Chapter 3: Untamed Potential

The two Consortium agents charged forward, their armored forms a blur of black and chrome. Vel braced himself, focusing on the voice within. "Command the energy," it echoed faintly. Fear threatened to overwhelm him, but the image of the wrecked hovercraft spurred him on. He pictured a barrier of energy, a shimmering wall to deflect the agents' onslaught.He squeezed his eyes shut, straining every fiber of his being. A warmth spread through his body, intensifying in his outstretched palms. With a gasp, he threw his hands forward.A crackling shield materialized in the air, shimmering with an ethereal blue light. The first agent slammed into the barrier, a jolt of energy throwing him back with a grunt. The second skidded to a halt, his eyes wide with disbelief.Anya peeked out from behind the workbench, her face a mask of astonishment. "You did it!" she whispered.Vel felt a surge of exhilaration, a sense of power he'd never known before. But the feeling was fleeting. The exertion left him drained, his vision blurring at the edges. The energy barrier flickered, weakening with every passing second.The first agent recovered quickly, a cruel grin spreading beneath his visor. He drew a plasma pistol, its barrel crackling with ominous energy."Enjoy your little trick, freak," he snarled, aiming the weapon at Vel.Anya lunged forward, her scream echoing through the trashed apartment. She shoved Vel to the side, taking the full brunt of the plasma blast. The energy slammed into her back, sending her flying across the room. Her scream cut short as she crumpled to the floor, unconscious.A primal rage erupted within Vel. The voice in his head was silent, drowned out by the roar of his anger. He didn't care about control anymore, only about protecting Anya.He focused on the agent with the plasma pistol, picturing him hurled through the window, away from Anya's prone form. With a raw, desperate cry, he unleashed a surge of energy.The agent's eyes widened in terror as an invisible force lifted him off his feet. He flew through the air, crashing through the reinforced window with a sickening thud. The remaining agent stared in horror, his grip tightening on his weapon.Before he could react, Vel lunged, propelled by a surge of adrenaline. He slammed his fist into the agent's chest, the force of the impact sending the armored figure crashing into the wall. The agent crumpled, groaning in pain, his weapon clattering to the floor.Vel stood panting, his body shaking. The apartment was a mess, scorched furniture and debris scattered everywhere. Anya lay motionless on the floor, her pale face illuminated by the flashing emergency lights outside. Panic clawed at him. He hadn't meant to hurt her."Anya?" he rasped, kneeling beside her. He gently shook her shoulder, a desperate plea forming in his throat.A weak groan escaped her lips. Her eyelids fluttered open, revealing a flicker of consciousness."Vel?" she mumbled, her voice raspy. "What happened?"Relief washed over him. "You're okay," he breathed, his voice thick with emotion."You... you saved me," Anya whispered, her eyes widening as she surveyed the wrecked apartment and the unconscious agent sprawled against the wall."I..." Vel trailed off, unsure how to explain the surge of power that had coursed through him. The voice in his head remained silent, offering no guidance.Suddenly, a high-pitched whine filled the air. Several hovercrafts emblazoned with the Consortium insignia materialized outside, their searchlights sweeping across the wrecked building."They're back," Anya rasped, pushing herself to a sitting position. "We need to get out of here."Vel nodded, a cold knot of fear forming in his stomach. He knew they wouldn't be able to hold off another wave of Consortium agents, not with his power depleted and Anya injured.But before they could formulate a plan, the door to the apartment burst open once more. This time, however, the figure who entered wasn't a Consortium agent.A cloaked figure stood silhouetted against the neon glow outside, its features obscured by the hood. In their hand, they wielded a staff that crackled with an otherworldly energy."You are in grave danger," the figure spoke, its voice raspy and distorted. "Come with me, if you seek answers and protection."