Chapter 10: A Night of Secrets and Revelations

** Khanna Mansion, Late Evening**

The atmosphere in the Khanna mansion was thick with tension. Riya's audacious plan to seduce and frame Mihael had backfired, leaving her fuming and embarrassed. She couldn't understand how Mihael had seen through her scheme, but she was determined to regain control of the situation.

Meanwhile, Mihael, torn between his good and bad boy personas, wrestled with his emotions. His attraction to Riya was undeniable, yet he knew he couldn't allow himself to be manipulated by her.

**Arjun Enters**

Arjun stormed into the room, his face a mask of fury. "What is going on here?" he demanded, eyes darting between Mihael and Riya.

Mihael stood tall, meeting Arjun's gaze without flinching. "Your sister tried to seduce me, but I'm not interested in her games," he said, his voice steady.

Riya's eyes widened in surprise. "How did you know about my plan?" she blurted out before she could stop herself.

Arjun frowned, refusing to acknowledge Riya's mistake. "I don't care about your excuses," he said coldly. "I'll inform Dad. He'll decide what to do with you, Mihael. Maybe it's time for you to return to your village."

Mihael felt a surge of relief. Returning to his village meant escaping the constant chaos of the Khanna household. "Thank you, Arjun," he said sincerely. "I think that's the best decision."

**Scene: Midnight**

Later that night, Mihael's inner turmoil grew. He paced his room, unable to shake off the intoxicating blend of Riya's scent and the softness of her touch from earlier. The bad boy in him was eager for more, while the good boy struggled to maintain control.

In the dead of night, Mihael succumbed to his darker side. He sneaked out of his room, searching for a drink to drown his conflicting emotions. His eyes landed on a bottle of wine, and without hesitation, he drank it all. The alcohol dulled his senses, and his inhibitions faded.

Stumbling through the mansion, he found himself outside Riya's room. The moonlight cast an ethereal glow, making everything seem surreal. Driven by a mix of desire and recklessness, Mihael entered her room quietly.

Riya lay asleep, her features soft and serene. Mihael's breath hitched as he approached her bed. He lay down beside her, his heart pounding in his chest. Riya stirred, her eyes fluttering open. She saw Mihael and, thinking she was dreaming, pulled him into a tight embrace.

"Mihael," she murmured, her voice heavy with sleep. "Stay with me."

Mihael's bad boy persona reveled in her touch. He inhaled the sweet scent of her hair and placed a gentle kiss on her cheek. A naughty smile played on his lips as he whispered, "You're beautiful, Riya."

But then, his good boy side kicked in, fighting through the haze of alcohol. Guilt washed over him. He gently extricated himself from her embrace and stumbled back to his room, his mind a chaotic mess.

**Scene: Next Morning**

The next morning, the household was buzzing with activity, but Mihael felt like a wreck. He was hungover and plagued by guilt over his actions. He knew he needed to find a way to make things right.

At breakfast, Mr. Khanna addressed the family. "Mihael, I have received some concerning reports. It seems you and Riya have had some... misunderstandings."

Riya shot Mihael a glare, but he ignored it. "Sir, I apologize for any trouble I've caused. I believe it would be best for everyone if I returned to my village."

Mr. Khanna nodded thoughtfully. "I understand. But before you leave, there's one more task I need you to complete."

Mihael's heart sank. He had hoped to leave without further complications. "What do you need me to do, sir?"

Mr. Khanna's expression was serious. "There have been reports of some suspicious activities in the area. I need you to investigate and report back to me."

**Scene: Later That Day**

Mihael reluctantly agreed and set off to investigate. He spent the day gathering information and observing the area. By evening, he had a detailed report for Mr. Khanna.

Returning to the mansion, Mihael found Riya waiting for him. She looked hesitant, her usual confidence replaced by uncertainty.

"Mihael, can we talk?" she asked quietly.

Mihael nodded, following her to a secluded part of the garden. "What is it, Riya?"

Riya took a deep breath. "I wanted to apologize. I was wrong to try and manipulate you. I didn't realize how serious you were about your job and your village."

Mihael studied her, his expression unreadable. "I appreciate your apology, Riya. But you need to understand that my village depends on me. I can't let anything distract me from my goal."

**Scene: Night**

As night fell, Mihael retired to his room, exhausted but hopeful. He had a long road ahead, but he was determined to see his mission through.

However, his bad boy persona wasn't ready to rest. The events of the day had stirred something within him, and he found himself unable to sleep. Seeking solace, he wandered through the mansion, ending up in the kitchen where he found another bottle of wine.

"Just a little," he muttered to himself, taking a swig.

Feeling emboldened by the alcohol, Mihael decided to check on Riya. He found her room dark and quiet, but a flicker of movement caught his eye. Peeking inside, he saw Riya tossing and turning in her sleep.

Unable to resist, he slipped into her room and lay beside her again. This time, Riya woke immediately, her eyes widening in surprise.

"Mihael, what are you doing here?" she whispered, her voice a mix of fear and curiosity.

Mihael's bad boy smile returned. "Couldn't stay away, princess."

Riya's heart raced, but she couldn't deny the attraction she felt. "This isn't right," she murmured, even as she moved closer to him.

Mihael's hand brushed her cheek. "Maybe not. But it feels good, doesn't it?"

Riya's resolve wavered as she looked into his eyes. She leaned in, her lips inches from his. "Just this once," she whispered.

As their lips met, a spark ignited between them. The kiss was electric, filled with pent-up desire and unspoken emotions. But just as quickly as it began, Mihael's good boy persona surged forward, breaking the kiss.

"No," he said, pulling away. "This isn't who I am."

Riya's eyes filled with confusion and longing. "Mihael..."

He shook his head, standing up. "I need to go."

Before she could say anything, Mihael left the room, his heart pounding. He knew he had to get control over his dual nature, for both their sakes.

**Scene: Next Morning**

The following morning, Mihael approached Mr. Khanna with his report. "Sir, I've gathered the information you requested."

Mr. Khanna nodded, taking the report. "Thank you, Mihael. Your dedication is commendable."

Mihael hesitated before speaking again. "Sir, I also wanted to let you know that I'll be leaving once this task is complete."

Mr. Khanna looked surprised but understanding. "I see. You've been a valuable asset, Mihael. But I understand your need to return to your village."

Mihael nodded, relief washing over him. "Thank you, sir."

As Mihael prepared to leave, Riya approached him one last time. "Mihael, I know we've had our differences, but I want you to know that I'll miss you."

Mihael smiled, a genuine smile that reached his eyes. "I'll miss you too, Riya. Take care."

With a final nod, Mihael left the Khanna mansion, determined to focus on his village and leave the chaos behind. But as he walked away, he couldn't help but wonder if his paths with Riya would cross again someday.