chapter 13 : the old man

Lin Chen stood behind the counter of his newly established shop, his eyes fixed on the door, waiting for his first customer. The anticipation was palpable, and he could feel his heart beating faster with each passing moment. The store, modest yet meticulously arranged, displayed a variety of items—basic weapons, food supplies, and a few medicinal potions that hinted at the store's potential.

The door creaked open, and an old man with an exceptionally long beard walked in, his hands clasped behind his back. He exuded an aura of wisdom and power, and his eyes twinkled with curiosity as he glanced around the shop.

"Welcome," Lin Chen greeted, trying to sound confident despite his nerves.

The old man walked slowly, examining the merchandise with a discerning eye. "How old are these weapons?" he asked, a chuckle escaping his lips.

Lin Chen's heart sank momentarily. He realized with a jolt that he was no longer on Earth but on a highly advanced planet. The basic items in his store might have been cutting-edge back home, but here, they seemed antiquated. He needed to upgrade his inventory to match the advanced technology and mystical elements of this world.

As Lin Chen pondered over his next move, the old man turned his attention to a shelf lined with medicinal potions. He didn't speak for a moment, just stared at the potions, seemingly in awe. The spiritual energy emanating from them was palpable, and it left him speechless.

Lin Chen observed the old man's reaction and felt a surge of hope. These potions, imbued with spiritual energy, were evidently rare and valuable in this world. He couldn't help but wonder who this old man was. In a world where only the chosen and the wealthy had such powers, the old man's presence indicated that he was far from ordinary.

The old man turned to Lin Chen, his expression serious. "How much for one bottle?" he asked.

Lin Chen hesitated for a moment before responding, "20,000 WP."

Without a word, the old man reached into his robe, produced a bag of coins, and placed it on the counter. He then took two bottles of the medicinal potion, his movements deliberate and reverent.

Lin Chen watched in amazement as the transaction took place. This was a significant sum, and it validated his belief in the value of his products. As the old man left the shop, Lin Chen's mind raced with possibilities. However, the excitement was short-lived as no more customers arrived that day.


As the hours passed, Lin Chen found himself alone in the shop, the initial excitement wearing off. He sat behind the counter, contemplating his next move. The advanced nature of this world meant he needed to adapt quickly. He decided it was time to upgrade his shop.

He summoned the system interface.


**System Interface:**

- **Host:** Lin Chen

- **Age:** 18

- **Current World:** Nexus World

- **Status:** Active

- **Wealth Points:** 40,000 WP

- **Inventory:**

- Basic medical supplies

- Simple clothing

- Communication device

- **Abilities:**

- Spatial Storage (Enhanced)

- Trading Proficiency

- **Missions:**

1. Establish a Trading Base (Completed)

2. Accumulate Wealth (40,000/1,000,000 WP)

3. Explore Nexus World

- **Notifications:**

- Upgrade Available: Enhance shop inventory to match the advanced technological and mystical standards of the Nexus World.


Lin Chen selected the upgrade option. The system confirmed the enhancement, and he watched as his shop transformed before his eyes. The basic weapons were replaced with advanced, sleek models, and the food supplies now included items rich in spiritual energy. The medicinal potions, already valuable, were enhanced further, their potency visibly increased.

The transformation was incredible, and Lin felt a renewed sense of confidence. He knew these new products would attract more customers, and he eagerly awaited the next day to see the fruits of this upgrade.


The following day, Lin Chen stood behind the counter, once again waiting for customers. Hours passed, and still, no one came. Despite the upgrade, it seemed word about his shop had not spread as he hoped. He needed a better strategy to draw attention.

Lin Chen decided to take matters into his own hands. He would venture out and interact with the locals, spreading the word about his shop and its unique offerings. He closed the shop for the day and stepped outside, the bustling market district greeting him.

As he walked through the crowded streets, he overheard conversations about local alliances and power struggles. The information was valuable, and he realized he could leverage this knowledge to attract influential customers.

Later that evening, Lin returned to his shop, his mind abuzz with ideas. He would host a grand opening event, offering demonstrations of his products and showcasing their superior quality. He would also distribute flyers and use the local communication networks to advertise his shop.


The next morning, Lin set his plan into motion. He hired a few locals to help distribute flyers and set up a small stage outside his shop. As the day progressed, curious onlookers began to gather, drawn by the promise of free samples and demonstrations.

Lin showcased his advanced weapons, demonstrating their superior capabilities. He also displayed the enhanced medicinal potions, explaining their benefits and how they could improve one's strength and vitality. The crowd watched in awe, their skepticism giving way to interest and admiration.


As Lin closed the shop that night, he felt a deep sense of satisfaction. The journey was just beginning, but he was on the right path. The system had given him a second chance, and he intended to make the most of it. He looked forward to the challenges and opportunities that lay ahead, knowing that with each step, he was closer to achieving his destiny.