Chapter 5: Unexpected Alliances

The aftermath of Mihael's heroic intervention unfolded swiftly. As the police arrived on the scene and Mihael stood amidst the subdued thugs, a black sedan pulled up with flashing lights. Minister Khanna stepped out, his expression a mix of concern and gratitude as he hurried towards his wife, who was being attended to by paramedics.

"Thank you, young man," Minister Khanna said sincerely, his voice carrying a weight of authority. "You've saved my wife's life today."

Mihael nodded humbly, still processing the surreal turn of events. "I couldn't let them hurt her."

Minister Khanna studied Mihael for a moment, his gaze thoughtful. "What's your name, son?"

"I'm Mihael," he replied, a hint of nervousness in his voice.

"Well, Mihael, you've shown bravery and resourcefulness today," Minister Khanna continued, his tone decisive. "I want to help your village with their water problem. But there's a condition, which I'll discuss with you later."

Relief flooded Mihael's heart at the promise of help for his village. "Thank you, sir. I'll be waiting to hear from you."

With that, Minister Khanna escorted his wife back to the car, surrounded by a retinue of security personnel. Mihael watched as they drove away, a sense of gratitude mingling with curiosity about the mysterious condition.

Hours later, Mihael found himself seated in the plush interior of Minister Khanna's car, beside the minister himself and his now-recovered wife. They were on their way back to the Khanna mansion, where a new chapter of unexpected encounters awaited.

As they entered the mansion grounds, Mihael's eyes scanned the familiar surroundings nervously. He knew Riya would be there, and he braced himself for her indifferent reaction. Sure enough, as they stepped into the grand foyer, Riya appeared at the top of the staircase, her expression a mix of curiosity and annoyance.

"Why is he here?" Riya demanded, her voice carrying across the marble floors.

Minister Khanna turned to face his daughter, his tone firm yet measured. "Mihael saved your mother's life today, Riya. Show some respect."

Riya scoffed, her eyes narrowing as they settled on Mihael. "It's not like he did anything special. Anyone could have done that."

Mihael bit his tongue, resisting the urge to retort. Instead, he focused on the minister's words, hoping for a chance to hear about the condition attached to the help for his village.

"Now, Mihael," Minister Khanna began, his voice taking on a more serious tone as they walked towards the living room. "About helping your village..."

Before he could continue, Riya interrupted, her voice dripping with disdain. "Dad, why are you making such a big deal out of him? He's just a village boy."

Minister Khanna's expression hardened slightly, his patience wearing thin. "Riya, Mihael's actions today speak volumes about his character. He's not just anyone."

Mihael remained silent, his gaze fixed on the floor as the tension simmered in the room. He could feel Riya's eyes boring into him, her disdain palpable.

"Fine, whatever," Riya muttered dismissively, turning on her heel and storming away.

As Riya disappeared from view, Mihael felt a mix of relief and apprehension. He knew Riya's attitude towards him hadn't changed, despite his heroic deed. Resolving to focus on the opportunity Minister Khanna had offered, he turned back to face the minister.

"I'm ready to hear your condition, sir," Mihael said earnestly, hoping for a chance to secure a better future for his village.

Minister Khanna nodded approvingly, his gaze thoughtful. "You'll hear about it soon, Mihael. For now, rest assured that I intend to keep my promise."