Chapter 12: Nexus world

Lin Chen stirred awake to the sound of a gentle, persistent beeping. He opened his eyes slowly, adjusting to the bright, sterile light of the hospital room. A figure stood over him—an older man in a white coat with a kind, but serious, expression.

"Mr. Lin Chen," the doctor began, "you've been in a coma for six months. It's good to see you awake."

Lin Chen blinked, trying to process the information. Six months? The last thing he remembered was the countdown and the imminent arrival of the truck.

After a few routine checks and questions to ensure his cognitive functions were intact, the doctor left, advising Lin to take it easy and call the nurse if he needed anything. Alone in the room, Lin felt a mixture of relief and anxiety. He needed answers.

He swung his legs over the side of the bed and stood up, albeit a bit unsteadily. The room was small and functional, with a bathroom attached. He walked to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. The face staring back at him was his own, but younger—18 years old. His reflection confirmed what he had suspected: his body had traveled with him to this new world.

"System?" he called out hesitantly, almost afraid of the silence that might follow.

To his relief, a familiar voice responded immediately. "Lin Chen, welcome to a new world. From now on, you will travel to new worlds and accumulate wealth by selling products across the universes. This world is just one of many. You can travel with your body, and your powers will remain the same. I apologize for the earlier confusion."

Lin was momentarily stunned. This revelation opened a myriad of possibilities and uncertainties. He felt a surge of excitement—no longer was he confined to one world. The entire universe was his playground.

Lin walked out of the bathroom, his mind racing with thoughts and plans. He had barely taken a few steps when a wave of dizziness hit him, and he stumbled back to the bed, collapsing onto it. The six months in a coma had taken a toll on his physical strength.

As he lay there, trying to regain his composure, he began to piece together his next steps. The system had given him a second chance, and he wasn't going to waste it.


The next day, Lin Chen felt significantly better. He got up and did some light stretches, feeling the stiffness in his muscles gradually ease. He knew he had to regain his strength quickly if he was to take full advantage of the system's capabilities.

After breakfast, he decided to take a walk around the hospital to familiarize himself with his new surroundings. The hospital was large, with numerous wards and bustling with activity. He overheard conversations about the latest medical advancements, which intrigued him. This world seemed technologically advanced, possibly even more so than his previous one.

Lin found a quiet corner and summoned the system interface.


**System Interface:**

- **Host:** Lin Chen

- **Age:** 18

- **Current World:** Nexus World

- **Status:** Recovering

- **Wealth Points:** 0

- **Inventory:**

- Basic medical supplies

- Simple clothing

- Communication device

- **Abilities:**

- Spatial Storage (Enhanced)

- Trading Proficiency

- **Missions:**

1. Establish a Trading Base

2. Accumulate Wealth (0/1,000,000 WP)

3. Explore Nexus World

- **Notifications:**

- New Mission Available: Establish your first shop in the Nexus World.

- Special Reward: Unlock advanced trading goods upon successful establishment of the shop.


Lin nodded to himself, absorbing the information. His first task was clear—set up a trading base. But he needed resources and information about this new world.

He decided to visit the hospital's library to gather information. The library was vast, filled with books and digital terminals. He sat down at one of the terminals and began his research.

He learned that the Nexus World was a hub of interdimensional trade and technology. It was a place where various species and cultures intersected, each bringing their unique products and knowledge. This world was governed by a council that maintained order and facilitated trade.

Lin's mind raced with possibilities. The trading base he would establish here could serve as a springboard for his ventures into other worlds. But first, he needed capital.

He left the library with a plan forming in his mind. The hospital bill was something he had to deal with, but he was confident he could negotiate. He had a knack for trading, after all.

Returning to his room, he began to devise a strategy. He needed to identify high-demand items and source them. His spatial storage ability would be invaluable in transporting goods.

Lin spent the next few days recuperating and planning. He spoke with the hospital staff, learning about the local economy and trade practices. He also managed to gather some basic supplies and small trade items using the limited resources he had.

Finally, he felt ready to take the first step. He checked out of the hospital, using his newfound knowledge to negotiate the bill down significantly. With a small but adequate stock of goods in his spatial storage, he set out to find the perfect location for his first shop.

The city was bustling with activity, a mix of futuristic skyscrapers and traditional markets. Lin navigated the streets, his eyes scanning for potential locations. He found a small, vacant storefront in a busy market district. The location was ideal—high foot traffic and a diverse clientele.

Lin took a deep breath, feeling the excitement build. This was it—the beginning of his journey across the universes. He set up his shop, displaying his goods attractively and pricing them competitively. The system provided him with a seamless interface to manage transactions and inventory.

As he stood behind the counter, waiting for his first customer, he felt a sense of purpose and determination. This new world was just the beginning. He was ready to embrace his destiny and become the wealthiest trader across all universes.