The signed housemate

A Man Walked to Nikky in the Cell

"I'm so furious," Nikky seethed inwardly, her thoughts racing as she sat alone in the cell. "I wonder why they let me stay in this single cell. Why didn't they just put me in the crowded one where I'd get beaten? Then I could lie against him and press charges too."

"Hey," a man's voice interrupted her thoughts.

Nikky quickly got up, her expression a mix of defiance and curiosity.

"I am Philip, Mike's manager," the man introduced himself.

"And who the heck is this Mike? All I want is to be out of here!" Nikky yelled, frustration and anger evident in her voice.

"Okay, Mike is the guy you claimed touched your butt," Mr. Philip explained calmly.

"Claimed?" Nikky flared up. "Wait, are you trying to say that I'm a liar? That guy is bad, he's a pervert, he needs to be dealt with by the law!" Nikky's anger boiled over.

"Whatever. But Mike sent me to you; he asked me to give this to you," Mr. Philip said, holding out a document.

"What's in the paperwork?" Nikky asked, her curiosity piqued but wary.

"Just take it," Mr. Philip urged.

"Why should I, when I don't know what's in there?" Nikky challenged, her voice sharp with suspicion.

"It's just a contract for compensation," Mr. Philip revealed.

"I'm not interested," Nikky rolled her eyes dismissively, turning away.

"Wait," Nikky hesitated, reconsidering. "If this can get me out of here..."

Mr. Philip returned and handed the paperwork to her. Nikky took it and began reading, her emotions fluctuating from outrage to disbelief.

"What?!" Nikky exclaimed, her voice filled with incredulity. "Is your boss crazy? How dare he? Who the heck does he think he is?"

"He needs your help, ma'am. You just have to tell the press that he didn't touch your butt, and that he's not a pervert but a good person. Then you can be a free person again," Mr. Philip pleaded earnestly.

"So he's a celebrity," Nikky thought to herself. "Just that?"

"But I can see in the contract that I have to work and stay in his house," Nikky complained, feeling trapped.

"Yes, that's right," Mike's voice unexpectedly joined the conversation.

"And why do you think I would give in to you?" Nikky flared, her defiance returning full force.

"Do you think I'm as stupid as you?" Nikky challenged, glaring at Mike.

"I'm not a loser, and I will never be. I'll fight for justice and bring you down," Nikky threatened, her voice trembling with suppressed anger as she sank back to the floor.

"Then be ready to rot in jail," Mike retorted with a devilish smile. "Then I can finally get rid of your most precious and treasured object."

"And guess what it is," Mike teased, a glint of malice in his eyes.

Nikky quickly jumped up, staring at Mike with a mix of curiosity and dread.

Mike brought out a diamond ring from his pocket and showed it to her.

"Your ring," Mike laughed.

Nikky was momentarily speechless, her mind racing.

"So, choose now," Mike urged. "Are you in or not?"

Nikky stared at her treasured ring sadly, torn between pride and practicality.

"You evil man," Nikky thought bitterly.

"Are you in or not?" Mike pressed impatiently.

Nikky continued to gaze at her ring, conflicted.

"What do I do now?" Nikky wondered desperately.

"How did you get the ring?" Nikky asked finally, her voice a mix of curiosity and suspicion.

"I told you already, I tried to help you, but..." Mike began to explain.

"No, I can never believe that. All I know is that you are a pervert," Nikky blurted out, her words filled with accusation.

"Oh, go ahead, hit me. I've been waiting for you to strike, that's why I've been provoking you," Nikky challenged defiantly. "Then I'll show the evidence to your fans. I wonder how they would react when they find out that their idol is actually a fake."

"That will never happen," Mike uttered angrily. "And do you think they'll believe you?"

"Let's see," Nikky smiled wryly. "I have my conditions though. If you want me to sign your contract, I want you to apologize to me in front of the press and tell them the truth."

"Tell them what?" Mike asked sharply.

"That you touched my butt. Admit that you are a pervert," Nikky pointed at him accusingly.

"You must be really crazy. Didn't you get what I said? I tried to help you," Mike explained, frustration evident in his voice.

"Oh no, you're the crazy one, and I don't believe your lame story," Nikky retorted defiantly.

"How dare you talk to your boss like that?" Mike snapped.

"You are not my boss yet, since I have not signed the contract," Nikky reminded him sharply.

