Chapter 2: Flight or Fight

A tense silence hung in the air, thick enough to cut with a knife. Anya's hand hovered over her stun pistol, its metallic gleam reflecting the neon glow from outside. Vel stood frozen, his heart pounding a frantic rhythm against his ribs. The voice in his head had fallen silent, leaving him alone with the weight of his decision.

Finally, Anya lowered her weapon, her gaze remaining fixed on Vel. "Alright," she said, her voice laced with a hint of cautious curiosity. "Talk."Vel hesitated, unsure where to begin. He recounted his childhood, the constant feeling of being an outsider, and the longing for a connection to his unknown Spasian heritage. He told her about finding the artifact, the jolt of energy that coursed through him, and the strange voice offering cryptic guidance. As he spoke, Anya listened intently, her initial suspicion slowly transforming into something akin to understanding. When he finished, she leaned back against the workbench, her expression thoughtful." This is a lot to take in," she admitted. "Spasian artifacts are rare, even more so one that reacts like this."What does it mean?" Vel asked, his voice laced with a tremor of hope. Anya shook her head. "I don't know. But some people do. People who would exploit that power for their gain."The Consortium?" Vel guessed, a shiver running down his spine. The notorious organization known for its ruthless pursuit of exotic technology was a constant source of fear amongst those dealing in the black market. Anya's silence confirmed his suspicion. "They'd stop at nothing to get their hands on you," she said grimly. A sudden roar from outside shattered the tense atmosphere. A sleek, black hovercraft emblazoned with the Consortium's insignia swooped low over the neighboring rooftop, its searchlight cutting through the night rain."They're here," Anya muttered, her eyes widening with alarm. "We need to get out of here."Vel felt a surge of panic. The artifact pulsed in his hand, a faint warmth spreading up his arm. An instinctive urge welled up inside him, a primal need to protect himself and Anya."I... I think I can help us escape," he stammered, his voice barely above a whisper. Anya's brow furrowed. "What do you mean?"Before he could answer, the apartment door exploded inwards. Two heavily armored figures burst in, their faces obscured by visors, their advanced weaponry aimed at Vel and Anya. Adrenaline surged through Vel's veins. The voice in his head spoke once more, its tone urgent. "Focus on your will, young one. Command the energy."Taking a deep breath, Vel closed his eyes, picturing the hovercraft hovering menacingly outside. He imagined a surge of energy pushing it away, sending it crashing harmlessly into the distance. His concentration shattered as a searing pain erupted in his head. He cried out, collapsing to his knees. The apartment around him wavered, distorted by an unseen force. Anya lunged toward him, fear etched on her face. She glanced at the Consortium agents, frozen in surprise. Then, with a deafening screech, the hovercraft outside lurched violently. Its engines sputtered and died, sending it careening into the side of a nearby building in a shower of sparks and debris. The silence that followed was heavy, broken only by the faint crackle of dying electrical components. Vel slowly opened his eyes, his head pounding. The Consortium agents stared in stunned disbelief at the wreckage outside."You did that?" Anya breathed, her voice filled with awe and disbelief. Vel looked at his hands, still tingling with the aftereffects of the exertion. A sense of wonder mixed with fear bubbled within him. He had somehow... manipulated energy, just as the voice had instructed. But the awe was short-lived. The Consortium agents recovered from their shock, their expressions hardening with renewed purpose. With a snarl, they charged towards Vel and Anya. Anya reached for her stun pistol, but it was holstered on the other side of her hip. Vel knew they wouldn't make it to the window in time. He gritted his teeth, a desperate resolve forming in his eyes."Get behind me," he rasped to Anya, his voice surprisingly steady. Anya hesitated for a moment, then reluctantly took cover behind the workbench. Vel squared his shoulders, facing the oncoming agents. He had awakened a power, and now, it was time to learn to control it.