Chapter 7: Whispers in the Dark

Days turned into weeks, the oppressive silence of the Ascended Plane wearing on Vel and Anya's spirits. Their training continued, monotonous and devoid of any context. The visions from Kai's staff lingered in Vel's mind, fueling his curiosity and unease. The Ascended's tight control and their cryptic pronouncements about protecting the universe felt more and more like a veiled threat.One night, unable to sleep, Vel decided to explore the labyrinthine corridors of the Ascended Plane. Drawn by a faint, pulsating light, he found himself in a restricted section, its entrance guarded by a shimmering energy barrier. Curiosity gnawing at him, Vel focused on his newfound connection to Aethel, channeling its energy towards the barrier.To his surprise, the barrier flickered and dissolved, granting him access. The passage beyond was dimly lit, lined with ancient murals depicting scenes of war and devastation. The figures in the murals, both Spasian and their unknown enemies, bore a striking resemblance to the fleeting images from Kai's staff.A faint hum echoed down the corridor, leading Vel to a hidden chamber. Inside, a lone figure hunched over a massive holographic display, its back turned to him. The figure wore the flowing robes of the Ascended, but a hood did not obscure its head. Long, flowing silver hair cascaded down its back."Who's there?" the figure rasped, its voice surprisingly youthful.Vel froze, caught trespassing in a forbidden area. He braced himself for a reprimand, maybe even punishment.The figure turned around, revealing a beautiful woman with piercing blue eyes that seemed to hold centuries of wisdom."You're not supposed to be here," she said, her voice laced with a hint of amusement. "But then again, curiosity has always been a dangerous trait."Vel stammered, "I... I just wanted answers. About the Spasians, about the war, and..." he hesitated, "about the lone figure in the vision."The woman's gaze softened slightly. "You saw them, then," she said, gesturing towards the murals. "The Great Cataclysm. A dark time, one we try not to dwell on."Vel felt a spark of defiance. "But why? We have a right to know our history."The woman sighed, a flicker of sadness crossing her features. "My name is Lyra," she said. "And perhaps, you deserve some answers."She gestured towards a platform near the holographic display. Vel cautiously approached, his heart pounding with anticipation. Lyra activated the display, and it flickered to life, depicting a sprawling cityscape bathed in a blue glow – the Spasian city he witnessed in his vision."This was Aetherium," Lyra began, her voice filled with a melancholic reverence. "The heart of the Spasian civilization. A place where harmony and control over Aethel were paramount."The display shifted, showing figures wielding Aethel with an effortless grace. Vel watched, mesmerized, a deep sense of belonging bubbling within him."Then came the Xhosians," Lyra continued, her voice hardening. "A race fueled by a twisted form of energy, driven by conquest. They descended upon our world like a plague, their hunger for power insatiable."The display morphed into scenes of destruction – energy blasts tearing through buildings, Spasians falling to their knees in agony. Vel felt a pang of horror."The Spasians fought valiantly," Lyra said, "but their reliance on control and moderation proved no match for the Xhosian's brutal savagery."A final image emerged - a lone figure bathed in blinding blue light, fending off the Xhosians. But the figure's form crackled with unstable energy, its eyes glowing with an unnerving intensity."This," Lyra said, her voice barely above a whisper, "was the Ascended One. The last hope of Aetherium. They sacrificed their very essence to unleash a devastating blast that pushed back the Xhosian tide."The display flickered and died, leaving Vel and Lyra in a tense silence. The weight of the history, the sacrifice, pressed down on Vel."But the victory came at a terrible cost," Lyra whispered. "The Ascended One vanished, and the residual energy from the blast rendered Aetherium uninhabitable.""So... the Ascended Plane," Vel finally managed, "it's not a sanctuary, is it?"