with Minato and discussing the future, confident that together, they could overcome any challenge.

In the shadows, an ominous presence lurked, watching the harmonious scene. Black Zetsu disguised as a civilian, unseen by the shinobi, observed with keen interest. Plans were in motion, and Hiro's destiny was intertwined with events yet to unfold. For now, though, Hiro relished the simple joy of sharing a meal with friends, unaware of the larger forces at play.