Chapter 9: Temptations and Confessions

Mihael stood by the window in his room at the Khanna mansion, his mind swirling with conflicting emotions. He had always prided himself on knowing his own personality—his kind-hearted nature as well as his occasional transformation into a "bad boy." But now, with Riya in the picture, everything seemed more complicated.

His bad-boy side was drawn to Riya's fiery spirit and determination, finding her challenging and intriguing. Yet, his good-boy side wanted to protect her, sensing vulnerability beneath her tough exterior. It was a tug-of-war within him, leaving him unsettled and uncertain.

Meanwhile, Riya, unaware of Mihael's internal struggle, was busy planning her next move to embarrass him. She had grown increasingly irritated by Mihael's presence, his unexpected resilience making her scheme more difficult. As she ironed her clothes one afternoon, a mischievous idea took shape in her mind.

With a smirk, Riya adjusted the iron to a higher temperature and deliberately pressed it against Mihael's pants, pretending it was an accident. She knew this would give her an opportunity to humiliate him in front of everyone, fulfilling her desire to see him removed from his position as her bodyguard.

However, her plan took an unexpected turn when Mihael walked in just as she was "accidentally" burning his pants. His eyes narrowed as he watched her, suspicion flickering in his gaze.

"What are you doing?" Mihael asked calmly, though his tone held an edge of accusation.

Riya quickly pulled the iron away, feigning innocence. "Oh, Mihael! I'm so sorry. It was an accident, I swear."

Mihael remained silent, his expression unreadable as he inspected the damage to his pants. Before Riya could say anything more, Meera, who had been passing by, entered the room with a concerned look.

"What's going on here?" Meera asked, her gaze shifting between Mihael and Riya.

Riya sighed dramatically, her voice tinged with false regret. "I accidentally burned Mihael's pants with the iron. I feel awful about it."

Meera frowned, her eyes narrowing at Riya's apparent clumsiness. "Oh dear. Let me see if Arjun has any spare clothes Mihael can borrow."

With that, Meera hurried out of the room, leaving Riya and Mihael alone once more. Riya tried to gauge Mihael's reaction, but he remained stoic, his thoughts unreadable.

A short while later, Meera returned with a neatly folded stack of clothes, which she handed to Mihael. "Here you go, Mihael. Arjun's clothes should fit you."

Mihael accepted the clothes with a nod of thanks, his mind still reeling from Riya's suspicious behavior. As he changed into the clothes, he couldn't help but notice how well they fit, exuding a sophisticated aura that was vastly different from his usual attire.

When he emerged, dressed in Arjun's tailored suit and looking every bit the successful businessman, Riya's breath caught in her throat. She had expected him to look out of place, but instead, he looked remarkably handsome and confident.

"You clean up nicely," Riya remarked, her voice betraying a hint of surprise.

Mihael gave her a wry smile, his earlier suspicions momentarily pushed aside. "Thank you. I guess Arjun's clothes have their perks."

As they made their way downstairs, heads turned at Mihael's transformed appearance. Arjun, noticing the attention Mihael was garnering, scowled and muttered something under his breath. Meera, however, couldn't hide her admiration.

"Mihael, you look absolutely dashing," Meera commented, a twinkle in her eye.

Arjun shot his wife a pointed look, clearly displeased by her compliment. "He's just wearing clothes, Meera. It doesn't change who he is."

Mihael ignored Arjun's remark, focusing instead on his newfound role and the challenges it presented. Little did he know, more surprises awaited him.

Later that day, as Mihael accompanied Riya to her college once again, he noticed a shadowy figure lurking in the distance, following them discreetly. His senses heightened, Mihael subtly adjusted his posture, ready to intervene if necessary.

Riya, lost in her thoughts and oblivious to the danger, continued walking with a determined stride. Mihael glanced at her, his protective instincts kicking in. He had vowed to keep her safe, regardless of their complicated dynamic.

Suddenly, Mihael spotted an opportunity and swiftly maneuvered to confront the lurking figure. With practiced ease, he grabbed the person by the arm and spun them around to face him.

