Chapter 3: The Purpose Revealed

Mihael's senses were slowly coming back, and the sterile smell of the hospital room filled his nose. His eyes fluttered open, and he saw Riya sitting beside him, looking more worried than angry. Her presence was almost comforting, a stark contrast to their last encounter.

"You're awake," Riya said softly, her voice carrying a hint of relief.

Mihael managed a weak smile. "I think I survived your punishment."

Riya's cheeks flushed with a mix of embarrassment and regret. "I didn't mean for it to go this far. I'm sorry, Mihael."

Before Mihael could respond, the door swung open, and Arjun entered with an air of authority. He gave Riya a stern look. "Riya, leave us. I need to talk to him alone."

Riya hesitated, her eyes darting between Mihael and Arjun. "But—"

"Now," Arjun insisted, his tone leaving no room for argument.

With a sigh, Riya stood and left the room, casting one last worried glance at Mihael. Arjun closed the door behind her and turned his intense gaze on Mihael.

"Why did you come to our home?" Arjun demanded, his voice laced with suspicion.

Mihael took a deep breath, gathering his thoughts and courage. "I came to seek help for my village. We have a severe water shortage. When the river floods, it ruins our crops, but in the dry season, we have nothing. We need a small canal to direct the river water properly to our fields. Without it, our farmers can't grow crops, and our village will starve."

Arjun listened intently, his expression unreadable. Mihael reached for his bag and pulled out a letter, the signatures of all the villagers scribbled across it. "This is a plea from our entire village. We need your help."

Arjun took the letter and skimmed through it, his face hardening. He looked up, his eyes cold. "I would have considered helping you, Mihael. But you kissed my sister."

"It was an accident!" Mihael protested, desperation creeping into his voice. "Please, our village is depending on me."

Arjun's expression remained steely. "Accident or not, you crossed a line. I won't help you. Once you're recovered, you need to leave."

Mihael's heart sank. He watched as Arjun left the room, taking Riya with him. As they walked away, Mihael caught a glimpse of Riya's face—her eyes were indifferent, and a small, mocking smile played on her lips. She didn't seem to care about his plight; to her, he was just a poor village boy.

Two days later, Mihael was discharged from the hospital. Determined and undeterred by Arjun's refusal, he made his way back to the Khanna mansion. He stood outside the gates, hoping for another chance to plead his case. The scorching sun beat down on him, but he didn't move.

Hours passed, and the mansion's imposing facade seemed to mock his persistence. Servants came and went, casting curious glances at the young man standing resolutely by the gate. Eventually, Riya spotted him from a window and came out, her expression a mix of curiosity and annoyance.

"What are you doing here, Mihael?" she asked, crossing her arms.

Mihael straightened up, his eyes filled with determination. "I need to talk to your father. Please, just hear me out."

Riya laughed, a sound that stung more than any slap. "You're really something. You think standing here will change anything? My brother has already told you to leave. Go back to your village."

Mihael's shoulders slumped slightly, but he held his ground. "I can't give up, Riya. My village needs me. If I don't get help, people will suffer."

Riya's laughter faded, replaced by a look of mild interest. "You're really serious about this, aren't you?"

"Yes," Mihael replied, his voice unwavering. "This isn't just about me. It's about everyone back home. They're counting on me."

Riya stared at him for a moment, her expression unreadable. Then she shrugged and turned to go back inside. "Suit yourself. But don't expect any help from me."

Mihael watched her walk away, his heart heavy but his resolve unbroken. He wouldn't leave without securing the help his village so desperately needed. He stayed there, standing guard outside the Khanna mansion, his mind filled with thoughts of his family and friends waiting for him back home.

As the day wore on, Mihael's hope began to waver, but he refused to leave. His persistence finally paid off when, late in the evening, Minister Khanna himself stepped out of the mansion, curiosity piqued by the lone figure standing by the gates.

"Young man, what are you doing here?" the Minister asked, his voice carrying the weight of authority.

Mihael straightened up, his exhaustion momentarily forgotten. "Sir, I need your help. My village needs your help."

And with that, Mihael launched into his heartfelt plea once more, hoping that this time, someone would listen and understand the urgency of his cause.