Chapter 14: A Fortune in the Making

Lin Chen stood behind the counter of his newly established shop, observing the few customers who wandered in. Most of them came to buy everyday items—food, clothing, basic supplies. Some cast curious glances at the weapons displayed on the shelves, but none seemed particularly interested. Lin was relieved that the system made everything legal; otherwise, he would have faced numerous headaches from regulatory issues in this advanced world.

As the day dragged on, Lin glanced at his system interface:


**System Interface:**

- **Host:** Lin Chen

- **Age:** 18

- **Current World:** Nexus World

- **Status:** Active

- **Wealth Points:** 40,000 WP

- **Required for Power Upgrade:** 80,000 WP

- **Required for Shop Upgrade:** 10,000 WP

- **Inventory:**

- Basic medical supplies

- Simple clothing

- Communication device

- **Abilities:**

- Spatial Storage (Enhanced)

- Trading Proficiency

- **Missions:**

1. Establish a Trading Base (Completed)

2. Accumulate Wealth (40,000/1,000,000 WP)

3. Explore Nexus World


Lin sighed. Despite having the same strength and abilities as he did in the first world, the challenge of adapting to this advanced society was daunting. However, his encounter with the old man yesterday had given him hope. The medicinal potions infused with spiritual energy were evidently valuable in this world.

As the evening approached, Lin was about to close the shop when the door creaked open. The old man from yesterday walked in, his long beard swaying with each step. Lin immediately stood up straighter, recognizing the potential significance of this visit.

"Good evening," the old man greeted, his voice steady and calm. "I've come to inquire about those medicinal potions you sold me yesterday. Where did they come from?"

Lin hesitated. Revealing the system's secrets was out of the question. "It's better if you don't ask," he replied cautiously.

The old man seemed to accept this answer, nodding thoughtfully. "Very well," he said, shifting the conversation. "I would like to purchase a large quantity—about 2,500 bottles."

Lin's eyes widened in shock. Each bottle was priced at 20,000 WP. If the old man bought 2,500 bottles, that would amount to a staggering 50,000,000 WP. Lin quickly calculated the numbers in his head, the sum almost too enormous to comprehend.

"2,500 bottles?" Lin repeated, still processing the information. "That's... that's 50,000,000 WP."

The old man nodded again, unfazed by the amount. "I understand. I will return tomorrow with the funds."

Lin was elated. If this deal went through, he could not only upgrade his shop but also significantly enhance his powers. Today was truly a lucky day.


The old man left, and Lin was alone with his thoughts. He began to plan how he would use the potential windfall. First, he would upgrade the shop, ensuring that the inventory matched the high standards of this advanced world. Next, he would focus on his personal power, aiming to become a formidable force.

That night, Lin hardly slept, his mind buzzing with excitement and plans for the future. The next morning, he opened the shop early, eagerly awaiting the old man's return.

As the hours ticked by, Lin kept glancing at the door, his anticipation growing with each passing minute. Finally, just before noon, the old man returned, carrying a large, ornate box.

"I have the funds," the old man announced, placing the box on the counter. Lin opened it, his eyes widening at the sight of neatly stacked coins and precious stones, all shimmering with a faint glow of spiritual energy.

After verifying the amount, Lin nodded. "I will need some time to gather the potions. Can you return in three days?"

The old man agreed, and Lin immediately got to work. Using the system, he began producing the potions in large quantities, each one imbued with the same potent spiritual energy as the original.


Three days later, the old man returned, and Lin handed over the 2,500 bottles of medicinal potions. The transaction was smooth, and Lin felt a sense of accomplishment as he watched the old man leave with the precious cargo.

With 50,000,000 WP now at his disposal, Lin wasted no time. He accessed the system interface and selected the shop upgrade option.


**Upgrade Confirmation:**

- **Shop Upgrade Cost:** 10,000 WP

- **Remaining Wealth Points:** 49,990,000 WP

- **New Shop Features:**

- Advanced Weaponry

- Enhanced Medicinal Supplies

- High-Tech Communication Devices

- Spiritual Energy Artifacts


The transformation was instant. The shop's interior changed, becoming more modern and sophisticated. The shelves were now lined with advanced weaponry, each piece sleek and deadly. The medicinal supplies were enhanced, their spiritual energy even more potent. High-tech communication devices and spiritual energy artifacts completed the inventory, making the shop a treasure trove of valuable items.

Lin then turned his attention to his personal power. He selected the power upgrade option, feeling a surge of energy as the system enhanced his abilities.


**Power Upgrade Confirmation:**

- **Upgrade Cost:** 80,000 WP

- **Remaining Wealth Points:** 49,910,000 WP

- **New Abilities:**

- Enhanced Physical Strength

- Increased Spiritual Awareness

- Advanced Combat Skills


Lin felt the changes immediately. His body was stronger, his senses sharper, and his combat skills more refined. He was ready to face any challenge this world could throw at him.

As the day came to an end, Lin stood in his upgraded shop, a sense of satisfaction washing over him. He was on the path to becoming the wealthiest and most powerful trader across the universes. No obstacle seemed insurmountable, and he eagerly awaited the adventures that lay ahead.

Today truly was a lucky day, and Lin Chen knew he was destined for greatness.

Lin Chen laughed in his mind like a crazy man because with the help of this man he had a large amount of money. This was a cheat. He could upgrade his shop many times and get his power at least to tier 10.

Wouldnt that make him the strongest person in this planet he was blessed by the system it's seems. However, he quickly stopped thinking about this and went to sleep.