"What if I touched your butt? What are you, anyways? Maybe I touched it by mistake, but you should be grateful. Do you know that there are a lot of girls wishing to get touched by me?" Mike boasted arrogantly.

"Wow, good luck to them," Nikky's eyes widened incredulously.

"I inquired about the worth of your treasure and found out it's worth billions," Mike continued casually.

Nikky's eyes widened further. "Billions? I'm already rich, but I don't want to bow to this jerk."

"Since you don't need it anymore, I will take my leave now," Mike said, starting to turn away.

"Wait," Nikky stopped him suddenly, her mind racing through options. "I can't lose that kind of money because of my pride. I'll sign now. Can I have a pen?"

"It's okay, Nikky. It's just for six months. After this, you'll become rich," Nikky reassured herself silently.

Mr. Philip handed her the pen. Nikky took it, signed the document, and handed it back to him. Mr. Philip left briefly, returning soon after with an officer who unlocked the cell door. Nikky rushed out eagerly.

Nikky approached Mike, pretending to threaten him playfully.

"Try it, then you're going back in there," Mike warned with a steely gaze.

"I never wanted to hit you. You're just being paranoid, sir," Nikky faked a smile, her voice calm yet challenging.

They walked outside where the press awaited eagerly.

"Miss, did you really assault Mr. Mike?" a young reporter asked Nikky, thrusting a microphone towards her.

Nikky was shocked, unsure how to respond under the intense scrutiny of the cameras. She suddenly felt shy and exposed.

"Okay, I will speak up," Nikky finally said, glancing briefly at Mike and Mr. Philip.

"I hope this girl won't mess this up," Mike muttered to his manager, a hint of concern in his voice.

"No, she can never, after knowing the worth of her ring," Mr. Philip reassured confidently.

"Do I really need to take this thing into my house? I don't even know who she is," Mike commented to Mr. Philip.

"You have to, because if you give her the ring, she'll surely get back at you, and your life might be ruined," Mr. Philip advised.

"Suit yourself," Mike murmured dismissively.

"Did you really assault Mr. Mike?" another reporter persisted.

"Yes, I did," Nikky confessed tearfully. "And Mr. Mike didn't touch my butt. I urge all his fans to forgive me. Please have faith in your idol. Mike isn't a pervert; he's a good man," Nikky proclaimed, her voice trembling with emotion.

"He bailed me with a price," Nikky added, glancing meaningfully at Mike with a smirk.

"Who do you mean by that, ma'am?" another reporter pressed, sensing a story.

But Nikky stopped talking. Mike's bodyguards cleared a path through the crowd, allowing her to walk past the curious reporters and get into the waiting car with Mike.

He settled himself near the window, and Nikky glared at him, her gaze filled with anger.

As the van started moving, there was a near-accident. The sudden jolt caused Nikky's head to fall onto Mike's lap. He immediately pushed her head away, causing her to groan in pain and glare at him furiously.

"Evil man," Nikky thought bitterly.

"Hey, I have a condition," Nikky said sharply, facing Mike.

"What is it this time?" Mike asked, still looking out the window.

"I need to go back home, to my parents. I want to tell them something," Nikky said firmly.

"Why do you think I will agree to that?" Mike retorted, still refusing to face her.

"If you don't agree, I'll open this door and jump out. I bet you'll gain lots of fans, hateful ones," Nikky whispered provocatively into his ear.

"Are you threatening me?" Mike turned suddenly, and their lips accidentally met. He quickly pulled away, wiping his mouth with a handkerchief.

"John, take me to the office and take this lunatic wherever she wants to go," Mike ordered, clearly annoyed.

Nikky smirked triumphantly as the car sped towards their next destination.


"Good day, ma'am and sir, how was your night?" Sunny's voice trembled slightly as she entered Nikky's home, her eyes darting nervously between Nikky's parents.

"How are you doing, Sunny? And where is Nikky?" Mrs. Shone's voice carried a mix of concern and anticipation.

"Uhmmm, Nikky is on her way here," Sunny replied, forcing a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes.

"Why didn't she come with you?" Mrs. Shone probed further, her brow furrowing slightly.

"Ah, she wanted to get something for us," Sunny quickly lied, her heart racing with guilt for hiding the truth.

"OK, let's eat while we wait for her," Mrs. Shone suggested, trying to ease the tension. She motioned for Sunny to join them at the table.

