Chapter 4: Unexpected Heroism

Chapter 4: Unexpected Heroism

Mihael stood outside the imposing gates of the Khanna mansion, his heart heavy with both hope and uncertainty. Minister Khanna had brushed off his plea for help with a dismissive promise to consider his application later. Disappointed but undeterred, Mihael reluctantly left the application with the guards and began his journey back to Chandrapur.

The road back home stretched before him, winding through bustling towns and quiet countryside. Mihael's mind was consumed with thoughts of his village and the daunting task ahead of him. His stomach growled, a reminder of the hunger he had endured during his unexpected stay in the guest room at the Khanna mansion.

As he walked, lost in his thoughts, Mihael noticed a commotion up ahead. A group of people were gathered around a parked car, struggling to lift an unconscious woman into the back seat. Alarm bells rang in Mihael's mind, urging him to take action. Without hesitation, he dialed the emergency number and reported the suspicious activity to the police.

"Hello, police? I've just witnessed some people putting an unconscious woman into a car. It looks suspicious," Mihael explained urgently.

The dispatcher on the other end listened, but Mihael could sense the skepticism in their voice. "Sir, are you sure? Maybe it's just someone who's had too much to drink."

Frustration welled up inside Mihael, but his determination to help overrode his annoyance. Spotting a taxi nearby, he quickly hailed it and instructed the driver to follow the car discreetly. The driver, intrigued by the unfolding drama, complied without question.

The car wound through the city streets, eventually coming to a stop in a secluded area on the outskirts. Mihael's heart raced as he watched from a safe distance, his mind racing with possibilities. When the men began unloading the unconscious woman and carrying her towards a nondescript building, Mihael knew he couldn't stand idly by.

"Wait here," Mihael instructed the taxi driver, his voice tense with determination. "I need to make sure she's okay."

Ignoring the driver's protests, Mihael stealthily approached the building. His village upbringing had instilled in him a resilience and resourcefulness that belied his outwardly gentle demeanor. Sneaking inside, he moved quietly through dimly lit corridors, following the muffled sounds of voices ahead.

Before long, Mihael stumbled upon a scene that chilled him to the core. The woman lay unconscious on a makeshift cot, surrounded by several rough-looking men. Their hushed conversation confirmed his worst fears—they were planning to hold her for ransom.

Realizing he had to act quickly, Mihael suppressed his fear and leaped into action. With swift and precise movements, he tackled the nearest thug, catching him off guard. The element of surprise worked in Mihael's favor as he swiftly disarmed his opponent and turned the tables.

One by one, Mihael confronted the thugs, his village-honed strength and agility proving more than a match for their brute force. Despite being outnumbered, he fought with a fierce determination fueled by his desire to protect the helpless woman. Blow by blow, he incapacitated each assailant, delivering a lesson they wouldn't soon forget.

As the last thug slumped to the ground, defeated and bewildered, Mihael turned his attention to the unconscious woman. Checking her pulse and ensuring she was unharmed, he breathed a sigh of relief. His heart pounded with a mix of adrenaline and satisfaction, knowing he had intervened just in time to prevent a tragedy.

Minutes later, police sirens wailed in the distance, drawing closer with each passing moment. Mihael stepped out of the building, his hands still trembling from the adrenaline rush. The taxi driver, who had been anxiously waiting, rushed over to him.

"You did it! You saved her," the driver exclaimed, awe and gratitude shining in his eyes.

Mihael nodded, a modest smile tugging at his lips. "I couldn't just stand by and do nothing."