Chapter 6: A Spark of Rebellion

Days bled into weeks within the Ascended Plane. Vel and Anya were assigned separate quarters, minimalist chambers carved from the glowing crystal. Training commenced under the watchful eyes of the Ascended.Their instructors were stoic figures, their movements precise and emotionless. The training focused on meditation and channeling Aethel, a more intricate process than Vel had anticipated. Hours were spent focusing on a single point, attempting to draw the vibrant blue energy from the Aethel pools scattered throughout the complex.Frustration gnawed at Vel. He craved understanding, not just rote practice. Anya, though she adapted remarkably well, harbored similar frustrations. The Ascended's teachings lacked any explanation of the "why." Why was control so crucial? Why did they seem so detached from the emotions that swirled within Vel and Anya?One evening, as they snuck out of their respective quarters to meet in a secluded balcony overlooking the vast cavern, Vel voiced his concerns."It's like they're training us to be robots," he grumbled, his voice low.Anya leaned against the railing, gazing at the bioluminescent plants shimmering below. "Exactly. And for what purpose? They keep talking about protecting the universe, but from what?"Vel shook his head. "I don't get it either. It feels like there's more to their story than they're letting on."A flicker of determination ignited in Anya's eyes. "We need to find out what that is. We can't just blindly follow their orders."They fell silent for a moment, the only sound the gentle hum of the Aethel pulsing through the cavern. Suddenly, a new thought struck Vel."Kai," he whispered, remembering the cloaked figure that brought them here. "Do you think they can answer our questions?"Anya scoffed. "Kai seems as much a mystery as the Ascended themselves. Always shrouded, never offering a straight answer."Vel nodded. Yet, he felt a sliver of hope. Kai, despite its cold demeanor, had displayed a flicker of genuine interest in him. Perhaps, with the right approach, they could elicit some information.The next morning, after another grueling training session, Vel found himself alone near a secluded Aethel pool. He hesitated, then steeled himself and approached Kai, who stood motionless beside the pool, staff humming softly."Kai," he began, his voice tentative. "I need to know more about Aether, about the Ascended's purpose."Kai turned towards him, its hood still obscuring its features. A long, tense silence followed."Knowledge comes at a price, young Vel," it rasped finally. "Are you willing to pay it?"Vel's heart pounded. "What price?"Kai raised its staff, the crystal tip glowing with an intense blue light. "A glimpse into the past," it said. "But be warned, the past is not always a gentle teacher."Vel swallowed his fear. He needed answers, and this was the only lead they had. "I'm willing," he said, his voice firm.Kai's staff bathed him in a blinding blue light. Images flooded his mind – a technologically advanced Spasian city, its inhabitants wielding energy with effortless control. Then, a sense of dread, a looming darkness filled his vision. War. Destruction. The Spasians, overwhelmed by a relentless enemy. And finally, a lone figure, shrouded in energy, channeling a blinding light that ripped through the darkness… but at a terrible cost.The visions ceased as abruptly as they began, leaving Vel drained and shaken. He stumbled back, gasping for breath. Anya rushed to his side, her face etched with concern."Vel, what happened?"He took a moment to recover, the horrifying images still burning in his mind. "I saw… the Spasians. Their fall. But there was someone… someone who fought back."Anya exchanged a worried glance with him. The glimpse into the past had offered answers, but also raised more questions. Who were the enemies of the Spasians? And what terrible cost did the lone figure pay to fight them back?Vel looked at Kai, a newfound determination burning in his eyes. "Who was that figure? And what does it have to do with us?"Kai remained silent for a long moment, the blue light from its staff dimming slightly. "That," it rasped, "is a story for another time."