( Xavier's pov)

Choose? .

I stared at Jeremiah his expectant face , as he stared at me waiting for an answer.

" Look Xavier , Kathy is a great person yes she made a mistake and just one , that's it...."

I cut him off.

" I'm not angry at her because of what she did to Carmen , infact I'm not angry at her at all".I explained .

" You don't like her genuinely .... You shouldn't keep hurting her feelings like this "

" Why all this all of a sudden Jer" I asked

" What I mean is ..." Jeremiah was cut off by me again.

" I can't possibly give up on her , can I ? " I said

" You are a complicated fool , if you really liked Kathy you wouldn't even waste a second before answering that question " he explained and I understood.

" Are you expecting me to choose between Kathy and Black wood ?" I asked again.

" I was clear enough Xavier " he said and I chuckled .

" Do you like Kathy ?" I asked .

_ from the beginning Jeremiah has been the third wheel , always left out when Kathy and I got close . But the truth is he became friends with her first before I came into the picture_

He didn't reply . He does like her.

He turned his head avoiding my eyes.

" Listen . Katherine is not an item for you to put as an option and no I'll never have to choose between Kathy or another thing , cause she's not a thing ." I explained carefully .

" You are obsessed with power "he said

" From the very beginning Jeremiah , I wouldn't lie about that fact , I want to control, own , be the one , not just a random person gaining from his family back ground , I want to be the one people gain from ." I said .

My dream from the start is owning Blackwood , nothing more nothing less and I can't give that up , I mean I've come this far.

" What I'm saying is , if you really do love Kathy then you would give up the one thing that's stopping you from being with her" he said.

Katherine is the first person I actually felt love from, I mean actual love . From strangers we became best friends and then falling for her was the best thing that happened to me, having actual feelings , and not pretense . The Blackwood our family name becomes something to fight for , a family that has more to it we are not just high class citizens that real nobles but owning Blackwood is like a game , even my sister is an enemy all fighrimgt for one sit , if I loose then i loose everything .

" The day I prioritize one of my desire is the day I loose both" I said

" Katherine won't wait for you forever " he continued .

_ how did it lead to this , what does he want?_

" What ? Do you want to take her ?" I asked with a brow up.

" Maybe"he shrugged

" Maybe?" I asked again

"..... Yeah"

" This is already getting awkward for both of us , and way more embarrassing for you , she wants me not you , does she even notice you?" I told him maybe because I felt insecure a bit

" People change Xavier , as well as their preference . " Jeremiah said and stood up from the bed taking his car key .

" I can change Kathy's preference " he said

" Today's the last Saturday of the month remember " he reminded .

Then my face turned ugly , - since I was 12 Kathy , Jeremiah and I would go to an orphanage to play with the kids there . Things were different now I have to stay away from her .

" What? Do you like Kathy ?" I asked even though I knew the answer.

" Look. I care about Kathy , I don't want her to be hurt by your decisions" he said and left .

" Just admit it you bastard !" I screamed annoyed .

Yes I am selfish I admit to that , but I won't let Jeremiah take advantage of it .

( Katherine's pov )

I walked out of my room packing my hair in a pony tail .

" Going already ?" I heard Fei say

" Yeah " I dropped my hand and stared at her

" Should I call Davis ?" She asked

" No please , he only has today as his day off just let him be " I explained.

_ Davis , he's like my older brother always there when I need someone else to talk to other than Xavier , I wasn't really that close to Carmen and Ivy . Davis is a good person but I feel sorry for him , he's the only child of his single mom now she's suffering from an ailment , one I know nothing of till now _

" Will you drive ?" Fei asked

" I'll take a cab .... And don't worry I have my nose mask with me " I said and walked out of the house putting on my black nose mask .

As I stepped out of the elevator and into the parking lot, the warm sun hit my face, a stark contrast to the air-conditioned comfort of the building. I took a deep breath, feeling the stress and tension of the day begin to melt away. The sounds of the city - car horns, chatter, and the hum of engines - filled the air, a familiar symphony that seemed to pulse with the rhythm of my footsteps.

I walked without a destination in mind, letting my feet guide me through the winding streets. The fresh air and exercise cleared my mind, and I found myself lost in thought, replaying the events of the day.

As I turned a corner, I spotted a taxi stand up ahead. I quickened my pace, ready to hail a cab and continue on my journey. But for now, I just walked, savoring the freedom and anonymity of being just another face in the crowd.


Katherine got to the Orphanage immediately being greeted by little kids.

" Hey" she squatted putting up a smile.

" Katherine " a lady came in with a black and with garment don't really know how they are called but she held a Catholic aura.

" Sister good morning " Kathy greeted standing up and the kids excused them.

" How are you ?" She asked calmly

" Fine thanks for asking " Kathy said and walked to her.

" Where's Xavier ?" She asked

" I'm not sure he'll come " Kathy said weakly .

" What about Jeremiah ?" She asked

" Jeremiah hasn't been in town for a while ... He got movie to shoot in new York a year ago , I don't know if he's back .... But the thing is he's really close with Xavier if he doesn't come Jer won't ". Katherine explained .

" Who gave you that idea " Jeremiah said from behind making Katherine turn to see his charming face with a smirk on.

" Jer?!" Kathy was surprised .

It has been a year since she set her eyes on him .

The Catholic sister left them with a smile .

" Aren't you going to give me a hug ?" Jeremiah asked his smile had this effect it had on girls making Kathy to smile walking to hug him.

" Of course " she wrapped her hands around his shoulders , he was a little too tall than Xavier he hugged her back satisfied until she let go.

" When did you come back ?" She asked

" On Friday , fortunately I finished my shoot early " he said hold her hand as they walked to the field hand in hand.

" That's yesterday ?" She asked as she looked up to look at Jeremiah looking at her.

" I'm sorry , last week Friday . " He said with a sorrowful stare.

" Why are you sorry ?" She asked

" Well I should have come see you but I was busy with stuff .... I was just coming from Xavier's " he explained .

" Is he okay?" She asked looking happy for a second , Jeremiah 's expression changed but he masked it up.

" I heard what happened " he said

" I'm sorry " he apologized

" I wasn't there for you when you needed a friend " he explained

" I'm the one meant to say sorry , I screwed up big time , Carmen was innocent and I did that to her , I'm a fool to think Xavier will run to me if I had gotten rid of her ...." Katherine complained nonstop.

" Kathy , you don't have to feel bad about that .... He was going to break up with her anyway " Jeremiah said .

" He was ?"

" Look... You don't need Xavier in your life all the time , he's not for you " Jeremiah said

" I don't feel so " Kathy said

" Feel so? , just give up on him.... He's a fool for pushing you away like that "

" I feel there's a reason " Katherine still had hope .

" Xavier doesn't want to even look at you again and you think there's a reason " he was annoyed

" Why is everyone telling me give up ?" Katherine said

" Because that's the good thing for you " Jer explained and let her hand go .

" But...." She was cut off.

" Katherine !.. come over I got the balls " the lady said holding a basket of different kind of balls.