"OK," Sunny agreed, but her mind was elsewhere. As they started eating, Sunny couldn't help but notice the news flashing on the TV screen. It was a reminder of the looming challenges ahead, making her uneasy. She reached over and changed the channel abruptly, hoping to distract herself and the others from the uncomfortable silence.

"What is wrong?" Mrs. Shone asked, her voice filled with genuine concern as she noticed Sunny's agitation.

"Nothing," Sunny replied a bit too quickly, avoiding eye contact as she pretended to focus on her food.

"Then why aren't you eating your food?" Mrs. Shone's gentle inquiry cut through the tension, prompting Sunny to pause.

"I'm eating now, Mom," Sunny assured, though her appetite had vanished. She mechanically took a few bites, her thoughts consumed with worry for Nikky.

Just then, Nikky's cheerful voice rang through the house, announcing her return. "I'm home!"

"Oh, just come sit and eat with us," Mrs. Shone greeted her daughter warmly, relieved to have her home.

"OK," Nikky replied, taking a seat at the table. Sunny watched her intently, her mind racing with unspoken questions and concerns. She knew what Nikky was about to announce, and it weighed heavily on her heart.

**After Breakfast**

"Mom, Dad, Sunny, I got a job, and it's very far away from here, and I'm starting today, so..." Nikky began, her voice wavering with a mix of determination and guilt.

"You have to leave right? You want to leave me again?" Mrs. Shone's voice cracked with emotion, tears welling up in her eyes.

"No, Mom, it's just temporary. Please don't cry," Nikky comforted, reaching out to hold her mother's trembling hands. "Mom, you know I'm doing this for us. You know I will never do anything that will make you sad, right? But I have to take this first step in my life," Nikky explained softly, her own eyes brimming with tears.

"I'm with you, my daughter. My blessings are with you," Mr. Shone added, his voice steady but filled with paternal concern.

"Thank you, Dad," Nikky said gratefully, then turned to her mom with a pained expression.

"There is nothing I can do," Mrs. Shone admitted tearfully, her voice barely above a whisper. "I give in too," she added, her resolve breaking as tears streamed down her cheeks.

"Don't cry, Mama, please," Nikky pleaded, pulling her mother into a tight embrace. The weight of their impending separation hung heavily in the air as Mrs. Shone helped Nikky pack her belongings, each item a bittersweet reminder of their bond and the sacrifice Nikky was making.

Finally, with a heavy heart, Nikky waved them farewell. Sunny joined in, helping Nikky carry her belongings as they walked together to the bus stop. The atmosphere was thick with unspoken emotions, the weight of Nikky's decision palpable in every step they took together.

"I saw you on TV," Sunny mentioned casually along the way, trying to lighten the mood.

"So that means..." Nikky started, her voice trailing off as a flicker of anxiety crossed her face.

"No, they didn't see you," Sunny reassured her quickly, trying to offer some comfort amidst the uncertainty.

"Oh, what a relief," Nikky sighed softly, her shoulders relaxing as she processed the news.

"So, what's up again? Where are you going to now?" Sunny asked gently, sensing Nikky's need for distraction.

"I will tell you, but this must be our little secret," Nikky confided in her friend, her voice tinged with a mix of excitement and apprehension.

"OK, I promise," Sunny replied, her voice filled with empathy and understanding.

As they walked side by side, Nikky poured out her heart to Sunny, sharing everything—including her hidden feelings for Mike, the person who now held her fate in his hands. Despite the complexities and risks ahead, Nikky's resolve remained strong, fueled by a glimmer of hope for a better future.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Sunny asked cautiously, her concern evident in her voice.

"Yes, I'm 100% sure. I need to do this. After six months, we'll be swimming in millions," Nikky declared optimistically, her voice tinged with determination and a touch of disbelief.

"Yay!" Sunny exclaimed happily, sharing in Nikky's excitement and offering her support wholeheartedly.

"OK then, I wish you good luck," Sunny said sincerely, pulling Nikky into a warm hug filled with unspoken encouragement and love.

"Take care," Sunny added as Nikky prepared to board the waiting van, her eyes reflecting a mix of pride and concern.

"You too," Nikky replied with a grateful smile, waving at Sunny who waved back until the van disappeared from view, carrying Nikky towards an uncertain future filled with both promise and challenges.