Katherine's pov

We played balls and other games , I was exhausted and decided to stop when I felt this throbbing head ache.

" Are you okay ?" I heard Jeremiah say coming to sit next to me handing over a cold can drink .

" Thanks I needed this " I said opening the can.

Ooh that sizzling sound from the can .

Taking a sip I looked at the sky , it was getting late already .

" How were you sure I'll be here today " I asked .

" Cause we always love coming here on last Saturdays of the month" he said with that smile of his.

An obvious answer.

Then there was silence nothing to talk about.

" I missed you " he said all of a sudden , I didn't know how to react and looked at him with a smile .

" I missed my amiga too " I said with a giggle .

" It's getting late " he said

" I should head home " I nodded standing up.

" Does Davis still work for you ?" He asked getting up

" I'm never letting him go " I said and he chuckled

" I should drop you off " he insisted , how could I say no , I missed this guy's humor .

" Okay let's go.... But we'll make a stop at the ice cream place " I said walking ahead of him.

" Sure " .


(Writer's pov)

Xavier walked down the stairs , staring at his phone .

" She hasn't come online since this morning" he muttered .

" Why did you take the stairs ?" Lilian asked and he looked up.

" What are you doing here ?" Xavier asked , stopping in his tracks .

" It's my house too right ?" Lilian said standing from the couch .

" Look at your face .." she touched his cheek.

" I think you need skin treatment ... Your good looks should be maintained " she said and Xavier flinged her hand .

" Don't touch me again " he pointed and walked towards the kitchen as Lilian followed behind.

" I know you hate us but ....m" she was cut off

" Wrong.... I despise you both , don't want to see you guys , hate you guys more than you can imagine Lilian " he said indifferently taking a jug from the fridge .

" I'm your mom Xavier when will you stop this shit " Lilian said folding her hands .

" Until you guys free me of your presence ... Maybe then I'll give little respect"he said pouring a glass, then walking away .

" Xavier wait " she said and he stopped , she walked up to him and pulled a pack from his pocket .

" What's this ?" She waved it at him .

" What you think it is " he said taking it back from her.

" I told you to stop smoking " she said .

" Well you do , if you stop then I'll stop " Xavier said walking out to the elevator .

" I can't even be at peace at home " he muttered but loud enough for Lilian to hear .

" Xavier when will you understand we are doing this for your future " she was annoyed.

" If you guys love me as you claim you'll let me be with Katherine , how does my choice of girlfriend affect the empire and my status " he turned ready for a talk.

" She has a bad name Xavy, we let you be friends with her cause you were little then but now things have changed you can't be with that illegiti...."

" Stop it right there ..... Kathy is a better person than you'll ever be " He cut her short

" You guys want me to be with someone of your choice guess that's how you both get married and now Reginald is cheating on you , he doesn't treat you like his wife when we are away from the public , and your children doesn't want to even look at you , is that the life you prayed for ? .....

That's the life you want the girl you choose to live?" He said those words that hurt Lilian the most.

She knows her husband goes out sleeping with other girls young enough to be his daughters., her daughters don't even talk to to her , her son hates her and yet she puts up a smile for the crowd , being hurt in the inside.

She pushed her tears back and walked away, leaving Xavier alone there.


Katherine got out of the car when Jeremiah opened the door for her .

" Why are you being a gentleman all of a sudden" Katherine said with a smile.

" Just wanna make it up to you " he said handing over a whire plastic bag with ice cream containers inside.

" Okay if you say so " she said collecting it .

" Thank you for today " she said with a smile, Jeremiah smiled and leaned closer to her face , her smile dropped as he got closer .

" Jer " she turned .

And he stopped .

" I'm sorry " he apologized and stood straight.

" Kathy ... I can't hold it back anymore , I've been wanting to tell you this for a long time but you had a crush on Xavier then ." He said.

Katherine knew where this was heading to but she can't avoid it , can she?.

" I've liked you from the very beginning ... It's hard for me to keep my feelings at bay as I had usually done cause I like you more now" he said .

She stood quiet .

" You don't have to force yourself I'll give you time " he said again

" Why are you telling me this " she said weakly.

" Cause I wanted you to know that I've waited for you to see me, notice that there's someone out there that really liked you " he explained.

" You are a great person Jer but.... " He placed his index finger on her lips.

" Don't say it please , it will hurt me , I'm still going to wait for you " he said and gave a smile before letting his hand down closing the car door .

"I'm sorry " she whispered

" Don't be okay , I get it You still love him. " He said exposing his cute dimples then leaning in to give her a peck on her cheek.

She didn't disapprove as he gave her a light kiss on her left cheek , whispering ..

" Good night ". Before going round to enter his car