"What are you doing here?" Mihael demanded, his voice low and authoritative.

The figure, a young man in his twenties, looked visibly shaken. "I... I was just... following Riya."

Mihael's eyes narrowed as he studied the man's face, recognizing him as someone from a prominent family in the city. "Why were you following her?"

The man hesitated, then took a deep breath. "My older brother wants to marry Riya. He asked me to follow her, gather information, and make her fall in love with him first."

Mihael's jaw tightened at the revelation. He felt a surge of jealousy, surprising even himself with the intensity of his emotions. Deep down, he realized he cared more for Riya than he had admitted to himself.

"You're trying to manipulate her," Mihael accused, his voice tinged with anger.

The man nodded reluctantly. "Yes, I'm sorry. But my brother's intentions are not honorable. He belongs to the opposing party, and marrying Riya would benefit him politically."

Mihael's mind raced as he considered his next move. He knew he had to inform Mr. Khanna about this betrayal, but he also had to confront Riya about her suitor's intentions.

That night, Mihael transformed into his bad-boy persona, his thoughts consumed by Riya and the tangled web of emotions between them. He couldn't deny the attraction he felt towards her, but he also couldn't ignore the complications their relationship posed.

Meanwhile, Riya paced restlessly in her room, her mind swirling with conflicting thoughts. She had planned to embarrass Mihael, but now she found herself strangely drawn to him. His transformation into a confident, handsome man had unsettled her, stirring emotions she had tried to suppress.

With a determined glint in her eye, Riya made a bold decision. She changed into a revealing dress, her heart racing with anticipation. She intended to seduce Mihael, to prove to herself that he was just a simple village boy beneath the facade.

Quietly, Riya made her way to Mihael's room, her steps hesitant yet purposeful. She knocked softly on the door, her pulse quickening as she waited for him to answer.

When Mihael opened the door, shirtless and revealing his toned physique, Riya's breath caught in her throat. She had expected to find the simple village boy she had dismissed, but instead, she was faced with a man who exuded raw masculinity and strength.

"Riya?" Mihael's voice was tinged with surprise and curiosity.

Riya swallowed hard, her resolve faltering for a moment. "I... I wanted to talk to you."

Mihael stepped aside, silently inviting her into his room. As Riya entered, her eyes couldn't help but linger on his muscular chest, a flush spreading across her cheeks.

"What did you want to talk about?" Mihael asked, his voice husky with restrained emotion.

Riya hesitated, unsure of how to proceed. Her plan to seduce Mihael suddenly seemed reckless and ill-conceived. Yet, she couldn't deny the magnetic pull she felt towards him.

"I... I wanted to... ask about your intentions," Riya stammered, her voice barely above a whisper.

Mihael's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "My intentions?"

Riya nodded, her gaze locked with his. "Are you here because you care about me? Or is this just a game to you?"

Mihael took a step closer, his eyes searching hers for answers. "Riya, I..."

Before he could finish, Riya's resolve crumbled completely. Without thinking, she reached out and trailed her fingers lightly across Mihael's chest, feeling the warmth of his skin beneath her touch.

Mihael sucked in a sharp breath, his body responding instinctively to her proximity. He had never expected Riya to come to him like this, vulnerable and uncertain.

"Riya," Mihael whispered, his voice thick with desire and conflict.

Caught in the throes of passion and confusion, Riya leaned closer, her lips hovering just inches from Mihael's. She could feel his heartbeat racing, mirroring her own tumultuous emotions.

Just as their lips were about to meet, a loud knock on the door shattered the moment. Both Riya and Mihael jumped apart, their hearts pounding with adrenaline and frustration.

"Mihael! Open this door right now!" Arjun's voice thundered from the other side.

Riya's eyes widened in panic, realizing the gravity of the situation. She had come to seduce Mihael, but now she was trapped in his room, with Arjun demanding answers.

Mihael quickly pulled on a shirt and opened the door, his mind racing with conflicting thoughts. Arjun stormed into the room, his face dark with anger and suspicion.

"What's going on here?" Arjun demanded, his eyes darting between Mihael and Riya.