CHAPTER 25: Shadows and Sacrifices

Hiro stood to leave, he looked back at Shisui and Itachi. "Enjoy your ramen. I'll head to the Hokage's office right away."

With a final wave, Hiro left the ramen shop, his mind already focused on the task ahead. The new era under Minato's leadership was just beginning, and Hiro was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, determined to protect his village and honor the sacrifices of those who had fought before him.

As Hiro made his way to the Hokage Palace, his mind was already racing with the possibilities of what Minato's new mission could entail. The village was still in a state of transition, and there were countless issues that needed addressing. Approaching the grand building, he noticed a new shinobi guard stationed at the entrance, his posture stiff and vigilant.

"State your business," the guard demanded, his tone formal and unwavering.

Hiro raised an eyebrow, slightly amused. "I've been called by the Fourth Hokage. Minato is expecting me."

The guard remained impassive. "No one enters without proper clearance."

Hiro felt a flicker of irritation but kept his composure. "Listen, I don't have time for this. I was summoned by Minato. Let me through."

The guard didn't budge, his face set in determination. "Rules are rules. No exceptions."

Before Hiro could respond, a senior guard hurried out, his face paling as he took in the scene. "What's going on here?" he demanded, though it was clear he already knew.

"He says he was called by the Hokage, but he doesn't have clearance," the new guard explained, his tone still firm.

The senior guard's expression shifted from frustration to sheer panic as he recognized Hiro.The senior guard looking at Hiro, "Sorry Hiro-Sama he was just assigned to this post". The senior guard makes the new guard give way as Hiro passed them heading to Minato's office. The senior guard seeing Hiro not overreacting but leaves in silence, thanks him bowing in his direction and turns to the new guard, "You fool,do you want to get me and yourself killed, that is the Ashura Demon! Have you not heard of him?"

The new guard's confidence wavered. "The Ashura Demon? He's my role model."

The senior guard nearly choked. "That was the man you were arguing with. You should pray he doesn't take this to heart."

A chill ran over the new guard as he realized the gravity of his mistake. The stories of Hiro's exploits on the battlefield were legendary, his fearsome reputation well-deserved. "Should I apologize in person?" he asked, his voice trembling.

The senior guard shook his head. "Just be grateful he's letting it go. Now, get back to your post."

As Hiro walked into the building, he could hear the senior guard muttering about idiots and death wishes. He couldn't help but chuckle to himself. The notoriety he had gained was both a blessing and a curse.

Reaching Minato's office, he knocked once before entering. Minato was in the middle of a conversation with Shikaku Nara, who looked particularly exasperated.

"Hiro, sorry for the abrupt meeting," Minato said, noticing his entrance.

Shikaku, sensing the need for privacy, excused himself with a resigned sigh. "I'll be outside if you need me," he said, casting a knowing look at Hiro before leaving the room.

Hiro turned to Minato, a smile on his face. "Congratulations again, Minato. You truly deserve being the Fourth Hokage."

Minato returned the smile, but it quickly faded as his expression grew serious. "Thank you, Hiro. But we have a pressing issue that needs your attention."

Hiro took a seat, his demeanor shifting to match Minato's seriousness. "What's going on?"

Minato sighed, leaning back in his chair. "The Uchiha elders are demanding the return of Obito's Sharingan from Kakashi. There's a rumor circulating that Obito's eyes had reached the level of Madara's. The Uchiha won't let this go."

Hiro frowned, understanding the delicate situation. "Have you spoken to Fugaku about this?"

Minato nodded. "Yes, and he suggested I talk to you. He believes you can handle this better than anyone."

Hiro sighed, feeling the weight of the responsibility. "Typical Fugaku, passing the buck. We both know the Uchiha elders won't back down. They see the Sharingan as their birthright."

Minato's expression was grim. "What do you suggest?"

A plan began to form in Hiro's mind. "We need to replace the Sharingan without alerting either Kakashi or Obito. I can handle the switch, but we'll need to prepare Kakashi's body to accept the new eye without any adverse effects."

Minato looked intrigued but concerned. "How do you plan to do that?"

Hiro smirked. "Leave that to me. But first, I'll need to ensure Kakashi's body can handle the transplant. I have a few medical ninjutsu techniques that should help."

Minato nodded, trusting in Hiro's capabilities. "Very well. Proceed as you see fit, but be careful."

Hiro stood, ready to set his plan in motion. "I'll handle it and don't worry."

Minato watched as Hiro left the office, his mind already focused on the task ahead. The stakes were high, but he knew Hiro was more than capable.

As Hiro walked through the village, he contemplated his next steps. The Sharingan was a powerful tool, and the Uchiha's demand for its return was not something to be taken lightly.

The journey to Orochimaru's hidden laboratory was not an easy one. Hiro had discovered its location during a previous training in the forest, tracking Orochimaru's movements with careful precision when he felt his presence with Observation Haki. The lab was a treasure trove of forbidden experiments and stolen secrets, and Hiro was certain it held what he needed.

As he approached the secluded entrance, he activated The World, stopping time around him. Moving silently, he slipped past the elaborate security measures, his presence undetected. Inside, the lab was a maze of tunnels and chambers, each filled with grotesque experiments and bizarre artifacts.

Hiro navigated through the dimly lit corridors, his senses heightened. He knew Orochimaru would have guards assigned by Danzo, but with time stopped, they were no threat. Reaching a heavily secured vault, he deactivated his Stand, knowing the effort needed to open the lock required time to flow.

The vault door creaked open, revealing a collection of Sharingan, each floating in a preservative solution. Hiro carefully selected one, ensuring it was in perfect condition. With the eye safely in hand, he activated The World once more and made his way out of the lab.

Returning to Konoha, Hiro headed straight for the medical facility where Kakashi was undergoing a routine check-up. He approached quietly, nodding to the medical staff who were well-acquainted with his presence.

"Doctor, I need to examine Kakashi," Hiro said, his tone leaving no room for argument.

The head medic, a seasoned shinobi named Ayaka, nodded. "Of course, Hiro. We were just finishing up."

As the staff cleared out, Hiro approached Kakashi, who was lying on a cot, his usual mask and headband in place.

"Kakashi, I need to do something to ensure your future missions go smoothly with Obito's Sharigan. Trust me on this," Hiro said.

Kakashi, ever the loyal shinobi, nodded. "Do what you have to, Hiro-Sama."

Hiro activated his medical ninjutsu, preparing Kakashi's body for the re-transplant. His hands glowed with chakra as he worked, ensuring the new Sharingan would integrate seamlessly. The procedure was delicate, requiring both skill and precision, but Hiro was confident in his abilities.

Once the preparations were complete, Hiro carefully replaced the eye using the World Time ability, sealing the wound with a final burst of chakra. Kakashi stirred slightly, but remained unconscious throughout the process. Satisfied, Hiro stepped back, admiring his work.

The new Sharingan was a perfect match, and Kakashi's body accepted it without issue. Hiro left a note for the medical staff, instructing them on the care Kakashi would need in the coming days. As he left the facility, he couldn't help but feel a sense of relief.

Returning to the Hokage Palace, Hiro briefed Minato on the successful transplant. "Kakashi is stable, and the new Sharingan is in place. The Uchiha elders or even Kakashi himself won't know the difference."

Minato nodded, a look of relief washing over his face. "Thank you, Hiro."

Hiro agreed, his mind already considering the next steps. "I'll keep a close watch. We can't afford any more surprises. I maybe an Uchiha but I'll be loyal to the village if it's doesn't threaten mine or the Uchiha's safety."

As Hiro left Minato's office, he felt a weight lift off his shoulders. The village was safe for now, but the challenges were far from over. He knew he had to remain vigilant, always ready to protect Konoha and honor the sacrifices of those who had come before him. The new era under Minato's leadership had begun, and Hiro was determined to see it through, no matter what.